Report date: Jul 2, 2024 Conflict count: 357264 Publisher: Academy of Science of South Africa Title count: 17 Conflict count: 313 ========================================================== Created: 2024-07-02 08:06:48.0 ConfID: 7364709 CauseID: 1636060699 OtherID: 1635537552 JT: Educational Research for Social Change MD: Mandikonza, 13 ,1,1,2024,Using Arts-Based Methodologies: Facilitating First-Year Pre-Service Teachers'' Collaborative Teaching of Cell Biology DOI: 10.17159/2221-4070/2023/v13i1a1(Journal) (7364709-N ) DOI: 10.17159/2221-4070/2024/v13i1a1(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2024-07-02 08:06:48.0 ConfID: 7364710 CauseID: 1636060699 OtherID: 1635537552 JT: Educational Research for Social Change MD: Tshuma, 13 ,1,18,2024,Drama in the Science Classroom: Reimagining the Teaching of Natural and Life Sciences DOI: 10.17159/2221-4070/2023/v13i1a2(Journal) (7364710-N ) DOI: 10.17159/2221-4070/2024/v13i2a2(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2024-07-02 08:06:48.0 ConfID: 7364711 CauseID: 1636060699 OtherID: 1635537552 JT: Educational Research for Social Change MD: O''Donoghue, 13 ,1,34,2024,A Formative Study Towards the Inclusion of Indigenous Technologies and Knowledge Practices in Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Mathematics (STEAM) Curriculum Settings DOI: 10.17159/2221-4070/2023/v13i1a3(Journal) (7364711-N ) DOI: 10.17159/2221-4070/2024/v13i3a3(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2024-07-02 08:06:48.0 ConfID: 7364712 CauseID: 1636060699 OtherID: 1635537552 JT: Educational Research for Social Change MD: Khau, 13 ,1,48,2024,Using Drama Pedagogy to Enhance Understanding of HIV Transmission, Infection, and Prevention Among Third-Year Student Teachers DOI: 10.17159/2221-4070/2023/v13i1a4(Journal) (7364712-N ) DOI: 10.17159/2221-4070/2024/v13i1a4(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2024-07-02 08:06:48.0 ConfID: 7364713 CauseID: 1636060699 OtherID: 1635537552 JT: Educational Research for Social Change MD: Schudel, 13 ,1,64,2024,Enabling STE(A)M in Sustainability Education Through Dialogic/Dialectic Reconciliation DOI: 10.17159/2221-4070/2023/v13i1a5(Journal) (7364713-N ) DOI: 10.17159/2221-4070/2024/v13i1a5(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2024-07-02 08:06:48.0 ConfID: 7364714 CauseID: 1636060699 OtherID: 1635537552 JT: Educational Research for Social Change MD: Tsakeni, 13 ,1,85,2024,Exploring Design Principles for STEAM Learning Activities Development by Science and Technology Teachers DOI: 10.17159/2221-4070/2023/v13i1a6(Journal) (7364714-N ) DOI: 10.17159/2221-4070/2024/v13i1a6(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2024-07-02 08:06:48.0 ConfID: 7364715 CauseID: 1636060699 OtherID: 1635537552 JT: Educational Research for Social Change MD: Nyamupangedengu, 13 ,1,107,2024,Turning the Art of Karanga Beer Brewing Into a Science: An Example of Humanising Biology Teaching and Learning DOI: 10.17159/2221-4070/2023/v13i1a7(Journal) (7364715-N ) DOI: 10.17159/2221-4070/2024/v13i1a7(Journal)