Report date: Sep 3, 2024 Conflict count: 360612 Publisher: Open Access Publishing Association Title count: 1 Conflict count: 36 ========================================================== Created: 2024-07-14 23:55:35.0 ConfID: 7382450 CauseID: 1637758097 OtherID: 1605759188 JT: Journal of University Teaching and Learning Practice MD: Baker, 21 ,2,null,2024,Expanding faculty development through capacity-building: An institutional case study DOI: 10.53761/ (7382450-N ) DOI: 10.53761/39pn9t96(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2024-07-14 23:55:39.0 ConfID: 7382451 CauseID: 1637758100 OtherID: 1605759188 JT: Journal of University Teaching and Learning Practice MD: Roche, 21 ,2,null,2024,Immersive learning in a block teaching model: A case study of academic reform through principles, policies and practice DOI: 10.53761/ (7382451-N ) DOI: 10.53761/5cmd7w70(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2024-07-15 23:56:36.0 ConfID: 7382659 CauseID: 1637894979 OtherID: 1605759188 JT: Journal of University Teaching and Learning Practice MD: Lodge, 21 ,2,null,2024,Intensive Modes of Study and the Need to Focus on the Process of Learning in Higher Education DOI: 10.53761/ (7382659-N ) DOI: 10.53761/b0ybpz28(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2024-07-15 23:56:39.0 ConfID: 7382660 CauseID: 1637894981 OtherID: 1605759188 JT: Journal of University Teaching and Learning Practice MD: Long, 21 ,2,null,2024,Belonging in remote higher education classrooms: The dynamic interaction of intensive modes of learning and arts-based pedagogies DOI: 10.53761/ (7382660-N ) DOI: 10.53761/a9cxg327(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2024-07-15 23:56:55.0 ConfID: 7382661 CauseID: 1637894993 OtherID: 1605759188 JT: Journal of University Teaching and Learning Practice MD: Newell, 21 ,2,null,2024,“Can we not do group stuff?”: Student insights on implementing co-creation in online intensive programs DOI: 10.53761/ (7382661-N ) DOI: 10.53761/z0gx4s65(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2024-07-15 23:57:56.0 ConfID: 7382662 CauseID: 1637895023 OtherID: 1605759188 JT: Journal of University Teaching and Learning Practice MD: Winchester-Seeto, 21 ,2,null,2024,Intensive Work-Integrated Learning (WIL): The benefits and challenges of condensed and compressed WIL experiences DOI: 10.53761/ (7382662-N ) DOI: 10.53761/pj957n11(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2024-07-15 23:58:32.0 ConfID: 7382663 CauseID: 1637895045 OtherID: 1605759188 JT: Journal of University Teaching and Learning Practice MD: Goode, 21 ,2,null,2024,The success, satisfaction and experiences of international students in an immersive block model DOI: 10.53761/ (7382663-N ) DOI: 10.53761/4jrfhn73(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2024-07-15 23:58:37.0 ConfID: 7382664 CauseID: 1637895046 OtherID: 1605759188 JT: Journal of University Teaching and Learning Practice MD: Turner, 21 ,2,null,2024,Exploring academic perspectives on immersive scheduling in a UK university DOI: 10.53761/ (7382664-N ) DOI: 10.53761/qf9d2b61(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2024-07-27 02:05:18.0 ConfID: 7405356 CauseID: 1639513060 OtherID: 1508307589 JT: Journal of University Teaching and Learning Practice MD: Roettger, 4 ,2,65,2007,Teaching: more than just lecturing DOI: 10.53761/ (7405356-N ) DOI: 10.53761/ ========================================================== Created: 2024-07-27 19:44:33.0 ConfID: 7405426 CauseID: 1639656602 OtherID: 1514293516 JT: Journal of University Teaching and Learning Practice MD: Crawford, 18 ,5,null,2021,Editorial: The cross-cultural effects of COVID-19 on higher education learning and teaching practice DOI: 10.53761/ (7405426-N ) DOI: 10.53761/ ========================================================== Created: 2024-07-27 19:46:56.0 ConfID: 7405427 CauseID: 1639656765 OtherID: 1509848034 JT: Journal of University Teaching and Learning Practice MD: Nguyen, 18 ,6,119,2021,Departmental leadership and peer pressure on academic research performance at universities in emerging countries: An empirical study in Vietnam DOI: 10.53761/ (7405427-N ) DOI: 10.53761/ ========================================================== Created: 2024-07-27 19:46:59.0 ConfID: 7405428 CauseID: 1639656769 OtherID: 1509848034 JT: Journal of University Teaching and Learning Practice MD: Mazurek, 18 ,6,101,2021,Beyond traditional peer-to-peer teaching evaluation: Using pedagogical theory in conceptualizing a collaborative teaching development program DOI: 10.53761/ (7405428-N ) DOI: 10.53761/ ========================================================== Created: 2024-07-27 19:47:02.0 ConfID: 7405429 CauseID: 1639656776 OtherID: 1509848034 JT: Journal of University Teaching and Learning Practice MD: Sasson, 18 ,6,82,2021,Co-teaching-based professional development: Self-efficacy, attitudes toward the profession, and pedagogical practices DOI: 10.53761/ (7405429-N ) DOI: 10.53761/ ========================================================== Created: 2024-07-27 19:47:05.0 ConfID: 7405430 CauseID: 1639656782 OtherID: 1509848034 JT: Journal of University Teaching and Learning Practice MD: Heim, 18 ,6,69,2021,Facilitating a supportive learning experience: The lecturer''s role in addressing mental health issues of university students during COVID-19 DOI: 10.53761/ (7405430-N ) DOI: 10.53761/ ========================================================== Created: 2024-07-27 19:47:08.0 ConfID: 7405431 CauseID: 1639656783 OtherID: 1509848034 JT: Journal of University Teaching and Learning Practice MD: Sheridan, 18 ,6,54,2021,Uncovering WIL practices to enable WIL''s expansion in higher education DOI: 10.53761/ (7405431-N ) DOI: 10.53761/ ========================================================== Created: 2024-07-27 19:47:13.0 ConfID: 7405432 CauseID: 1639656790 OtherID: 1509848034 JT: Journal of University Teaching and Learning Practice MD: Hyytinen, 18 ,6,37,2021,Argumentation and processing knowledge in open-ended assignment tasks: Challenges and accomplishments among pharmacy students DOI: 10.53761/ (7405432-N ) DOI: 10.53761/ ========================================================== Created: 2024-07-27 19:47:14.0 ConfID: 7405433 CauseID: 1639656791 OtherID: 1509848034 JT: Journal of University Teaching and Learning Practice MD: Economou, 18 ,6,18,2021,One step at a time: Aligning theory and practice in a tertiary embedding initiative DOI: 10.53761/ (7405433-N ) DOI: 10.53761/ ========================================================== Created: 2024-07-27 19:47:15.0 ConfID: 7405434 CauseID: 1639656797 OtherID: 1509848034 JT: Journal of University Teaching and Learning Practice MD: Gonzalez, 18 ,6,1,2021,Changing teaching practice: The evolving purpose of the teacher in higher education DOI: 10.53761/ (7405434-N ) DOI: 10.53761/ ========================================================== Created: 2024-07-27 19:54:36.0 ConfID: 7405435 CauseID: 1639657372 OtherID: 1521031595 JT: Journal of University Teaching and Learning Practice MD: Wilcoxen, 18 ,8,null,2021,Preservice teachers’ perceptions of feedback: The importance of timing, purpose, and delivery DOI: 10.53761/ (7405435-N ) DOI: 10.53761/ ========================================================== Created: 2024-07-27 20:37:34.0 ConfID: 7405440 CauseID: 1639665931 OtherID: 1637894978 JT: Journal of University Teaching and Learning Practice MD: Jopp, 20 ,7,null,2024,Choose your own adventure: understanding why students prefer certain types of assessment DOI: 10.53761/ (7405440-N ) DOI: 10.53761/2za7gx51(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2024-07-27 20:37:38.0 ConfID: 7405441 CauseID: 1639665936 OtherID: 1637894975 JT: Journal of University Teaching and Learning Practice MD: Walker, 20 ,7,null,2024,Tutors’ Responses to Student Disclosures: From “Suicidal Ideation to “Feeling a Little Stressed” DOI: 10.53761/ (7405441-N ) DOI: 10.53761/2bs7nw65(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2024-07-27 20:37:39.0 ConfID: 7405442 CauseID: 1639665937 OtherID: 1637758024 JT: Journal of University Teaching and Learning Practice MD: Ashford, 20 ,7,null,2024,Exploring disruption through the lens of an adapted Five Senses Framework DOI: 10.53761/ (7405442-N ) DOI: 10.53761/pfkhc475(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2024-07-27 20:37:41.0 ConfID: 7405443 CauseID: 1639665941 OtherID: 1637758023 JT: Journal of University Teaching and Learning Practice MD: Hammond, 20 ,7,null,2024,A Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing? Critical Discourse Analysis of Five Online Automated Paraphrasing Sites DOI: 10.53761/ (7405443-N ) DOI: 10.53761/5thfsx26(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2024-07-27 20:37:41.0 ConfID: 7405444 CauseID: 1639665942 OtherID: 1637758022 JT: Journal of University Teaching and Learning Practice MD: Alkhawaldeh, 20 ,7,null,2024,University Student Perceptions of Online Learning in Jordan DOI: 10.53761/ (7405444-N ) DOI: 10.53761/hcs6kg42(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2024-07-27 20:37:43.0 ConfID: 7405445 CauseID: 1639665945 OtherID: 1637894956 JT: Journal of University Teaching and Learning Practice MD: Al-Naabi, 20 ,7,null,2024,Exploring Cross-Cultural Teacher Perspectives on Student Engagement in Virtual Learning Environments During The COVID-19 Pandemic DOI: 10.53761/ (7405445-N ) DOI: 10.53761/wyck2887(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2024-07-27 20:37:44.0 ConfID: 7405446 CauseID: 1639665946 OtherID: 1637758018 JT: Journal of University Teaching and Learning Practice MD: Jones, 20 ,7,null,2024,Utilising Features of Sport Commentating to Provide a Framework for Co-Teaching the Online Lecture DOI: 10.53761/ (7405446-N ) DOI: 10.53761/022fg860(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2024-07-27 20:37:45.0 ConfID: 7405447 CauseID: 1639665951 OtherID: 1637758015 JT: Journal of University Teaching and Learning Practice MD: Gander, 20 ,7,null,2024,The Flinders University/TAFE SA Bachelor of Creative Arts dual award model: A case study DOI: 10.53761/ (7405447-N ) DOI: 10.53761/492rgc40(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2024-07-27 20:37:48.0 ConfID: 7405448 CauseID: 1639665954 OtherID: 1637894955 JT: Journal of University Teaching and Learning Practice MD: Lodge, 20 ,7,null,2024,Learning with Generative Artificial Intelligence Within a Network of Co-Regulation DOI: 10.53761/ (7405448-N ) DOI: 10.53761/m2v9an32(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2024-07-27 20:37:47.0 ConfID: 7405449 CauseID: 1639665953 OtherID: 1637758008 JT: Journal of University Teaching and Learning Practice MD: Stephenson, 20 ,7,null,2024,The Mindful Interactions (MI) tool: promoting student mental health in tertiary education DOI: 10.53761/ (7405449-N ) DOI: 10.53761/s110jq39(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2024-07-27 20:37:49.0 ConfID: 7405450 CauseID: 1639665956 OtherID: 1637758001 JT: Journal of University Teaching and Learning Practice MD: Crawford, 20 ,7,null,2024,Editorial: Artificial Intelligence is Awesome, but Good Teaching Should Always Come First. DOI: 10.53761/ (7405450-N ) DOI: 10.53761/sj1b6530(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2024-07-27 20:40:09.0 ConfID: 7405451 CauseID: 1639666141 OtherID: 1637758119 JT: Journal of University Teaching and Learning Practice MD: Allison, 21 ,2,null,2024,Book review: Designing learning for intensive modes of study DOI: 10.53761/ (7405451-N ) DOI: 10.53761/hmj4z098(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2024-07-27 20:40:24.0 ConfID: 7405452 CauseID: 1639666157 OtherID: 1637758093 JT: Journal of University Teaching and Learning Practice MD: Samarawickrema, 21 ,2,null,2024,Insights into professional learning for intensive Block Model: Lessons from a participatory evaluation for capacity building DOI: 10.53761/ (7405452-N ) DOI: 10.53761/epc5dq53(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2024-07-27 20:40:30.0 ConfID: 7405453 CauseID: 1639666171 OtherID: 1637895026 JT: Journal of University Teaching and Learning Practice MD: Dempsey Willis, 21 ,2,null,2024,Understanding engagement in intensive learning: From fuzzy chaotic indigestion to eupeptic clarity DOI: 10.53761/ (7405453-N ) DOI: 10.53761/vpaeq875(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2024-07-27 20:40:35.0 ConfID: 7405454 CauseID: 1639666177 OtherID: 1637894988 JT: Journal of University Teaching and Learning Practice MD: Braga, 21 ,2,null,2024,Student and faculty perceptions of summative assessment methods in a Block and Blend mode of delivery DOI: 10.53761/ (7405454-N ) DOI: 10.53761/ckmsdk15(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2024-07-27 20:40:42.0 ConfID: 7405455 CauseID: 1639666187 OtherID: 1637758031 JT: Journal of University Teaching and Learning Practice MD: Solomonides, 21 ,2,null,2024,Editorial: Intensive modes of teaching, past, present, and future DOI: 10.53761/ (7405455-N ) DOI: 10.53761/0s5t4754(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2024-07-27 20:57:55.0 ConfID: 7405456 CauseID: 1639667236 OtherID: 1544197646 JT: Journal of University Teaching and Learning Practice MD: Allen, 19 ,3,null,2022,Towards improving peer review: Crowd-sourced insights from Twitter DOI: 10.53761/ (7405456-N ) DOI: 10.53761/