Report date: Jul 2, 2024 Conflict count: 357264 Publisher: Egyptian Knowledge Bank Title count: 205 Conflict count: 1071 ========================================================== Created: 2024-05-25 03:33:35.0 ConfID: 7323253 CauseID: 1630437607 OtherID: 1570843306 JT: Assiut Journal of Sport Science and Arts MD: Mahmoud Saad, 2023 ,1,1,2023,Designing a bank of questions in the subject of statistics for students of the Faculty of Physical Education, Sadat City University, using the Rasch model according to the theory of response to the test item DOI: 10.21608/ajssa.2023.295726(Journal) (7323253-N ) DOI: 10.21608/ajssa.2023.180135.1140(Journal)