Report date: Feb 4,2025 Conflict count: 357963 Publisher: Science Research Society Title count: 7 Conflict count: 23 ========================================================== Created: 2023-04-13 02:38:10 ConfID: 6790127 CauseID: 1569235179 OtherID: 1569232841 JT: Journal of Informatics Education and Research MD: ,,,,2023,Role of Brand-Equity on Consumer Purchase Intention in Electronic Goods Industry DOI: 10.52783/jier.v3i1.36(Journal) (6790127-N) DOI: 10.52783/jier.v3i1.47(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2024-01-30 05:20:50 ConfID: 7181312 CauseID: 1609350001 OtherID: 1609349935 JT: Journal of Informatics Education and Research MD: ,,,,2024,Online Compulsive Buying Behavior of Young Consumers in India – Examining the role of Smartphone Addiction, Social Media Addiction, Fear of Missing Out (FOMO) and Impulsive Buying Behavior DOI: 10.52783//jier.v4i1.532(Journal) (7181312-N) DOI: 10.52783/jier.v4i1.532(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2023-04-20 03:37:17 ConfID: 6792407 CauseID: 1570304821 OtherID: 1570303751 JT: Journal of Informatics Education and Research MD: ,,,,2023,Need for the Legal Regime in Electronic Waste Management in Dehradun, Uttarakhand India DOI: 10.52783/ (6792407-N) DOI: 10.52783/jier.v3i2.81(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2023-12-19 05:54:21 ConfID: 7092697 CauseID: 1602541547 OtherID: 1602541400 JT: Journal of Informatics Education and Research MD: ,,,,2023,Era of growth by Strategic Merger and Acquisition; A study of Banking sector DOI: 10.52783//jier.v3i2.390(Journal) (7092697-N) DOI: 10.52783/jier.v3i2.390(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2024-05-30 02:22:14 ConfID: 7327290 CauseID: 1631097250 OtherID: 1630360970 JT: Journal of Informatics Education and Research MD: ,,,,2024,Big Data Analytics in Support of the Decision Making Process in IT Sector DOI: 10.52783/jier.v4i2.963(Journal) (7327290-N) DOI: 10.52783/jier.v4i2.965(Journal)