Report date: Jan 28,2025 Conflict count: 357809 Publisher: PubPub Title count: 11 Conflict count: 59 ========================================================== Created: 2023-06-16 11:14:36 ConfID: 6866861 CauseID: 1577129839 OtherID: 1576936713 JT: The Global Health Network Collections MD: Ichihara,,,,2023,An experience of public engagement in a research about health inequalities on Covid-19 pandemic DOI: 10.21428/3d48c34a.a5a6de98(Journal) (6866861-N) DOI: 10.21428/3d48c34a.dded1fe2(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2023-06-16 11:16:23 ConfID: 6866862 CauseID: 1577130088 OtherID: 1577120818 JT: The Global Health Network Collections MD: Tolppa,,,,2023,Lessons from the implementation of a critical care registry to support high-quality health systems in Asia DOI: 10.21428/3d48c34a.4c788ba2(Journal) (6866862-N) DOI: 10.21428/3d48c34a.8442d9a5(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2023-06-16 11:20:58 ConfID: 6866863 CauseID: 1577130826 OtherID: 1576692119 JT: The Global Health Network Collections MD: Dsouza,,,,2023,From policy to practice: lessons learned from two regional consultations on strengthening the implementation of tobacco control policies in India. DOI: 10.21428/3d48c34a.5a13426a(Journal) (6866863-N) DOI: 10.21428/3d48c34a.723ba9b6(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2023-06-16 12:42:02 ConfID: 6866873 CauseID: 1577140953 OtherID: 1577126143 JT: The Global Health Network Collections MD: Hungu,,,,2023,Community Health Volunteers and their role in facilitating adoption of health interventions in the community. DOI: 10.21428/3d48c34a.9ffb009b(Journal) (6866873-N) DOI: 10.21428/3d48c34a.8a98998e(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2023-06-16 11:22:30 ConfID: 6866864 CauseID: 1577131092 OtherID: 1576665335 JT: The Global Health Network Collections MD: Mokuolu,,,,2023,A framework for stakeholder engagement in the adoption of new antimalarial treatments in Africa: a case study of Nigeria DOI: 10.21428/3d48c34a.98031979(Journal) (6866864-N) DOI: 10.21428/3d48c34a.ee907685(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2023-06-16 12:41:16 ConfID: 6866871 CauseID: 1577140860 OtherID: 1577126954 JT: The Global Health Network Collections MD: Baya,,,,2023,Engaging public primary schools with practical science: Developing a curriculum resource kit for primary school practical science activities in Kenya DOI: 10.21428/3d48c34a.c74a862c(Journal) (6866871-N) DOI: 10.21428/3d48c34a.83900fc1(Journal)