Report date: Feb 4,2025 Conflict count: 357963 Publisher: University of KwaZulu-Natal School of Management, IT and Governance Title count: 1 Conflict count: 7 ========================================================== Created: 2024-11-20 01:20:09 ConfID: 7678404 CauseID: 1657203838 OtherID: 1640144932 JT: African Journal of Governance and Development (AJGD) MD: Tabane,13,1,83,2024,Assessing the Effect of Management Education on Vocational Behaviour DOI: 10.36369/2616-9045/2024/v13i1a5(Journal) (7678404-N) DOI: 10.36369/2616-9045/2024/v13i1a6(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2024-11-20 04:16:15 ConfID: 7678749 CauseID: 1657235467 OtherID: 1584412098 JT: African Journal of Governance and Development (AJGD) MD: Lumato,12,1,162,2023,Prospects and Challenges of Capacity Building Projects in Higher Education: University of Dar es Salaam Experience DOI: 10.36369/2616-9045/2023/v12i1a9(Journal) (7678749-N) DOI: 10.36369/ajgd.v12i1.14(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2024-11-20 04:16:15 ConfID: 7678748 CauseID: 1657235467 OtherID: 1584412098 JT: African Journal of Governance and Development (AJGD) MD: Zweni,12,1,117,2023,Effects of Budget Management Training in Public Administration: A Case of Non-financial Managers in Selected Municipalities in South Africa DOI: 10.36369/2616-9045/2023/v12i1a7(Journal) (7678748-N) DOI: 10.36369/ajgd.v12i1.18(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2024-11-20 04:16:15 ConfID: 7678745 CauseID: 1657235467 OtherID: 1584412098 JT: African Journal of Governance and Development (AJGD) MD: Ringson,12,1,62,2023,Leadership, Service Delivery and Managing Human Capital in the Digital Age in the Public Sector DOI: 10.36369/2616-9045/2023/v12i1a4(Journal) (7678745-N) DOI: 10.36369/ajgd.v12i1.17(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2024-11-20 04:16:15 ConfID: 7678744 CauseID: 1657235467 OtherID: 1584412098 JT: African Journal of Governance and Development (AJGD) MD: Netswera,12,1,43,2023,Implications of Municipal Boundary Determination on Social Integration of Diverse Communities in South Africa DOI: 10.36369/2616-9045/2023/v12i1a3(Journal) (7678744-N) DOI: 10.36369/ajgd.v12i1.40(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2024-11-20 04:16:15 ConfID: 7678747 CauseID: 1657235467 OtherID: 1584412098 JT: African Journal of Governance and Development (AJGD) MD: Zondi,12,1,98,2023,The Implications of the Dichotomous Management of Rural Land in the Light of Land Use/Cover Change DOI: 10.36369/2616-9045/2023/v12i1a6(Journal) (7678747-N) DOI: 10.36369/ajgd.v12i1.8(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2024-11-20 04:16:15 ConfID: 7678746 CauseID: 1657235467 OtherID: 1584412098 JT: African Journal of Governance and Development (AJGD) MD: Nhede,12,1,80,2023,Redesigning Social Security Systems in Some Selected Sub-Saharan African Countries DOI: 10.36369/2616-9045/2023/v12i1a5(Journal) (7678746-N) DOI: 10.36369/ajgd.v12i1.7(Journal)