Report date: Mar 11,2025 Conflict count: 361142 Publisher: Universitas Bhayangkara Jakarta Raya Title count: 6 Conflict count: 29 ========================================================== Created: 2025-02-21 04:17:04 ConfID: 7871904 CauseID: 1676636247 OtherID: 1627141683 JT: KRTHA BHAYANGKARA MD: Sabda Ghaly Al Banna,18,1,31,2024,Dispute Resolution on Overlapping Land Certificate Through Mediation Based on The Regulation of The Minister of Agrarian Affairs And Spatial Planning Number 11 Year 2016 DOI: 10.31599/krtha.v18i1.1610(Journal) (7871904-N) DOI: 10.31599/krtha.v18i1.2922(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2025-02-21 04:17:04 ConfID: 7871905 CauseID: 1676636247 OtherID: 1627141683 JT: KRTHA BHAYANGKARA MD: Kus Hanna Rahmi,18,1,61,2024,Understanding The Danger of Bullying: A Phenomenological Study on Female College Students As Victims of Cyberbullying DOI: 10.31599/krtha.v18i1.1612(Journal) (7871905-N) DOI: 10.31599/krtha.v18i1.2921(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2025-02-21 04:17:04 ConfID: 7871906 CauseID: 1676636247 OtherID: 1627141683 JT: KRTHA BHAYANGKARA MD: Rini Apriyani,18,1,85,2024,Criminal Liability Arising from Medical Malpractice on Patients: A Review from the Perspective of Positive Law And Islamic Law DOI: 10.31599/krtha.v18i1.1615(Journal) (7871906-N) DOI: 10.31599/krtha.v18i1.2919(Journal)