Report date: Jul 2, 2024 Conflict count: 357264 Publisher: Gavin Publishers Title count: 8 Conflict count: 10 ========================================================== Created: 2024-05-28 06:26:59.0 ConfID: 7323758 CauseID: 1630797247 OtherID: 1629397560 JT: Cardiology Research and Cardiovascular Medicine MD: null, 9 ,1,null,2024,Inadvertent Massive overdose of Isoproterenol During Electrophysiology Study Treated Successfully with Intravenous Metoprolol: Two Case Reports DOI: 10.29011/25757083.100247(Journal) (7323758-N ) DOI: 10.29011/2575-7083.100247(Journal)