Report date: Jan 28,2025 Conflict count: 357809 Publisher: Eksa Editions Title count: 2 Conflict count: 3 ========================================================== Created: 2023-05-02 10:04:46 ConfID: 6812530 CauseID: 1571851016 OtherID: 1555287186 JT: Bankers Markets & Investors MD: Kammoun,170,3,59,2022,Dynamic interactions between the bitcoin price index and widely traded financial assets: evidence from the recent covid-19 crisis DOI: 10.54695/bmi.170.4185(Journal) (6812530-N) DOI: 10.54695/bmi.170.6769(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2023-10-23 06:04:45 ConfID: 7002262 CauseID: 1594097494 OtherID: 1594097482 JT: Bankers Markets & Investors MD: GUILLAUME PIJOURLET,149,,15,2017,CSR Performance, Dividend Payout and Governance Mechanisms DOI: 10.54695/bmi.149.283(Journal) (7002262-N) DOI: 10.54695/bmi.149.276(Journal)