Report date: Feb 4,2025 Conflict count: 357963 Publisher: Journal of Clinical Laboratory Sciences and Technology Title count: 1 Conflict count: 3 ========================================================== Created: 2024-11-21 00:20:22 ConfID: 7680324 CauseID: 1657347813 OtherID: 1581909294 JT: Journal of Clinical Laboratory Sciences and Technology MD: Alharbi,1,1,11,2022,Sever vitamin B-12 deficiency presenting as bilateral Lower Limbs edema and Hypertension DOI: 10.56546/5mnjfe93(Journal) (7680324-N) DOI: 10.56546/b07ftp12(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2024-11-21 00:21:20 ConfID: 7680305 CauseID: 1657347836 OtherID: 1581909336 JT: Journal of Clinical Laboratory Sciences and Technology MD: Alharbi,1,1,7,2022,Severe anemia (hemoglobin 4 gdL) in man without chronic disease DOI: 10.56546/vhnz6h95(Journal) (7680305-N) DOI: 10.56546/aj905n68(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2024-11-21 00:20:09 ConfID: 7680304 CauseID: 1657347831 OtherID: 1581909372 JT: Journal of Clinical Laboratory Sciences and Technology MD: Khalid,1,1,1,2022,The role of the clinical microbiology laboratory in improving antimicrobial stewardship: systematic review DOI: 10.56546/jclsts.v1i1.2(Journal) (7680304-N) DOI: 10.56546/vvcghe36(Journal)