Report date: Jan 28,2025 Conflict count: 357809 Publisher: Indian Society of Plant Genetic Resources Title count: 1 Conflict count: 10 ========================================================== Created: 2024-01-24 00:27:18 ConfID: 7179741 CauseID: 1608299120 JT: Indian Journal of Plant Genetic Resources MD: Saxena,36,2,313,2023,Transgressive Segregation for Seed Protein in an Inter-specific Cajanus Cross DOI: 10.61949/0976-1926.2023.v36i02.14(Journal) (7179741-N) ========================================================== Created: 2024-01-24 00:27:18 ConfID: 7179740 CauseID: 1608299120 JT: Indian Journal of Plant Genetic Resources MD: Gowthami,36,2,317,2023,Genus Allium L. of the Indian Region: A Field Guide for Germplasm Collection and Identification DOI: 10.61949/0976-1926.2023.v36i02.15(Journal) (7179740-N) ========================================================== Created: 2024-01-24 00:27:18 ConfID: 7179743 CauseID: 1608299120 JT: Indian Journal of Plant Genetic Resources MD: Parte,36,2,280,2023,Exploring the Hidden Potential of Traditional Rice Landraces and Mutants for Iron and Zinc Concentration in Brown Rice to Develop Bio-fortified Rice Varieties DOI: 10.61949/0976-1926.2023.v36i02.10(Journal) (7179743-N) ========================================================== Created: 2024-01-24 00:27:18 ConfID: 7179742 CauseID: 1608299120 JT: Indian Journal of Plant Genetic Resources MD: Yerasu,36,2,301,2023,Characterization of Exotic Tomato Germplasm from ICAR-NBPGR Gene Bank DOI: 10.61949/0976-1926.2023.v36i02.12(Journal) (7179742-N) ========================================================== Created: 2024-01-24 00:27:18 ConfID: 7179739 CauseID: 1608299120 JT: Indian Journal of Plant Genetic Resources MD: Thriveni,36,1,85,2023,Characterization and Evaluation of Mulberry Genetic Resources for the Identification of Promising Accessions DOI: 10.61949/0976-1926.2023.v36i01.12(Journal) (7179739-N) ========================================================== Created: 2024-01-24 00:27:18 ConfID: 7179748 CauseID: 1608299120 JT: Indian Journal of Plant Genetic Resources MD: Singh,36,2,216,2023,Genetic Relationships and Population Structure among Maize (Zea mays L.) Landraces as Revealed by Simple Sequence Repeat Markers DOI: 10.61949/0976-1926.2023.v36i02.03(Journal) (7179748-N) ========================================================== Created: 2024-01-24 00:27:18 ConfID: 7179745 CauseID: 1608299120 JT: Indian Journal of Plant Genetic Resources MD: Ram,36,2,256,2023,Breeding for Higher Ascorbic Acid and Mineral Nutrients in Snowball Cauliflower (Brassica oleracea var. botrytis L.) DOI: 10.61949/0976-1926.2023.v36i02.08(Journal) (7179745-N) ========================================================== Created: 2024-01-24 00:27:18 ConfID: 7179744 CauseID: 1608299120 JT: Indian Journal of Plant Genetic Resources MD: Hiremath,36,2,265,2023,Phenotypic Characterization and Diversity Analysis of a Collection of Gladiolus Cultivars in India using Morpho-physiological Traits DOI: 10.61949/0976-1926.2023.v36i02.09(Journal) (7179744-N) ========================================================== Created: 2024-01-24 00:27:18 ConfID: 7179747 CauseID: 1608299120 JT: Indian Journal of Plant Genetic Resources MD: Bishnoi,36,2,233,2023,Eco-geographic Survey, In-situ Characterization and Spatial Analysis of Phenotypic Traits Diversity among the Maize Landraces Collected from Chhattisgarh DOI: 10.61949/0976-1926.2023.v36i02.05(Journal) (7179747-N) ========================================================== Created: 2024-01-24 00:27:18 ConfID: 7179746 CauseID: 1608299120 JT: Indian Journal of Plant Genetic Resources MD: Tomar,36,2,250,2023,NBPGR-PDS: A Precision Tool for Plant Germplasm Collecting DOI: 10.61949/0976-1926.2023.v36i02.07(Journal) (7179746-N)