Report date: Jan 28,2025 Conflict count: 357809 Publisher: The Korean Society for Practical Theology Title count: 1 Conflict count: 32 ========================================================== Created: 2020-08-23 21:01:09 ConfID: 5643030 CauseID: 1476200502 OtherID: 1464987109 JT: Theology and praxis MD: Park,68,,475,2020,A Christian Study of the play-centered revised Nuri curriculum DOI: 10.14387/jkspth.2019.68.475(Journal) (5643030-N) DOI: 10.14387/jkspth.2020.68.475(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2020-08-23 21:01:09 ConfID: 5643031 CauseID: 1476200502 OtherID: 1464987109 JT: Theology and praxis MD: Yoon,68,,501,2020,Crises from Experiences of the Loss in the Elderly and Death Education as the Task of the Practical Theology DOI: 10.14387/jkspth.2019.68.501(Journal) (5643031-N) DOI: 10.14387/jkspth.2020.68.501(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2020-08-23 21:01:09 ConfID: 5643028 CauseID: 1476200502 OtherID: 1464987109 JT: Theology and praxis MD: Kim,68,,411,2020,Perceptions of Faith Formation of Young Children : An Exploratory Qualitative Study of Church Ministers DOI: 10.14387/jkspth.2019.68.411(Journal) (5643028-N) DOI: 10.14387/jkspth.2020.68.411(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2020-08-23 21:01:09 ConfID: 5643029 CauseID: 1476200502 OtherID: 1464987109 JT: Theology and praxis MD: Lim,68,,451,2020,A Comparative Study of Jesus’s Disciple and Theological Education in PUTS DOI: 10.14387/jkspth.2019.68.451(Journal) (5643029-N) DOI: 10.14387/jkspth.2020.68.451(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2020-08-23 21:01:09 ConfID: 5643026 CauseID: 1476200502 OtherID: 1464987109 JT: Theology and praxis MD: Yim,68,,367,2020,A Pastoral Counseling Study on Jeong in Korean based on Amae in Japanese DOI: 10.14387/jkspth.2019.68.367(Journal) (5643026-N) DOI: 10.14387/jkspth.2020.68.367(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2020-08-23 21:01:09 ConfID: 5643027 CauseID: 1476200502 OtherID: 1464987109 JT: Theology and praxis MD: Choi,68,,391,2020,A Study on Pastoral Care for Christian Young Adults in the Age of a Demographic Cliff : With a Focus on Bible-based Narrative Therapy DOI: 10.14387/jkspth.2019.68.391(Journal) (5643027-N) DOI: 10.14387/jkspth.2020.68.391(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2020-08-23 21:01:09 ConfID: 5643024 CauseID: 1476200502 OtherID: 1464987109 JT: Theology and praxis MD: Shin,68,,311,2020,A Search for the Possibility of Christian Counseling as Philosophical Counseling through Elucidation of Existence and Elucidation of Meaning DOI: 10.14387/jkspth.2019.68.311(Journal) (5643024-N) DOI: 10.14387/jkspth.2020.68.311(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2020-08-23 21:01:09 ConfID: 5643025 CauseID: 1476200502 OtherID: 1464987109 JT: Theology and praxis MD: Kim,68,,343,2020,A Possibility on Finding both Psychological and Spiritual Meanings in Life Focused on Self - object, Logotherapy and Christotherapy - DOI: 10.14387/jkspth.2019.68.343(Journal) (5643025-N) DOI: 10.14387/jkspth.2020.68.343(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2021-04-27 22:10:23 ConfID: 5643038 CauseID: 1496973250 OtherID: 1464987109 JT: Theology and praxis MD: Kim,68,,687,2020,A study on the Meaning of Human Bing and the Practice of Diakonia in the Tradition of Protestant Churches DOI: 10.14387/jkspth.2019.68.687(Journal) (5643038-N) DOI: 10.14387/jkspth.2020.68.687(Journal) DOI: 10.14387/jkspth.2020.68.697(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2020-08-23 21:01:09 ConfID: 5643039 CauseID: 1476200502 OtherID: 1464987109 JT: Theology and praxis MD: Kim,68,,733,2020,Understanding the Biblical Blessing and Its Practical-Missionary Application DOI: 10.14387/jkspth.2019.68.733(Journal) (5643039-N) DOI: 10.14387/jkspth.2020.68.733(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2020-08-23 21:01:09 ConfID: 5643036 CauseID: 1476200502 OtherID: 1464987109 JT: Theology and praxis MD: Lee,68,,645,2020,70 Years after Korean War, The Future of North Korea Mission: A Study on the Questions Asked in the Movie, Apostle (2014) DOI: 10.14387/jkspth.2019.68.645(Journal) (5643036-N) DOI: 10.14387/jkspth.2020.68.645(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2020-08-23 21:01:09 ConfID: 5643037 CauseID: 1476200502 OtherID: 1464987109 JT: Theology and praxis MD: Kim,68,,675,2020,The Evangelistic Study of Early Medieval(5th‐10th Century) Celtic Christianity and Culture for Korean Church Renewal in the 21st Century DOI: 10.14387/jkspth.2019.68.675(Journal) (5643037-N) DOI: 10.14387/jkspth.2020.68.675(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2020-08-23 21:01:09 ConfID: 5643034 CauseID: 1476200502 OtherID: 1464987109 JT: Theology and praxis MD: Kim,68,,583,2020,An Analysis of the Pseudo-theological and Political Rhetoric of Benjamin Netanyahu and its Dangerous Symbiosis with Dispensationalism with attention to its Missional Implications DOI: 10.14387/jkspth.2019.68.583(Journal) (5643034-N) DOI: 10.14387/jkspth.2020.68.583(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2020-08-23 21:01:09 ConfID: 5643035 CauseID: 1476200502 OtherID: 1464987109 JT: Theology and praxis MD: Min,68,,619,2020,A Way on Missionary Works through Next-Generation Religious Education DOI: 10.14387/jkspth.2019.68.619(Journal) (5643035-N) DOI: 10.14387/jkspth.2020.68.619(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2020-08-23 21:01:09 ConfID: 5643032 CauseID: 1476200502 OtherID: 1464987109 JT: Theology and praxis MD: Jang,68,,527,2020,Francis Kinsler and Bible Club Movement DOI: 10.14387/jkspth.2019.68.527(Journal) (5643032-N) DOI: 10.14387/jkspth.2020.68.527(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2020-08-23 21:01:09 ConfID: 5643033 CauseID: 1476200502 OtherID: 1464987109 JT: Theology and praxis MD: Kye,68,,555,2020,A Study on the Calling of the Missional Church and Christian Leadership DOI: 10.14387/jkspth.2019.68.555(Journal) (5643033-N) DOI: 10.14387/jkspth.2020.68.555(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2020-08-23 21:01:09 ConfID: 5643014 CauseID: 1476200502 OtherID: 1464987109 JT: Theology and praxis MD: Jeong,68,,35,2020,A Study of a Reformed Worship Theology & Practice – Focused on the Genaral Assembly of Presbyterian Church in Korea(GAPCK) DOI: 10.14387/jkspth.2019.68.35(Journal) (5643014-N) DOI: 10.14387/jkspth.2020.68.35(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2020-08-23 21:01:09 ConfID: 5643015 CauseID: 1476200502 OtherID: 1464987109 JT: Theology and praxis MD: Park,68,,67,2020,A Study on the Liturgy and Inculturation of the Church of Asia - Based on the Understanding of Pieris and Phan's Theology of Inculturation DOI: 10.14387/jkspth.2019.68.67(Journal) (5643015-N) DOI: 10.14387/jkspth.2020.68.67(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2020-08-23 21:01:09 ConfID: 5643013 CauseID: 1476200502 OtherID: 1464987109 JT: Theology and praxis MD: Kim,68,,7,2020,A Study on Understanding and Practice of the Eucharist of the ‘Reformed Church’: Centering on Presbyterian Church of Korea(PCK) by Unyong Kim, Ph.D. DOI: 10.14387/jkspth.2019.68.7(Journal) (5643013-N) DOI: 10.14387/jkspth.2020.68.7(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2020-08-23 21:01:09 ConfID: 5643022 CauseID: 1476200502 OtherID: 1464987109 JT: Theology and praxis MD: Cho,68,,255,2020,Study of Spiritual Training in the 4th Industrial Revolution Era - Focusing on Dail Spiritual Training’s recovery and healing ministry - DOI: 10.14387/jkspth.2019.68.255(Journal) (5643022-N) DOI: 10.14387/jkspth.2020.68.255(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2020-08-23 21:01:09 ConfID: 5643023 CauseID: 1476200502 OtherID: 1464987109 JT: Theology and praxis MD: Kwon,68,,279,2020,Pastoral Care for the Victims of Child Sexual Abuse : A Case Study of the Novel, Wish DOI: 10.14387/jkspth.2019.68.279(Journal) (5643023-N) DOI: 10.14387/jkspth.2020.68.279(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2020-08-23 21:01:09 ConfID: 5643020 CauseID: 1476200502 OtherID: 1464987109 JT: Theology and praxis MD: Oh,68,,197,2020,Gospel and Contemplation: Focusing on the commentary of Ruth Burrows for Interior Castle of Teresa of Avila DOI: 10.14387/jkspth.2019.68.197(Journal) (5643020-N) DOI: 10.14387/jkspth.2020.68.197(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2020-08-23 21:01:09 ConfID: 5643021 CauseID: 1476200502 OtherID: 1464987109 JT: Theology and praxis MD: Kim,68,,231,2020,The Study on the Spirituality of the City by Philip Sheldrake : Focusing on the City’s Search for Spirituality of Reconciliation DOI: 10.14387/jkspth.2019.68.231(Journal) (5643021-N) DOI: 10.14387/jkspth.2020.68.231(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2020-08-23 21:01:09 ConfID: 5643018 CauseID: 1476200502 OtherID: 1464987109 JT: Theology and praxis MD: Cho,68,,147,2020,A Homiletical Implication of “Preaching the Gospel” DOI: 10.14387/jkspth.2019.68.147(Journal) (5643018-N) DOI: 10.14387/jkspth.2020.68.147(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2020-08-23 21:01:09 ConfID: 5643019 CauseID: 1476200502 OtherID: 1464987109 JT: Theology and praxis MD: Park,68,,169,2020,A Theo-ethical Reading of Preaching as a Communal Practice toward Making New Relations : Focusing on Campbell's Nonviolent Resistance and Brueggemann's Alternative Interpretation DOI: 10.14387/jkspth.2019.68.169(Journal) (5643019-N) DOI: 10.14387/jkspth.2020.68.169(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2020-08-23 21:01:09 ConfID: 5643016 CauseID: 1476200502 OtherID: 1464987109 JT: Theology and praxis MD: Choi,68,,95,2020,A Theological Understanding of Preaching as an Event of the ‘Coming Word’ of God(Reden) : Centering in Dogmatics on God’s Word of Karl Barth DOI: 10.14387/jkspth.2019.68.95(Journal) (5643016-N) DOI: 10.14387/jkspth.2020.68.95(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2020-08-23 21:01:09 ConfID: 5643017 CauseID: 1476200502 OtherID: 1464987109 JT: Theology and praxis MD: Kim,68,,119,2020,A Study on the Personal Preaching between the Preacher and the Congregation DOI: 10.14387/jkspth.2019.68.119(Journal) (5643017-N) DOI: 10.14387/jkspth.2020.68.119(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2020-08-23 21:01:09 ConfID: 5643044 CauseID: 1476200502 OtherID: 1464987109 JT: Theology and praxis MD: Yoon,68,,865,2020,Analysis on Stopped Nuclear Peace Process and the Homeworks Churches’ Practical Plan DOI: 10.14387/jkspth.2019.68.865(Journal) (5643044-N) DOI: 10.14387/jkspth.2020.68.865(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2020-08-23 21:01:09 ConfID: 5643042 CauseID: 1476200502 OtherID: 1464987109 JT: Theology and praxis MD: Hwang,68,,811,2020,A Study on the Countermeasures of the Future Church in the Era of Fourth Industrial Revolution and Artificial Intelligence DOI: 10.14387/jkspth.2019.68.811(Journal) (5643042-N) DOI: 10.14387/jkspth.2020.68.811(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2020-08-23 21:01:09 ConfID: 5643043 CauseID: 1476200502 OtherID: 1464987109 JT: Theology and praxis MD: Lee,68,,839,2020,A Study of Churches That Run Neighborhood Orchestras - Focusing on Music Home’s ‘Our Neighborhood Orchestra’- DOI: 10.14387/jkspth.2019.68.839(Journal) (5643043-N) DOI: 10.14387/jkspth.2020.68.839(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2020-08-23 21:01:09 ConfID: 5643040 CauseID: 1476200502 OtherID: 1464987109 JT: Theology and praxis MD: Kim,68,,759,2020,Theological reflection on an age of Postbody : Focusing on the concept of Body and Flesh DOI: 10.14387/jkspth.2019.68.759(Journal) (5643040-N) DOI: 10.14387/jkspth.2020.68.759(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2020-08-23 21:01:09 ConfID: 5643041 CauseID: 1476200502 OtherID: 1464987109 JT: Theology and praxis MD: Cho,68,,785,2020,Social pastoral Ministry in the Understanding of practical theology. DOI: 10.14387/jkspth.2019.68.785(Journal) (5643041-N) DOI: 10.14387/jkspth.2020.68.785(Journal)