Report date: Jan 28,2025 Conflict count: 357809 Publisher: Museologia e Patrimonio Title count: 1 Conflict count: 4 ========================================================== Created: 2024-07-01 13:02:02 ConfID: 7361963 CauseID: 1635951149 OtherID: 1635949550 JT: Museologia e Patrimônio MD: Heiden,,,10,2024,Pelotines in Cut Paper within the Sweetmaking Traditions of Pelotas (RS): Memory and Material Culture DOI: 10.52192//1984-3917.2024v17n1p10-37(Journal) (7361963-N) DOI: 10.52192/1984-3917.2024v17n1p10-37(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2024-07-01 13:07:37 ConfID: 7361965 CauseID: 1635951544 OtherID: 1635949560 JT: Museologia e Patrimônio MD: Jotta,,,38,2024,From laboratories to Museum: the trajectory of the mineralogy collection of the Escola de Minas de Ouro Preto DOI: 10.52192//1984-3917.2024v17n1p38-57(Journal) (7361965-N) DOI: 10.52192/10.52192/1984-3917.2024v17n1p38-57(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2024-07-01 13:07:41 ConfID: 7361966 CauseID: 1635951549 OtherID: 1635949568 JT: Museologia e Patrimônio MD: Soares,,,58,2024,Still on the Santiago Round Table: considerations on the concept of territory and its reverberations DOI: 10.52192//1984-3917.2024v17n1p58-87(Journal) (7361966-N) DOI: 10.52192/1984-3917.2024v17n1p58-87(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2021-10-18 15:38:33 ConfID: 6132002 CauseID: 1510374076 OtherID: 1510373539 JT: Museologia e Patrimônio MD: Zúñiga Muñoz,,,324,2021,Lineamientos ambientales para el manejo de proyectos y actividades de carácter cultural y artístico en la zona costera colombiana: El caso del proyecto “Jardín de Medusas” DOI: 10.52192/1984-3917.2021v14n2p324-346(Journal) (6132002-N) DOI: 10.52192/1984-3917.2021v14n2p324-346x(Journal)