Report date: Jan 28,2025 Conflict count: 357809 Publisher: University of Baghdad - College of Administration and Economics Title count: 1 Conflict count: 4 ========================================================== Created: 2024-10-18 10:58:07 ConfID: 7617604 CauseID: 1652943808 OtherID: 1652943800 JT: Journal of Economics and Administrative Sciences MD: Mohamed Reda*,30,143,536,2024,Analysis of Reliability for the Electrical Industries Company in Diyala using Modified Extension Weibull Distribution (An Application and Simulation study) DOI: 10.33095/zwktna77(Journal) (7617604-N) DOI: 10.33095/hhk0m164(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2019-01-03 13:03:47 ConfID: 5445586 CauseID: 1436876576 JT: Journal of Economics and Administrative Sciences MD: مجيد,24,108,498,2018,أستخدام نموذج فضاء الحالة SSM في التنبؤ بأسعار المنازل في بغداد DOI: 10.33095/jeas.v24i108.1348(Journal) (5445586-N) DOI: 10.33095/jeas.v24i108.1347(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2024-10-22 11:04:57 ConfID: 7623504 CauseID: 1653461892 OtherID: 1653462087 JT: Journal of Economics and Administrative Sciences MD: Ali Mohammed Ridha Al-Kamoosy,30,143,549,2024,The Effect of Ownership Structure on the Going Concern Companies Listed in the Iraqi Stock Exchange DOI: 10.33095/mhcwq024(Journal) (7623504-N) DOI: 10.33095/fzj5fq29(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2018-12-19 06:04:53 ConfID: 5442525 CauseID: 1436302963 JT: Journal of Economics and Administrative Sciences MD: عباس,17,64,229,2011,أستخدام العمليات البواسونية غير المتجانسة مع صفوف الانتظار في قسم الطوارئ في مستشفى الطفل المركزي التعليمي في الاسكان DOI: 10.33095/jeas.v17i64.940(Journal) (5442525-N) DOI: 10.33095/jeas.v17i64.931(Journal)