Report date: Jan 28,2025 Conflict count: 357809 Publisher: SAGE Publications Title count: 537 Conflict count: 30889 ========================================================== Created: 2017-06-29 14:03:47 ConfID: 5255035 CauseID: 1408123212 JT: Journal of Learning Disabilities MD: Coles,22,5,305,1989,LD Theory and a Tale from the Town of Chelm DOI: 10.1177/002221948902200510(Journal) (5255035-N) DOI: 10.1177/002221948902200511(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2017-06-29 16:10:35 ConfID: 5256587 CauseID: 1408137095 JT: Journal of Learning Disabilities MD: Benton,6,5,334,1973,Comment: The Eye and Learning Disabilities DOI: 10.1177/002221947400600511(Journal) (5256587-N) DOI: 10.1177/002221947400600512(Journal)