Report date: Jan 28,2025 Conflict count: 357809 Publisher: Deanship of Scientific Research Title count: 4 Conflict count: 10 ========================================================== Created: 2017-07-24 11:13:52 ConfID: 5269926 CauseID: 1409342683 OtherID: 1409283220 JT: International Journal of Computing and Network Technology MD: Alsaydia,et al.,4,3,125,2016,Analysis and Performance Evaluation of OSPF and RIP Routing Protocols Using QualNet DOI: 10.12785/ijcts/040302(Journal) (5269926-N) DOI: 10.12785/ijcnt/040302(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2017-07-24 11:13:52 ConfID: 5269927 CauseID: 1409342683 OtherID: 1409283220 JT: International Journal of Computing and Network Technology MD: Wadi,et al.,4,3,133,2016,Read Data Of PLC Using Tranciver GSM DOI: 10.12785/ijcts/040303(Journal) (5269927-N) DOI: 10.12785/ijcnt/040303(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2017-07-24 11:13:52 ConfID: 5269928 CauseID: 1409342683 OtherID: 1409283220 JT: International Journal of Computing and Network Technology MD: Salloum,et al.,4,3,141,2016,A Survey of Lexical Functional Grammar in the Arabic Contex DOI: 10.12785/ijcts/040304(Journal) (5269928-N) DOI: 10.12785/ijcnt/040304(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2017-07-24 11:13:52 ConfID: 5269929 CauseID: 1409342683 OtherID: 1409283220 JT: International Journal of Computing and Network Technology MD: Aljasmi,4,3,147,2016,Using Color Coded Pattern Clustering Model Combined with Automated System for Courses Scheduling DOI: 10.12785/ijcts/040305(Journal) (5269929-N) DOI: 10.12785/ijcnt/040305(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2017-07-24 11:13:52 ConfID: 5269930 CauseID: 1409342683 OtherID: 1409283220 JT: International Journal of Computing and Network Technology MD: Anh,et al.,4,3,157,2016,Improved QoS Routing Model with Local Information of Network Stat DOI: 10.12785/ijcts/040306(Journal) (5269930-N) DOI: 10.12785/ijcnt/040306(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2017-07-24 11:13:52 ConfID: 5269931 CauseID: 1409342683 OtherID: 1409283220 JT: International Journal of Computing and Network Technology MD: El-Medany,4,3,165,2016,Field Programmable Gate Array System for IoT Applications DOI: 10.12785/ijcts/040307(Journal) (5269931-N) DOI: 10.12785/ijcnt/040307(Journal)