Report date: Feb 4,2025 Conflict count: 357963 Publisher: Nigerian Journal of Pure and Applied Sciences Title count: 1 Conflict count: 2 ========================================================== Created: 2024-12-29 05:35:43 ConfID: 7751264 CauseID: 1663362160 OtherID: 1660646056 JT: Nigerian Journal of Pure and Applied Sciences MD: Ogundiran, A. A,,,4970,2024,MANGO PEEL WASTE AS AN ADSORBENT FOR THE REMOVAL OF Pb (II) AND Cr(III) FROM AQUEOUS SOLUTIONS DOI: 10.48198//NJPAS/24.A03(Journal) (7751264-N) DOI: 10.48198/NJPAS/24.B03(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2024-12-29 05:07:31 ConfID: 7751244 CauseID: 1663360090 OtherID: 1660648068 JT: Nigerian Journal of Pure and Applied Sciences MD: Ozulu, G.U.,,,4994,2024,Application of Markov Chain Stochastic Model to Lithofacies Analysis: A Case Study of Outcropping Rocks of the Lokoja Formation - Southern Bida Basin, Nigeria DOI: 10.48198//NJPAS/24.A06(Journal) (7751244-N) DOI: 10.48198/NJPAS/24.A06(Journal)