Report date: Jan 28,2025 Conflict count: 357809 Publisher: International Journal of Business and Economic Affairs Title count: 1 Conflict count: 4 ========================================================== Created: 2021-05-21 15:17:49 ConfID: 6067576 CauseID: 1499180565 OtherID: 1495644751 JT: International Journal of Business and Economic Affairs MD: ,3,5,,2018,The Effect of Conventional Customer Habit: Touch, Sight, Smell on Online Written Batik Fabric DOI: 10.24088/IJBEA-2018-35002(Journal) (6067576-N) DOI: 10.24088/IJBEA-2019-35002(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2021-05-21 15:17:49 ConfID: 6067577 CauseID: 1499180565 OtherID: 1495644751 JT: International Journal of Business and Economic Affairs MD: ,3,5,,2018,The Improvement of Overhaul Desalination Plant Pltgu Duration in Pt. Pjb up Gresik Using Approach of Lean-Six Sigma Method DOI: 10.24088/IJBEA-2018-35003(Journal) (6067577-N) DOI: 10.24088/IJBEA-2019-35003(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2021-05-21 15:17:49 ConfID: 6067578 CauseID: 1499180565 OtherID: 1495644751 JT: International Journal of Business and Economic Affairs MD: ,3,5,,2018,Development of QCDSM-Based Products for Increasing Competitive Advantage Case Study of Tenun Ikat SME Kota Kediri DOI: 10.24088/IJBEA-2018-35004(Journal) (6067578-N) DOI: 10.24088/IJBEA-2019-35004(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2021-05-21 15:17:49 ConfID: 6067579 CauseID: 1499180565 OtherID: 1495644751 JT: International Journal of Business and Economic Affairs MD: ,3,5,,2018,Cost and Benefit Analysis of Rice Production between Transplanting and Direct Seeded Method for Rice in Upper Northern Region DOI: 10.24088/IJBEA-2018-35005(Journal) (6067579-N) DOI: 10.24088/IJBEA-2019-35005(Journal)