Report date: Feb 4,2025 Conflict count: 357963 Publisher: Crossref Test Title count: 21 Conflict count: 68 ========================================================== Created: 2021-05-04 10:35:19 ConfID: 6031566 CauseID: 1497578356 OtherID: 1497578146 JT: Strad Research MD: ,8,5,,2021,Numerical Experiments on Skew Plate with Linear and Exponential Thickness Variations DOI: 10.37896/sr8.5.002(Journal) (6031566-N) DOI: 10.37896/sr8.5/002(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2021-01-06 04:58:35 ConfID: 5891312 CauseID: 1485769101 OtherID: 1485767998 JT: Strad Research MD: ,8,1,,2021,Quality of Work life among Nurses, Para-medical & Ministerial employees working at Private Hospitals in Bangalore DOI: 10.37896/sr8.1//008(Journal) (5891312-N) DOI: 10.37896/sr8.1/008(Journal)