Report date: Jan 28,2025 Conflict count: 357809 Publisher: The Ohio State University Libraries Title count: 2 Conflict count: 8 ========================================================== Created: 2022-09-13 13:53:59 ConfID: 6583988 CauseID: 1541549866 OtherID: 1474846419 JT: Ohio Journal of Public Health MD: Maziarz,1,1,2,2018,PrEP and condom use: A tale of unintended consequences? DOI: 10.46709/3409.012(Journal) (6583988-N) DOI: 10.18061/ojph.v1i1.9048(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2022-09-13 13:53:59 ConfID: 6583989 CauseID: 1541549866 OtherID: 1474846437 JT: Ohio Journal of Public Health MD: Wallace,1,1,24,2018,Age but not BMI Predicts Accelerated Progression of KOA: Data from the Osteoarthritis Initiative DOI: 10.46709/3409.017(Journal) (6583989-N) DOI: 10.18061/ojph.v1i1.9047(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2022-09-13 13:53:59 ConfID: 6583990 CauseID: 1541549866 OtherID: 1474846432 JT: Ohio Journal of Public Health MD: Smock,1,1,19,2018,Exploration of provider exercise prescriptions and exercise referrals to place or professional: A pilot survey research study DOI: 10.46709/3409.016(Journal) (6583990-N) DOI: 10.18061/ojph.v1i1.9046(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2022-09-13 13:53:59 ConfID: 6583991 CauseID: 1541549866 OtherID: 1474846426 JT: Ohio Journal of Public Health MD: Nolan,1,1,14,2018,Validation of the exercise self-efficacy scale (ESE-S) for increased adherence to physical activity DOI: 10.46709/3409.015(Journal) (6583991-N) DOI: 10.18061/ojph.v1i1.9045(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2022-09-13 13:53:59 ConfID: 6583987 CauseID: 1541549866 OtherID: 1474846417 JT: Ohio Journal of Public Health MD: Ferketich,1,1,1,2018,The Ohio Journal of Public Health: A Platform to Showcase Public Health Education, Practice, and Research in Ohio DOI: 10.46709/3409.011(Journal) (6583987-N) DOI: 10.18061/ojph.v1i1.9049(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2022-09-13 13:53:59 ConfID: 6583992 CauseID: 1541549866 OtherID: 1474846424 JT: Ohio Journal of Public Health MD: Embree,1,1,8,2018,Suicide Rates in Rural Ohio: The Role of Population Density, Social Association, and Healthcare Access DOI: 10.46709/3409.014(Journal) (6583992-N) DOI: 10.18061/ojph.v1i1.9044(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2022-09-13 13:53:59 ConfID: 6583993 CauseID: 1541549866 OtherID: 1474846434 JT: Ohio Journal of Public Health MD: Hardin,1,1,29,2018,Summer Employment and Tobacco Use among College Students DOI: 10.46709/3409.018(Journal) (6583993-N) DOI: 10.18061/ojph.v1i1.9042(Journal)