Report date: Mar 11,2025 Conflict count: 361142 Publisher: University of Dar es Salaam Title count: 5 Conflict count: 7 ========================================================== Created: 2025-03-10 09:09:19 ConfID: 7919464 CauseID: 1681945149 OtherID: 1667580819 JT: ORSEA Journal MD: Fintan,14,2,1,2025,Entrepreneurial Marketing and SME Performance in Tanzania's Agro-Processing Industry: The Roles of Customer Intensity, Value Creation, and Proactiveness DOI: 10.56279/orseaj.14.2.6956(Journal) (7919464-N) DOI: 10.56279/orseaj.v14i2.1(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2025-03-10 09:09:19 ConfID: 7919465 CauseID: 1681945149 OtherID: 1667580819 JT: ORSEA Journal MD: Okangi,14,2,56,2025,The Effect of Extrinsic Benefits of Online Shopping on Customer Behavioural Intentions in Tanzania: Moderating Role of Customer Satisfaction DOI: 10.56279/orseaj.14.2.6959(Journal) (7919465-N) DOI: 10.56279/orseaj.v14i2.4(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2025-03-10 09:09:19 ConfID: 7919466 CauseID: 1681945149 OtherID: 1667580819 JT: ORSEA Journal MD: Mboya,14,2,71,2025,The Influence of Services Quality Dimensions on Customer Satisfaction in the Court of Appeal of Tanzania DOI: 10.56279/orseaj.14.2.6960(Journal) (7919466-N) DOI: 10.56279/orseaj.v14i2.5(Journal)