Report date: Jan 21,2025 Conflict count: 358585 Publisher: Lakpesdam PCNU Kota Salatiga Title count: 1 Conflict count: 9 ========================================================== Created: 2022-03-07 16:06:02 ConfID: 6448706 CauseID: 1522831144 OtherID: 1461660508 JT: Journal of Nahdlatul Ulama Studies MD: Budyastomo,1,1,106,2020,The Influence of Social Media for the Development of Da’wah and Nahdlatul Ulama Society Behavior DOI: 10.35672/jnus.v1i1.1(Journal) (6448706-N) DOI: 10.35672/jnus.v1i1.106-130(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2022-03-07 16:06:02 ConfID: 6448707 CauseID: 1522831144 OtherID: 1461660508 JT: Journal of Nahdlatul Ulama Studies MD: Ridwan,1,1,17,2020,The Role of Nahdlatul Ulama (NU) in Maintaining Religious Tolerance in Papua: Some ‎Observations DOI: 10.35672/jnus.v1i1.2(Journal) (6448707-N) DOI: 10.35672/jnus.v1i1.17-33(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2022-03-07 16:06:02 ConfID: 6448704 CauseID: 1522831144 OtherID: 1475739228 JT: Journal of Nahdlatul Ulama Studies MD: Matrokhim,1,2,131,2020,Islamic Education Values in Ziarah Kubur Tradition of Javanese People DOI: 10.35672/jnus.v1i2.17(Journal) (6448704-N) DOI: 10.35672/jnus.v1i2.131-161(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2021-05-20 00:10:24 ConfID: 6066543 CauseID: 1499017746 OtherID: 1496153943 JT: Journal of Nahdlatul Ulama Studies MD: Adisti,2,1,17,2021,Reviving the Spirit of Gender Equality: Fatayat Nahdlatul Ulama between Idealism and Realization DOI: 10.35672/jnus.v2i1.24(Journal) (6066543-N) DOI: 10.35672/jnus.v2i1.17-33(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2022-03-07 16:06:02 ConfID: 6448705 CauseID: 1522831144 OtherID: 1475997409 JT: Journal of Nahdlatul Ulama Studies MD: Hafidz,1,2,162,2020,Majlis Ta’lim: Institution for Strengthening Islamic Moderation DOI: 10.35672/jnus.v1i2.18(Journal) (6448705-N) DOI: 10.35672/jnus.v1i2.162-180(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2022-03-07 16:06:02 ConfID: 6448710 CauseID: 1522831144 OtherID: 1461660508 JT: Journal of Nahdlatul Ulama Studies MD: Sarhindi,1,1,34,2020,Cultivating Islam Nusantara in Indonesia’s Pesantrens: a Promising Deradicalisation Strategy? DOI: 10.35672/jnus.v1i1.5(Journal) (6448710-N) DOI: 10.35672/jnus.v1i1.34-66(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2022-03-07 16:06:02 ConfID: 6448711 CauseID: 1522831144 OtherID: 1461660508 JT: Journal of Nahdlatul Ulama Studies MD: Kamil Sahri,1,1,67,2020,Kesetaraan Gender di Pesantren NU: Sebuah Telaah atas single sex Classroom di Pendidikan Diniyah Formal Ulya Pondok Pesantren Al Fithrah Surabaya. DOI: 10.35672/jnus.v1i1.9(Journal) (6448711-N) DOI: 10.35672/jnus.v1i1.67-105(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2022-03-07 16:06:02 ConfID: 6448708 CauseID: 1522831144 OtherID: 1461660508 JT: Journal of Nahdlatul Ulama Studies MD: Soleh,1,1,1,2019,Zakat Fundraising Strategy: Opportunities and Challenges in Digital Era DOI: 10.35672/jnus.v1i1.4(Journal) (6448708-N) DOI: 10.35672/jnus.v1i1.1-16(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2021-05-30 01:50:51 ConfID: 6071970 CauseID: 1499818550 OtherID: 1497116445 JT: Journal of Nahdlatul Ulama Studies MD: Muhtar,2,1,34,2021,The National Role of KH. A. Abdul Wahid Hasyim in Keeping the Nation Integrity DOI: 10.35672/jnus.v2i1.8(Journal) (6071970-N) DOI: 10.35672/jnus.v2i1.34-46(Journal)