Report date: Jan 28,2025 Conflict count: 357809 Publisher: Faculty of Environment and Resource Studies - Mahidol University Title count: 1 Conflict count: 1 ========================================================== Created: 2024-01-04 02:25:46 ConfID: 7113775 CauseID: 1605070168 OtherID: 1601517258 JT: Environment and Natural Resources Journal MD: Sundararaman,22,1,1,2024,Biosorption of Toxic Reactive Blue Textile Dye from Effluent Water Using Immobilized Biomass Based Adsorbent DOI: 10.32526/ennrj/21/20230192(Journal) (7113775-N) DOI: 10.32526/ennrj/22/20230192(Journal)