Report date: Jan 28,2025 Conflict count: 357809 Publisher: University of the Western Cape Library Service Title count: 5 Conflict count: 11 ========================================================== Created: 2022-03-18 03:40:07 ConfID: 6454739 CauseID: 1523966736 OtherID: 1523966676 JT: OpenPhysio Journal MD: Rowe,,,,2021,Peer review (Michael Rowe) - Diagnostic uncertainty in musculoskeletal pain: Implications for physiotherapy education DOI: 10.14426/opj/r20220202(Journal) (6454739-N) DOI: 10.14426/opj/r20211203(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2022-06-09 07:05:07 ConfID: 6524295 CauseID: 1531661982 OtherID: 1487944351 JT: OpenPhysio Journal MD: Buchholtz,,,,2020,Responding to COVID-19: LUNEX University’s decisions and actions to continue physiotherapy education DOI: 10.14426/art/1564(Journal) (6524295-N) DOI: 10.14426/opj/a20201117(Journal)