Report date: Jan 28,2025 Conflict count: 357809 Publisher: Scientific Research and Community Ltd Title count: 36 Conflict count: 132 ========================================================== Created: 2023-02-17 06:14:42 ConfID: 6719565 CauseID: 1561858405 OtherID: 1559739582 JT: Journal of Neurology Research Review & Reports MD: Soreq,,,1,2023,Gene Expression Changes in the Human Brain Upon Aging DOI: 10.47363/JNRRR/2022(5)169(Journal) (6719565-N) DOI: 10.47363/JNRRR/2023(5)169(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2023-02-28 01:42:38 ConfID: 6748468 CauseID: 1563049011 OtherID: 1562663077 JT: Journal of Neurology Research Review & Reports MD: Bhingardeo,,,1,2023,Unilateral Absence and Contralateral Communication Between Musculocutaneous and Median Nerve and Its Clinical Significance DOI: 10.47363/JNRRR/2022(5)171(Journal) (6748468-N) DOI: 10.47363/JNRRR/2023(5)171(Journal)