Report date: Feb 4,2025 Conflict count: 357963 Publisher: Boldscholar Title count: 4 Conflict count: 19 ========================================================== Created: 2024-12-21 06:52:04 ConfID: 7744084 CauseID: 1662043905 OtherID: 1638563776 JT: Baze University Journal of Entrepreneurship and Interdisciplinary Studies MD: Ibrahim,,,,,2024,An Analysis of the Effect of Entrepreneurship towards a sustained Growth and Development in FCT-Abuja, Nigeria DOI: 10.61955/eytrpr(Journal) (7744084-N) DOI: 10.61955/ZHRFLJ(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2024-12-21 06:52:02 ConfID: 7744064 CauseID: 1662043843 OtherID: 1638563775 JT: Baze University Journal of Entrepreneurship and Interdisciplinary Studies MD: Muhammad,,,,2024,Structural performance using corrected characteristic strength of steel: Case study of a building in Abuja DOI: 10.61955/bkzclg(Journal) (7744064-N) DOI: 10.61955/SYKKFM(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2024-12-21 06:51:59 ConfID: 7744044 CauseID: 1662043841 OtherID: 1638563773 JT: Baze University Journal of Entrepreneurship and Interdisciplinary Studies MD: Chimezie,,,,2024,Railway Services and Human Security in Enugu Metropolis, Enugu State, Nigeria DOI: 10.61955/hlwpkm(Journal) (7744044-N) DOI: 10.61955/HCWQLO(Journal)