Report date: Feb 4,2025 Conflict count: 357963 Publisher: Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta Title count: 2 Conflict count: 5 ========================================================== Created: 2020-07-13 09:40:58 ConfID: 5632781 CauseID: 1473478329 OtherID: 1473477867 JT: Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta Working Papers MD: ,2020,9,,2020, DOI: 10.29338/wp2020-09(Journal) (5632781-N) DOI: 10.29338/ph2020-09(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2020-02-24 15:52:17 ConfID: 5508941 CauseID: 1463923004 OtherID: 1447815011 JT: Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta Working Papers MD: Altig,,,,2019,Surveying Business Uncertainty DOI: 10.29338/wp2019-13(Journal) (5508941-N) DOI: 10.29338/wp2019-13a(Journal) DOI: 10.29338/wp2019-13b(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2019-08-08 12:09:17 ConfID: 5515769 CauseID: 1451267663 OtherID: 1444306129 JT: Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta Working Papers MD: ,2018,11,,2018, DOI: 10.29338/wp2018-11(Journal) (5515769-N) DOI: 10.29338/wp2019-11a(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2020-06-03 16:18:20 ConfID: 5621867 CauseID: 1470729270 OtherID: 1470317869 JT: Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta Working Papers MD: ,2020,5,,2020, DOI: 10.29338/wp2020-05(Journal) (5621867-N) DOI: 10.29338/ph2020-05(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2018-10-23 11:50:09 ConfID: 5429805 CauseID: 1433863286 OtherID: 1426859445 JT: Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta Working Papers MD: Hotchkiss,,,,2018,Some Like It Hot: Assessing Longer-Term Labor Market Benefits from a High-Pressure Economy DOI: 10.29338/wp2018-01(Journal) (5429805-N) DOI: 10.29338/wp2018-1b(Journal)