Report date: Feb 4,2025 Conflict count: 357963 Publisher: Egyptian Knowledge Bank Title count: 220 Conflict count: 1144 ========================================================== Created: 2019-12-31 08:03:59 ConfID: 5568521 CauseID: 1460618703 OtherID: 1460321235 JT: Egyptian Academic Journal of Biological Sciences F Toxicology & Pest Control MD: Shalaby,11,3,125,2019,Comparison between the Effect of Nano Chitosan and Fabcomic Insecticide against Tetranychus urticae (Acari: Tetranychidae) DOI: 10.21608/eajbsf.2019.65260(Journal) (5568521-N) DOI: 10.21608/eajbsf.2019.66481(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2019-04-15 05:20:43 ConfID: 5464855 CauseID: 1443106962 OtherID: 1442671670 JT: Egyptian Academic Journal of Biological Sciences F Toxicology & Pest Control MD: Tofangdar,11,1,97,2019,Non-chemical Approaches Suppressed Damage and Oviposition Rate of Date Palm Hopper, Ommatissus lybicus DOI: 10.21608/eajbsf.2019.29473(Journal) (5464855-N) DOI: 10.21608/eajbsf.2019.29798(Journal)