Report date: Jan 28,2025 Conflict count: 357809 Publisher: National Research Mordovia State University MRSU Title count: 1 Conflict count: 1 ========================================================== Created: 2022-01-10 03:45:41 ConfID: 6407194 CauseID: 1517515798 OtherID: 1516138870 JT: REGIONOLOGY MD: Soloveva,29,4,768,2021,Regions of the North-West of Russia: Analysis of the Conditions for the Implementation of Social Innovation DOI: 10.15507/10.15507/2413-1407.117.029.202104.768-793(Journal) (6407194-N) DOI: 10.15507/2413-1407.117.029.202104.768-793(Journal)