Report date: Jan 28,2025 Conflict count: 357809 Publisher: Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco Title count: 2 Conflict count: 7 ========================================================== Created: 2021-12-13 19:46:12 ConfID: 6397457 CauseID: 1515220984 OtherID: 1515220349 JT: Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco Community Development Research Brief Series MD: Mattiuzzi,,,1,2021,Climate-Related Risks Faced by Low- and Moderate-Income Communities and Communities of Color: Survey Results DOI: 10.24148/cdrb2021-03(Journal) (6397457-N) DOI: 10.24148/cdrb2021-3(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2023-11-20 14:51:19 ConfID: 7037083 CauseID: 1597987863 OtherID: 1597986222 JT: Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco Community Development Research Brief Series MD: Mattiuzzi,2023,4,1,2023,Recent Innovations in Reducing Home Energy Costs and Improving Resilience for Low- and Moderate-Income Renters and Homeowners DOI: 10.24148/cdrb2023-04(Journal) (7037083-N) DOI: 10.24148/cdrb2023-4(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2022-02-11 14:21:53 ConfID: 6430732 CauseID: 1520680137 OtherID: 1520468561 JT: Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco Community Development Research Brief Series MD: Mattiuzzi,,,1,2022,Overlooked Suburbs: The Changing Metropolitan Geography of Poverty in the Western United States DOI: 10.24148/cdrb2022-01(Journal) (6430732-N) DOI: 10.24148/cdrb2022-1(Journal)