Report date: Jan 28,2025 Conflict count: 357809 Publisher: Sultan Qaboos University Journal for Arts & Social Sciences Title count: 1 Conflict count: 218 ========================================================== Created: 2023-11-16 02:05:06 ConfID: 7027455 CauseID: 1597380657 OtherID: 1411232588 JT: Journal of Arts and Social Sciences [JASS] MD: Al-Ghamdi,1,1,2,2010,The Multi-dimensional Problem of Quantifying Cartographic Generalization Uncertainty: Linear Features as an Example. DOI: 10.24200/jass.vol1iss1pp2-13(Journal) (7027455-N) DOI: 10.53542/jass.v1i1.1030(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2023-11-16 02:04:58 ConfID: 7027454 CauseID: 1597380631 OtherID: 1411232588 JT: Journal of Arts and Social Sciences [JASS] MD: En-nehas,1,1,14,2010,A Book Review of Salah Stétié. Fils de la parole: Un poète d’Islam en Occident. Interview with GwendolineJarczyk. Paris. (Albin Michel). 2004. 263 pages. C19.50. ISBN 2-226-15192-3 DOI: 10.24200/jass.vol1iss1pp14-15(Journal) (7027454-N) DOI: 10.53542/jass.v1i1.1031(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2023-11-16 02:54:08 ConfID: 7027563 CauseID: 1597385797 OtherID: 1411232588 JT: Journal of Arts and Social Sciences [JASS] MD: Al-Ani,7,3,53,2016,Faculty Members’ Attitudes Toward Interdisciplinary Studies in the College of Education at Sultan Qaboos University DOI: 10.24200/jass.vol7iss3pp53-67(Journal) (7027563-N) DOI: 10.53542/jass.v7i3.1140(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2023-11-16 02:54:05 ConfID: 7027562 CauseID: 1597385794 OtherID: 1411232588 JT: Journal of Arts and Social Sciences [JASS] MD: Salem,7,3,69,2016,The Logic Behind the Classification of Sciences in the Arab-Islamic Classification Systems: with the Modern Western Classification Systems An Analytical Comparative Reading DOI: 10.24200/jass.vol7iss3pp69-78(Journal) (7027562-N) DOI: 10.53542/jass.v7i3.1141(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2023-11-16 02:54:01 ConfID: 7027561 CauseID: 1597385790 OtherID: 1411232588 JT: Journal of Arts and Social Sciences [JASS] MD: Yousef,7,3,79,2016,Engineering Programs and Social Sciences at Sultan Qaboos University: Presentation of Experience and Trends DOI: 10.24200/jass.vol7iss3pp79-90(Journal) (7027561-N) DOI: 10.53542/jass.v7i3.1142(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2023-11-16 02:53:58 ConfID: 7027560 CauseID: 1597385784 OtherID: 1411232588 JT: Journal of Arts and Social Sciences [JASS] MD: Al Kindi,7,3,91,2016,Between Jurisprudence and Grammar: Old Trends and Modern Visions DOI: 10.24200/jass.vol7iss3pp91-104(Journal) (7027560-N) DOI: 10.53542/jass.v7i3.1143(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2023-11-16 02:57:44 ConfID: 7027567 CauseID: 1597385928 OtherID: 1421947479 JT: Journal of Arts and Social Sciences [JASS] MD: Fadda,8,3,5,2018,Scientific Research Obstacles – Jordan Experiment DOI: 10.24200/jass.vol8iss3pp5-11(Journal) (7027567-N) DOI: 10.53542/jass.v8i3.2466(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2023-11-16 02:55:05 ConfID: 7027566 CauseID: 1597385827 OtherID: 1411232588 JT: Journal of Arts and Social Sciences [JASS] MD: AlHarrasi,7,3,5,2016,Using Soft Systems Methodology in Social Sciences: Improvement of the Research Methods Module at the Department of Information Studies at Sultan Qaboos University as an example DOI: 10.24200/jass.vol7iss3pp5-15(Journal) (7027566-N) DOI: 10.53542/jass.v7i3.1137(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2023-11-16 02:54:55 ConfID: 7027565 CauseID: 1597385822 OtherID: 1411232588 JT: Journal of Arts and Social Sciences [JASS] MD: Sofy Osman,7,3,17,2016,Obstacles Faced by Social Workers in Trying to Benefit from Other Sciences Related to Social Service during their Professional Practice in Schools DOI: 10.24200/jass.vol7iss3pp17-29(Journal) (7027565-N) DOI: 10.53542/jass.v7i3.1138(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2023-11-16 02:54:18 ConfID: 7027564 CauseID: 1597385801 OtherID: 1411232588 JT: Journal of Arts and Social Sciences [JASS] MD: Al Niblaoi,7,3,31,2016,Social and Cultural Dimensions of Genetic Blood Diseases An Anthropological study in the Omani Society DOI: 10.24200/jass.vol7iss3pp31-52(Journal) (7027564-N) DOI: 10.53542/jass.v7i3.1139(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2023-11-16 02:53:40 ConfID: 7027555 CauseID: 1597385766 OtherID: 1411232588 JT: Journal of Arts and Social Sciences [JASS] MD: Abdo,7,3,155,2016,Interdisciplinary Researches and the Progress of Human Societies in the New Millennium: Practical Experiences and Futuristic Options DOI: 10.24200/jass.vol7iss3pp155-165(Journal) (7027555-N) DOI: 10.53542/jass.v7i3.1149(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2023-11-16 02:53:36 ConfID: 7027554 CauseID: 1597385760 OtherID: 1411232588 JT: Journal of Arts and Social Sciences [JASS] MD: Elnahas,7,3,167,2016,Aesthetic Values the Color Blue Prevailing on the Ottoman Ceramic Artifacts: A Study in Islamic Heritage and the Arts DOI: 10.24200/jass.vol7iss3pp167-194(Journal) (7027554-N) DOI: 10.53542/jass.v7i3.1150(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2023-11-16 02:53:33 ConfID: 7027553 CauseID: 1597385753 OtherID: 1411232588 JT: Journal of Arts and Social Sciences [JASS] MD: Abdelaziz,7,3,195,2016,Psychological Assessment and Guidance of Thoughts, Emotions, and Behavior Among Male and Female of Adolescents by Using the Computer DOI: 10.24200/jass.vol7iss3pp195-211(Journal) (7027553-N) DOI: 10.53542/jass.v7i3.1151(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2023-11-16 02:53:29 ConfID: 7027552 CauseID: 1597385751 OtherID: 1411232588 JT: Journal of Arts and Social Sciences [JASS] MD: Abdulmawla,7,3,213,2016,Contemporary Art on the Touchstone of Social Sciences: The Experience of the Artist Jeff Koons as a Model DOI: 10.24200/jass.vol7iss3pp213-220(Journal) (7027552-N) DOI: 10.53542/jass.v7i3.1152(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2023-11-16 02:53:53 ConfID: 7027559 CauseID: 1597385778 OtherID: 1411232588 JT: Journal of Arts and Social Sciences [JASS] MD: Al Fazari,7,3,105,2016,Wife Abuse in the Omani Society: An Interdisciplinary Psycho-social Study DOI: 10.24200/jass.vol7iss3pp105-113(Journal) (7027559-N) DOI: 10.53542/jass.v7i3.1145(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2023-11-16 02:53:50 ConfID: 7027558 CauseID: 1597385775 OtherID: 1411232588 JT: Journal of Arts and Social Sciences [JASS] MD: Yahia,7,3,115,2016,The Relationship between Ecology and Law: Methodology for the Adoption of Scientific Standards for Pollution and their Application in Algerian Environmental Law DOI: 10.24200/jass.vol7iss3pp115-122(Journal) (7027558-N) DOI: 10.53542/jass.v7i3.1146(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2023-11-16 02:53:47 ConfID: 7027557 CauseID: 1597385770 OtherID: 1411232588 JT: Journal of Arts and Social Sciences [JASS] MD: Bayoumy,7,3,123,2016,Barriers to Interdisciplinary Studies in the Social Sciences: A Field Study DOI: 10.24200/jass.vol7iss3pp123-139(Journal) (7027557-N) DOI: 10.53542/jass.v7i3.1147(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2023-11-16 02:53:44 ConfID: 7027556 CauseID: 1597385767 OtherID: 1411232588 JT: Journal of Arts and Social Sciences [JASS] MD: Al Hijji,7,3,141,2016,The Specialization of Information Science and its Relationship with other Specializations: The Experience of the Department of Information Studies at Sultan Qaboos University DOI: 10.24200/jass.vol7iss3pp141-154(Journal) (7027556-N) DOI: 10.53542/jass.v7i3.1148(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2023-11-16 03:01:57 ConfID: 7027579 CauseID: 1597386159 OtherID: 1418101040 JT: Journal of Arts and Social Sciences [JASS] MD: Al Nawfali,8,1,157,2017,Attitudes of the GCC youths towards marriage-related issues and requirements: A field study on youths planning to get married in the GCC countries DOI: 10.24200/jass.vol8iss1pp157-172(Journal) (7027579-N) DOI: 10.53542/jass.v8i1.2291(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2023-11-16 02:58:18 ConfID: 7027578 CauseID: 1597385959 OtherID: 1421947479 JT: Journal of Arts and Social Sciences [JASS] MD: Darawsha,8,3,13,2017,Level of competence of the administrative staff at Yarmouk University in light of their demographic differences DOI: 10.24200/jass.vol8iss3pp13-27(Journal) (7027578-N) DOI: 10.53542/jass.v8i3.2467(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2023-11-16 02:58:14 ConfID: 7027577 CauseID: 1597385958 OtherID: 1421947479 JT: Journal of Arts and Social Sciences [JASS] MD: Arous,8,3,29,2017,Breaking desire : a study of the use of metaphorin Mohamed al-Yehyai `s novel Hawd al shahawat DOI: 10.24200/jass.vol8iss3pp29-41(Journal) (7027577-N) DOI: 10.53542/jass.v8i3.2468(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2023-11-16 02:58:10 ConfID: 7027576 CauseID: 1597385954 OtherID: 1421947479 JT: Journal of Arts and Social Sciences [JASS] MD: Al-Quisi,8,3,43,2018,The Relationship of Social, Economic and Psychological Factors to Domestic Violence against Children in the region of Al-Jawf of Saudi Arabiatic DOI: 10.24200/jass.vol8iss3pp43-56(Journal) (7027576-N) DOI: 10.53542/jass.v8i3.2455(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2023-11-16 03:02:10 ConfID: 7027583 CauseID: 1597386168 OtherID: 1418101040 JT: Journal of Arts and Social Sciences [JASS] MD: Fattah Mohammed,8,1,81,2017,Patterns of sleep disorders in children with autism with the attention deficit -hyperactivity disorder DOI: 10.24200/jass.vol8iss1pp81-101(Journal) (7027583-N) DOI: 10.53542/jass.v8i1.2287(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2023-11-16 03:02:07 ConfID: 7027582 CauseID: 1597386165 OtherID: 1418101040 JT: Journal of Arts and Social Sciences [JASS] MD: Al hinai,8,1,103,2017,Al- jahiz Vision in Umayyad era DOI: 10.24200/jass.vol8iss1pp103-113(Journal) (7027582-N) DOI: 10.53542/jass.v8i1.2288(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2023-11-16 03:02:03 ConfID: 7027581 CauseID: 1597386162 OtherID: 1418101040 JT: Journal of Arts and Social Sciences [JASS] MD: Al-Mashikhi,8,1,115,2017,The Effecting Factors in The Mass Media in the Sultanate of Oman: A field study on Omani Journalists DOI: 10.24200/jass.vol8iss1pp115-138(Journal) (7027581-N) DOI: 10.53542/jass.v8i1.2289(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2023-11-16 03:02:00 ConfID: 7027580 CauseID: 1597386161 OtherID: 1418101040 JT: Journal of Arts and Social Sciences [JASS] MD: Alsaweel,8,1,139,2017,The Counter-Effects Of The Application Of Imprisonment Alternatives On The Families Of The Imprisoned Individuals From The Point Of View Of The Prisoners In The Al-Qaseem Region – SUDIA ARABIA” DOI: 10.24200/jass.vol8iss1pp139-156(Journal) (7027580-N) DOI: 10.53542/jass.v8i1.2290(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2023-11-16 02:57:55 ConfID: 7027571 CauseID: 1597385940 OtherID: 1421947479 JT: Journal of Arts and Social Sciences [JASS] MD: AL-Zarei,8,3,107,2018,Visions of Sultan Qaboos University Students Regarding the Work System:A Field Study on a Sample of Students who Expected to Graduate in 2013 DOI: 10.24200/jass.vol8iss3pp107-121(Journal) (7027571-N) DOI: 10.53542/jass.v8i3.2460(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2023-11-16 02:57:53 ConfID: 7027570 CauseID: 1597385939 OtherID: 1421947479 JT: Journal of Arts and Social Sciences [JASS] MD: Al-Ma’ani,8,3,5,2018,Translation and EFL in Oman DOI: 10.24200/jass.vol8iss3pp5-14(Journal) (7027570-N) DOI: 10.53542/jass.v8i3.2463(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2023-11-16 02:57:49 ConfID: 7027569 CauseID: 1597385935 OtherID: 1421947479 JT: Journal of Arts and Social Sciences [JASS] MD: Tag-Eldin,8,3,15,2018,Alerters in Sudanese Arabic and English Requests DOI: 10.24200/jass.vol8iss3pp15-26(Journal) (7027569-N) DOI: 10.53542/jass.v8i3.2464(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2023-11-16 02:57:46 ConfID: 7027568 CauseID: 1597385934 OtherID: 1421947479 JT: Journal of Arts and Social Sciences [JASS] MD: Balasubramanian,8,3,27,2018,New Englishes Norms: A Reality or an Intellectual Ideal? DOI: 10.24200/jass.vol8iss3pp27-39(Journal) (7027568-N) DOI: 10.53542/jass.v8i3.2465(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2023-11-16 02:58:06 ConfID: 7027575 CauseID: 1597385951 OtherID: 1421947479 JT: Journal of Arts and Social Sciences [JASS] MD: Al Garoo,8,3,57,2018,Rise and fall of Maritime Hubs in Pre-Islamic Arabia DOI: 10.24200/jass.vol8iss3pp57-69(Journal) (7027575-N) DOI: 10.53542/jass.v8i3.2456(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2023-11-16 02:58:04 ConfID: 7027574 CauseID: 1597385948 OtherID: 1421947479 JT: Journal of Arts and Social Sciences [JASS] MD: Zarrouk,8,3,71,2018,Female Life Expectancy Rates and Factors Affecting them: An Analytical-Quantitative Study DOI: 10.24200/jass.vol8iss3pp71-80(Journal) (7027574-N) DOI: 10.53542/jass.v8i3.2457(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2023-11-16 02:58:01 ConfID: 7027573 CauseID: 1597385945 OtherID: 1421947479 JT: Journal of Arts and Social Sciences [JASS] MD: Al-Maizar,8,3,81,2018,Research Centers in Saudi Arabia “the present and hopeful realities and merits": A theoretical study DOI: 10.24200/jass.vol8iss3pp81-90(Journal) (7027573-N) DOI: 10.53542/jass.v8i3.2458(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2023-11-16 02:57:58 ConfID: 7027572 CauseID: 1597385944 OtherID: 1421947479 JT: Journal of Arts and Social Sciences [JASS] MD: Mohammed,8,3,91,2018,Interception in the Holy Quran and its Rhetorical Purposes DOI: 10.24200/jass.vol8iss3pp91-106(Journal) (7027572-N) DOI: 10.53542/jass.v8i3.2459(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2023-11-16 02:31:50 ConfID: 7027531 CauseID: 1597384029 OtherID: 1411232588 JT: Journal of Arts and Social Sciences [JASS] MD: Alhasan,6,3,47,2015,The impact of governmental efforts in the fight against corruption, and citizen’s satisfaction with the government’s performance on the participation of citizens in the social movement (Alherak) in Jordan DOI: 10.24200/jass.vol6iss3pp47-60(Journal) (7027531-N) DOI: 10.53542/jass.v6i3.1098(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2023-11-16 02:31:47 ConfID: 7027530 CauseID: 1597384019 OtherID: 1411232588 JT: Journal of Arts and Social Sciences [JASS] MD: Al-Zwbaidi,6,3,61,2015,Assessing the Status of Drought Using Remote Sensing: An empirical study in the Western areas of the Taif district in Saudi Arabia DOI: 10.24200/jass.vol6iss3pp61-74(Journal) (7027530-N) DOI: 10.53542/jass.v6i3.1099(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2023-11-16 02:31:45 ConfID: 7027529 CauseID: 1597384005 OtherID: 1411232588 JT: Journal of Arts and Social Sciences [JASS] MD: Hatamla,6,3,75,2015,Administrative Detention and Its Objective and Procedural Warrantees: A Study of the Jordanian Law DOI: 10.24200/jass.vol6iss3pp75-96(Journal) (7027529-N) DOI: 10.53542/jass.v6i3.1100(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2023-11-16 02:31:42 ConfID: 7027528 CauseID: 1597384004 OtherID: 1411232588 JT: Journal of Arts and Social Sciences [JASS] MD: Salem Mashani,6,3,97,2015,The Social Aspects of the Language Varieties in the Contemporary Omani Society: A Sociolinguistic Study DOI: 10.24200/jass.vol6iss3pp97-110(Journal) (7027528-N) DOI: 10.53542/jass.v6i3.1101(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2023-11-16 02:42:38 ConfID: 7027535 CauseID: 1597385166 OtherID: 1411232588 JT: Journal of Arts and Social Sciences [JASS] MD: Horani,7,1,135,2015,Dynamics of confrontation between popular mobilization and state In Jordan: An analytical social conflict approach DOI: 10.24200/jass.vol7iss1pp135-154(Journal) (7027535-N) DOI: 10.53542/jass.v7i1.1112(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2023-11-16 02:31:59 ConfID: 7027534 CauseID: 1597384043 OtherID: 1411232588 JT: Journal of Arts and Social Sciences [JASS] MD: Al Lawati,6,3,5,2015,The Question of “Death” in Three Stories: A Comparative Study DOI: 10.24200/jass.vol6iss3pp5-17(Journal) (7027534-N) DOI: 10.53542/jass.v6i3.1094(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2023-11-16 02:31:56 ConfID: 7027533 CauseID: 1597384041 OtherID: 1411232588 JT: Journal of Arts and Social Sciences [JASS] MD: Alharazy,6,3,19,2015,The Intellectual and Technological Dimensions of Virtual Reality and Its Effectiveness in Drawing and Painting DOI: 10.24200/jass.vol6iss3pp19-29(Journal) (7027533-N) DOI: 10.53542/jass.v6i3.1095(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2023-11-16 02:31:53 ConfID: 7027532 CauseID: 1597384031 OtherID: 1411232588 JT: Journal of Arts and Social Sciences [JASS] MD: Shatnawy,6,3,31,2015,The Competence of the Judicial Authority in Deciding the Validity of Parliamentary Membership DOI: 10.24200/jass.vol6iss3pp31-46(Journal) (7027532-N) DOI: 10.53542/jass.v6i3.1096(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2023-11-16 02:31:29 ConfID: 7027523 CauseID: 1597383961 OtherID: 1411232588 JT: Journal of Arts and Social Sciences [JASS] MD: Al-Hamly,6,3,17,2015,An Investigation into Assessment Preferences of Gulf Arab Students DOI: 10.24200/jass.vol6iss3pp17-33(Journal) (7027523-N) DOI: 10.53542/jass.v6i3.1106(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2023-11-16 02:30:37 ConfID: 7027522 CauseID: 1597383807 OtherID: 1411232588 JT: Journal of Arts and Social Sciences [JASS] MD: Al Harthy,6,2,5,2015,Ethnomusicology: Issues and Possibilities DOI: 10.24200/jass.vol6iss2pp5-14(Journal) (7027522-N) DOI: 10.53542/jass.v6i2.1084(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2023-11-16 02:30:35 ConfID: 7027521 CauseID: 1597383795 OtherID: 1411232588 JT: Journal of Arts and Social Sciences [JASS] MD: Al-Saqri,6,2,15,2015,Factors Influencing Career Decision-Making among Tenth grade students in South Batina Governorate DOI: 10.24200/jass.vol6iss2pp15-31(Journal) (7027521-N) DOI: 10.53542/jass.v6i2.1085(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2023-11-16 02:30:32 ConfID: 7027520 CauseID: 1597383793 OtherID: 1411232588 JT: Journal of Arts and Social Sciences [JASS] MD: Naser,6,2,33,2015,The Role of Social Networks in Egypt’s January 2011Revolution DOI: 10.24200/jass.vol6iss2pp33-48(Journal) (7027520-N) DOI: 10.53542/jass.v6i2.1086(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2023-11-16 02:31:40 ConfID: 7027527 CauseID: 1597384002 OtherID: 1411232588 JT: Journal of Arts and Social Sciences [JASS] MD: Haddad,6,3,111,2015,An Analytical Study of the Pedagogical Views of Carl Czerny Dedicated for Piano Performing Skills DOI: 10.24200/jass.vol6iss3pp111-120(Journal) (7027527-N) DOI: 10.53542/jass.v6i3.1102(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2023-11-16 02:31:37 ConfID: 7027526 CauseID: 1597383995 OtherID: 1411232588 JT: Journal of Arts and Social Sciences [JASS] MD: Abu Eid,6,3,121,2015,A Linguistic Study of Contemporary Efforts of Arabic Spelling (Orthography) System DOI: 10.24200/jass.vol6iss3pp121-133(Journal) (7027526-N) DOI: 10.53542/jass.v6i3.1103(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2023-11-16 02:31:35 ConfID: 7027525 CauseID: 1597383982 OtherID: 1411232588 JT: Journal of Arts and Social Sciences [JASS] MD: Kallow,6,3,135,2015,Evaluation of Higher Diploma in Medical Librarianship Programme offered by SQU Department of Information Studies in the Light of the Professional Competences Approved by MLA DOI: 10.24200/jass.vol6iss3pp135-147(Journal) (7027525-N) DOI: 10.53542/jass.v6i3.1104(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2023-11-16 02:31:32 ConfID: 7027524 CauseID: 1597383979 OtherID: 1411232588 JT: Journal of Arts and Social Sciences [JASS] MD: Al Hajri,6,3,3,2015,Omani Classical Poetry and Discourse Deviation DOI: 10.24200/jass.vol6iss3pp3-15(Journal) (7027524-N) DOI: 10.53542/jass.v6i3.1105(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2023-11-16 02:45:04 ConfID: 7027547 CauseID: 1597385313 OtherID: 1411232588 JT: Journal of Arts and Social Sciences [JASS] MD: Fouad Elnabalawi,7,2,347,2016,Omani Folk Tales: Anthropological Approach to Understand Social Culture Meanings DOI: 10.24200/jass.vol7iss2pp347-371(Journal) (7027547-N) DOI: 10.53542/jass.v7i2.1125(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2023-11-16 02:44:59 ConfID: 7027546 CauseID: 1597385299 OtherID: 1411232588 JT: Journal of Arts and Social Sciences [JASS] MD: ElBahnasawy,7,2,373,2016,Egyptian Revolution and Its Impact on Work Values Among A Sample of Teachers in Assiut Governorate DOI: 10.24200/jass.vol7iss2pp373-394(Journal) (7027546-N) DOI: 10.53542/jass.v7i2.1126(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2023-11-16 02:44:56 ConfID: 7027545 CauseID: 1597385294 OtherID: 1411232588 JT: Journal of Arts and Social Sciences [JASS] MD: Almadani,7,2,395,2016,The Role of Social Communication Networks in Constructing Public Opinion among Students at Saudi Arabian Universities (Umm AlQura University as a model) DOI: 10.24200/jass.vol7iss2pp395-425(Journal) (7027545-N) DOI: 10.53542/jass.v7i2.1127(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2023-11-16 02:44:44 ConfID: 7027544 CauseID: 1597385267 OtherID: 1411232588 JT: Journal of Arts and Social Sciences [JASS] MD: Al-Yahyai,7,2,427,2016,The Role of Open Art Studio in Encouraging University Students to Practice Art Activities DOI: 10.24200/jass.vol7iss2pp427-429(Journal) (7027544-N) DOI: 10.53542/jass.v7i2.1128(Journal) 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OtherID: 1411232588 JT: Journal of Arts and Social Sciences [JASS] MD: Al-Samamah,7,2,315,2016,The Provisions of the Provisional Attachment Imposed on the Vessel According to the Jordanian Law: An Analytical Comparative Study DOI: 10.24200/jass.vol7iss2pp315-335(Journal) (7027549-N) DOI: 10.53542/jass.v7i2.1123(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2023-11-16 02:45:07 ConfID: 7027548 CauseID: 1597385323 OtherID: 1411232588 JT: Journal of Arts and Social Sciences [JASS] MD: Qbilat,7,2,337,2016,The Other’s Image in Arabic Feminist Narrative DOI: 10.24200/jass.vol7iss2pp337-345(Journal) (7027548-N) DOI: 10.53542/jass.v7i2.1124(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2023-11-16 02:44:23 ConfID: 7027539 CauseID: 1597385246 OtherID: 1411232588 JT: Journal of Arts and Social Sciences [JASS] MD: Hamed,7,2,529,2016,Text Grammar in Saad Maslouh’s Writing DOI: 10.24200/jass.vol7iss2pp529-553(Journal) (7027539-N) DOI: 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