Report date: Jan 28,2025 Conflict count: 357809 Publisher: The Journal of Food and Drug Analysis (JFDA), Food and Drug Administration, Taiwan (TFDA) Title count: 1 Conflict count: 8 ========================================================== Created: 2020-07-15 05:30:14 ConfID: 5633185 CauseID: 1473621985 OtherID: 1473621944 JT: Journal of Food and Drug Analysis MD: Tsene,5,1,,2020,Quantitative analysis of caffeine, ethoxybenzamide, chlorzoxazone, diazepam and indomethacine illegally adulterated in Chinese medical pills DOI: 10.38212/2224-6614.2965(Journal) (5633185-N) DOI: 10.38212/2224-6614.2954(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2020-07-15 05:30:08 ConfID: 5633184 CauseID: 1473621981 OtherID: 1473621947 JT: Journal of Food and Drug Analysis MD: Wu,5,1,,2020,Determination of oxidant dyes in hair dyes by gas chromatography DOI: 10.38212/2224-6614.2964(Journal) (5633184-N) DOI: 10.38212/2224-6614.2955(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2020-07-15 05:30:24 ConfID: 5633186 CauseID: 1473621995 OtherID: 1473621970 JT: Journal of Food and Drug Analysis MD: Hwang,5,1,,2020,Comparative study on the pharmacokinetic bioequivalence of two intravascular ceftriaxone preparations DOI: 10.38212/2224-6614.2958(Journal) (5633186-N) DOI: 10.38212/2224-6614.2944(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2020-07-15 05:29:10 ConfID: 5633180 CauseID: 1473621943 OtherID: 1473621930 JT: Journal of Food and Drug Analysis MD: Ku,5,2,,2020,Determination by high performance liquid chromatography of fluoxymesterone, methyltestosterone and testosterone in adulterated Chinese herbal preparations DOI: 10.38212/2224-6614.2947(Journal) (5633180-N) DOI: 10.38212/2224-6614.2936(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2020-07-15 05:30:03 ConfID: 5633183 CauseID: 1473621977 OtherID: 1473621955 JT: Journal of Food and Drug Analysis MD: Chang,5,1,,2020,Changes in hesperidin content in different parts of freshly harvested citrus fruits grown in Taiwan DOI: 10.38212/2224-6614.2962(Journal) (5633183-N) DOI: 10.38212/2224-6614.2956(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2020-07-15 05:29:58 ConfID: 5633182 CauseID: 1473621975 OtherID: 1473621951 JT: Journal of Food and Drug Analysis MD: Tseng,5,1,,2020,The growth and production of hepatotoxic luteoskyrin by Penicillium islandicum DOI: 10.38212/2224-6614.2963(Journal) (5633182-N) DOI: 10.38212/2224-6614.2957(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2020-07-15 05:28:11 ConfID: 5633179 CauseID: 1473621867 OtherID: 1473621840 JT: Journal of Food and Drug Analysis MD: Tsai,5,3,,2020,Removal of methamidophos and carbofuran residue in broccoli during freezing processing DOI: 10.38212/2224-6614.2966(Journal) (5633179-N) DOI: 10.38212/2224-6614.2939(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2020-07-15 05:27:39 ConfID: 5633178 CauseID: 1473621832 OtherID: 1473621758 JT: Journal of Food and Drug Analysis MD: Tsai,5,4,,2020,Analysis of active ingredients in medicinal herbs with high-performance liquid chromatography and related technologies: A review DOI: 10.38212/2224-6614.2930(Journal) (5633178-N) DOI: 10.38212/2224-6614.2922(Journal)