Report date: Jan 28,2025 Conflict count: 357809 Publisher: The Korean Church Education - Welfare Practice Academics Title count: 1 Conflict count: 6 ========================================================== Created: 2023-08-20 22:50:19 ConfID: 6921001 CauseID: 1586298877 OtherID: 1584814584 JT: Journal of Church Education·Welfare Practice MD: Hwang,5,1,89,2023,The Effects of Adolescents' Perceptions of Piety and Faith on Life Satisfaction: Focusing on the mediating effect of social support DOI: 10.59930/JCEWP.5.1.6.(Journal) (6921001-N) DOI: 10.59930/JCEWP.5.1.6(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2023-08-20 22:50:19 ConfID: 6921000 CauseID: 1586298877 OtherID: 1584814584 JT: Journal of Church Education·Welfare Practice MD: Choi,5,1,78,2023,Suggestions on the Career Guidance for Korean Churches in the Era of the 4th Industrial Revolution DOI: 10.59930/JCEWP.5.1.5.(Journal) (6921000-N) DOI: 10.59930/JCEWP.5.1.5(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2023-08-20 22:50:19 ConfID: 6920997 CauseID: 1586298877 OtherID: 1584814584 JT: Journal of Church Education·Welfare Practice MD: Son,5,1,20,2023,ChatGPT Fever and Korean Church DOI: 10.59930/JCEWP.5.1.2.(Journal) (6920997-N) DOI: 10.59930/JCEWP.5.1.2(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2023-08-20 22:50:19 ConfID: 6920996 CauseID: 1586298877 OtherID: 1584814584 JT: Journal of Church Education·Welfare Practice MD: Kim,5,1,1,2023,Exploring Factors Influencing the Life Satisfaction of Older Adults : The Comparison of Christian and Non-Christian DOI: 10.59930/JCEWP.5.1.1.(Journal) (6920996-N) DOI: 10.59930/JCEWP.5.1.1(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2023-08-20 22:50:19 ConfID: 6920999 CauseID: 1586298877 OtherID: 1584814584 JT: Journal of Church Education·Welfare Practice MD: Jung,5,1,50,2023,The Effect of Parental Provision of Structure on Life Satisfaction of Mid-Adolescents: Focusing on the Mediating Effect of Teacher Relationship DOI: 10.59930/JCEWP.5.1.4.(Journal) (6920999-N) DOI: 10.59930/JCEWP.5.1.4(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2023-08-20 22:50:19 ConfID: 6920998 CauseID: 1586298877 OtherID: 1584814584 JT: Journal of Church Education·Welfare Practice MD: Song,5,1,30,2023,Research in exploring ways to support church school teachers based on teachers’ survey DOI: 10.59930/JCEWP.5.1.3.(Journal) (6920998-N) DOI: 10.59930/JCEWP.5.1.3(Journal)