Report date: Jan 28,2025 Conflict count: 357809 Publisher: Sift Desk Publications Title count: 4 Conflict count: 5 ========================================================== Created: 2017-03-14 09:08:36 ConfID: 5212384 CauseID: 1403377875 OtherID: 1400297168 JT: SDRP Journal of Food Science & Technology MD: Augusto Chaves,2,1,,2017,Molecular Docking and Semi-Empirical Study of the Binding between Allura Red, a synthetic food dye, with Bovine Serum Albumin DOI: 10.15436/JFST.2.1.1(Journal) (5212384-N) DOI: 10.15436/JFST.2.1.1a(Journal)