Report date: Mar 11,2025 Conflict count: 361142 Publisher: Scientific Research and Community Ltd Title count: 40 Conflict count: 142 ========================================================== Created: 2025-03-03 00:02:20 ConfID: 7897724 CauseID: 1679580111 OtherID: 1679579583 JT: Journal of Aquaculture & Livestock Production MD: Khatoon,,,1,2025,Morphological Characterization, Pigments and Biochemical Composition of Isolated Microalgae from South Eastern Freshwater Habitat of Bangladesh DOI: 10.47363/JALP/2024(5)139(Journal) (7897724-N) DOI: 10.47363/JALP/2025(5)139(Journal) DOI: 10.47363/JALP/2025(6)139(Journal)