Report date: Feb 4,2025 Conflict count: 357963 Publisher: Kare Publishing Title count: 18 Conflict count: 41 ========================================================== Created: 2019-08-26 06:17:44 ConfID: 5521051 CauseID: 1452389687 OtherID: 1452389551 JT: European Archives of Medical Research MD: Solmaz Avcıkurt,0,0,0,2019,Effect of epidermal growth factor (EGF) on osteosarcoma cell proliferation and Bcl-2 gene expression DOI: 10.4274/eamr.galenos.82687(Journal) (5521051-N) DOI: 10.4274/eamr.82687(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2022-03-14 01:17:07 ConfID: 6450890 CauseID: 1523464974 OtherID: 1523193543 JT: European Archives of Medical Research MD: Şahin,38,1,42,2022,Duration of Labor with Meperidine Versus Placebo in Singleton Term Pregnancies: A Randomized Placebo Controlled Study DOI: 10.4274/eamr.galenos..2021.70783(Journal) (6450890-N) DOI: 10.4274/eamr.galenos.2021.70783(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2022-06-28 07:43:44 ConfID: 6550109 CauseID: 1533845414 OtherID: 1533843233 JT: European Archives of Medical Research MD: Bulur,38,2,138,2022,Indicators of Recurrence Before and After Transplantation in Patients who Underwent Liver Transplantation Due for Hepatocellular Carcinoma DOI: 10.4274/eamr.galenos..2021.64326(Journal) (6550109-N) DOI: 10.4274/eamr.galenos.2021.64326(Journal)