Report date: Feb 4,2025 Conflict count: 357963 Publisher: Hipatia Press Title count: 2 Conflict count: 9 ========================================================== Created: 2024-11-11 04:54:18 ConfID: 7650324 CauseID: 1655976495 JT: International Journal of Educational Leadership and Management MD: Gratacós,12,3,317,2024,Liderazgo Docente: Percepciones de la Dirección y del Profesorado DOI: 10.4471/ijelm.14688(Journal) (7650324-N) ========================================================== Created: 2024-11-11 04:54:17 ConfID: 7650304 CauseID: 1655976542 JT: International Journal of Educational Leadership and Management MD: Olondriz Valverde,12,3,193,2024,El Liderazgo Intermedio en la Investigación Educativa: Un Estudio Bibliométrico DOI: 10.4471/ijelm.14765(Journal) (7650304-N) ========================================================== Created: 2024-11-11 04:31:49 ConfID: 7650204 CauseID: 1655973926 JT: International Journal of Educational Leadership and Management MD: Pinheiro,12,3,271,2024,Middle Leadership in Educational Teams: Practices and Effects on the Development of Learning Communities DOI: 10.4471/ijelm.13618(Journal) (7650204-N) ========================================================== Created: 2024-11-11 04:54:15 ConfID: 7650284 CauseID: 1655976673 JT: International Journal of Educational Leadership and Management MD: Carvalho,12,3,225,2024,El Papel del Liderazgo Intermedio en la Promoción de Políticas de Educación Inclusiva a través de la Participación de la Comunidad Educativa en Portugal DOI: 10.4471/ijelm.14928(Journal) (7650284-N) ========================================================== Created: 2024-11-11 04:29:35 ConfID: 7650184 CauseID: 1655973595 JT: International Journal of Educational Leadership and Management MD: Tintoré,12,3,157,2024,Liderazgo Educativo Intermedio. Experiencias y Estado de la Cuestión DOI: 10.4471/ijelm.15995(Journal) (7650184-N) ========================================================== Created: 2024-11-11 04:56:34 ConfID: 7650344 CauseID: 1655976904 JT: International Journal of Educational Leadership and Management MD: Rodriguez Espinoza,12,3,167,2024,¿Quiénes Componen el Nivel Intermedio? Un Estudio de Caso sobre Organizaciones de Mejora Escolar en Chile DOI: 10.4471/ijelm.14667(Journal) (7650344-N) ========================================================== Created: 2024-11-11 04:56:32 ConfID: 7650265 CauseID: 1655977068 JT: International Journal of Educational Leadership and Management MD: Valdés Morales,12,3,248,2024,Potenciales Líderes Medios en las Políticas de Inclusión Escolar en Chile DOI: 10.4471/ijelm.14686(Journal) (7650265-N) ========================================================== Created: 2024-11-11 04:56:36 ConfID: 7650266 CauseID: 1655977069 JT: International Journal of Educational Leadership and Management MD: Domínguez-Castillo,12,3,296,2024,Elements, Contexts, and Attributes of Teacher Leadership Identified by College Professors in southeastern Mexico DOI: 10.4471/ijelm.14591(Journal) (7650266-N)