Report date: Feb 4,2025 Conflict count: 357963 Publisher: Longdom Group Title count: 8 Conflict count: 23 ========================================================== Created: 2018-10-08 01:45:55 ConfID: 5427216 CauseID: 1433105730 OtherID: 1432322359 JT: Healthy Aging Research MD: Petersen,7,1,,2018,Physical activity and the development of visible age-related signs in the general population: A prospective cohort study DOI: 10.12715/har.2017.7.4(Journal) (5427216-N) DOI: 10.12715/har.2018.7.4(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2018-10-08 01:45:55 ConfID: 5427217 CauseID: 1433105730 OtherID: 1432322359 JT: Healthy Aging Research MD: Pan,7,1,,2018,Significant age-related alterations in the blood plasma metabolome of noncognitively impaired healthy elderly subjects DOI: 10.12715/har.2017.7.5(Journal) (5427217-N) DOI: 10.12715/har.2018.7.5(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2018-10-08 01:45:55 ConfID: 5427214 CauseID: 1433105730 OtherID: 1432322359 JT: Healthy Aging Research MD: Johnsona,7,1,,2018,Insights from a retrospective chart audit of oral nutrition supplement use in long-term care DOI: 10.12715/har.2017.7.2(Journal) (5427214-N) DOI: 10.12715/har.2018.7.2(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2018-10-08 01:45:55 ConfID: 5427215 CauseID: 1433105730 OtherID: 1432322359 JT: Healthy Aging Research MD: Formosa,7,1,,2018,National policies for healthy aging in Malta: achievements and limitations DOI: 10.12715/har.2017.7.3(Journal) (5427215-N) DOI: 10.12715/har.2018.7.3(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2018-10-08 01:39:46 ConfID: 5427213 CauseID: 1433105636 OtherID: 1432321831 JT: Healthy Aging Research MD: Fisher,7,1,,2018,Fat metabolism increases after exercise training in older men, but not women DOI: 10.12715/har.2017.7.1(Journal) (5427213-N) DOI: 10.12715/har.2018.7.1(Journal)