Report date: Jul 2, 2024 Conflict count: 357264 Publisher: Hanif Medisiana Publisher Title count: 4 Conflict count: 49 ========================================================== Created: 2021-05-04 02:23:19.0 ConfID: 5949830 CauseID: 1497544827 OtherID: 1497544827 JT: Archives of The Medicine and Case Reports MD: Prameswari, 2 ,1,43,2021,The Rationality of Using Diclofenac in Outpatient Cases of Osteoarthritis of RSUP MH Palembang Period January-March 2018 DOI: 10.37275/amcr.v2i1.8(Journal) (5949830-N ) DOI: 10.37275/amcr.v2i1.509(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2021-05-04 02:23:19.0 ConfID: 6031530 CauseID: 1497544827 OtherID: 1493721970 JT: Archives of The Medicine and Case Reports MD: Fangesty, 2 ,1,134,2021,Description of Blood Sugar Levels in Medical Student of Universitas Prima Indonesia DOI: 10.37275/amcr.v2i1.24(Journal) (6031530-N ) DOI: 10.37275/amcr.v2i1.495(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2021-05-04 02:23:19.0 ConfID: 6031531 CauseID: 1497544827 OtherID: 1488834981 JT: Archives of The Medicine and Case Reports MD: Puspita, 2 ,1,113,2021,Mycophenolate Mofetil for a Flare Child Lupus Nephritis: A Case Reports DOI: 10.37275/amcr.v2i1.21(Journal) (6031531-N ) DOI: 10.37275/amcr.v2i1.498(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2021-05-04 02:23:19.0 ConfID: 6031532 CauseID: 1497544827 OtherID: 1493721970 JT: Archives of The Medicine and Case Reports MD: Putra, 2 ,1,119,2021,Description of Serum Urea and Creatinine Levels Pre Hemodialysis and Post Hemodialysis at Royal Prima Hospital in Chronic Kidney Disease DOI: 10.37275/amcr.v2i1.22(Journal) (6031532-N ) DOI: 10.37275/amcr.v2i1.497(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2021-05-04 02:23:19.0 ConfID: 6031533 CauseID: 1497544827 OtherID: 1488572518 JT: Archives of The Medicine and Case Reports MD: Ginting, 2 ,1,97,2021,The Relationship between Smoking Behavior and the Incidence of Tuberculosis at the Medan Sunggal Public Health Center DOI: 10.37275/amcr.v2i1.18(Journal) (6031533-N ) DOI: 10.37275/amcr.v2i1.500(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2021-05-04 02:23:19.0 ConfID: 6031536 CauseID: 1497544827 OtherID: 1486405050 JT: Archives of The Medicine and Case Reports MD: Kusumadewi, 1 ,2,71,2020,The Correlation between Alcohol Consumption with Anxiety Level on Multiple Drugs User in Sleman DOI: 10.37275/amcr.v1i2.12(Journal) (6031536-N ) DOI: 10.37275/amcr.v1i2.506(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2021-05-04 02:23:19.0 ConfID: 6031537 CauseID: 1497544827 OtherID: 1486405050 JT: Archives of The Medicine and Case Reports MD: Kusumadewi, 1 ,2,67,2020,Case Report: Magic Mushroom (Psilocybe Cubensis) Intoxication DOI: 10.37275/amcr.v1i2.13(Journal) (6031537-N ) DOI: 10.37275/amcr.v1i2.505(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2021-05-04 02:23:19.0 ConfID: 6031538 CauseID: 1497544827 OtherID: 1486405050 JT: Archives of The Medicine and Case Reports MD: Darmasaputra, 1 ,2,71,2020,Decompensated Acute Heart Failure Accompanied with Cardiac Cirrhosis and Chronic Disease Anemia in Child DOI: 10.37275/amcr.v1i2.14(Journal) (6031538-N ) DOI: 10.37275/amcr.v1i2.504(Journal)