Report date: Jan 28,2025 Conflict count: 357809 Publisher: Daffodil International University Title count: 3 Conflict count: 30 ========================================================== Created: 2024-07-04 02:43:49 ConfID: 7365746 CauseID: 1636326676 OtherID: 1626738249 JT: DIU Journal of Humanities and Social Science MD: Yesmin,10,1,1,2023,Possibility of Using Jam board for Interactive Remote EFL Teaching and Learning: A Survey of Students’ Perception DOI: 10.36481/1pq3c961(Journal) (7365746-N) DOI: 10.36481/diujhssv0101.1pq3c961(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2024-07-04 03:43:15 ConfID: 7365751 CauseID: 1636334104 OtherID: 1626934662 JT: DIU Journal of Humanities and Social Science MD: Yesmin,10,1,1,2023,Possibility of Using Jam board for Interactive Remote EFL Teaching and Learning DOI: 10.36481/fqp2cm08(Journal) (7365751-N) DOI: 10.36481/diujssv010i.fqp2cm08(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2024-10-16 01:53:39 ConfID: 7611964 CauseID: 1652554132 OtherID: 1645072796 JT: DIU Journal of Humanities and Social Science MD: Dr. Md. Mohoshin,6,1,41,2018,Writingin Bangladesh : Theories and Practice Nexus DOI: 10.36481/diujhss.v.05i1.xyxqga80(Journal) (7611964-N) DOI: 10.36481/diujhss.v.06i1.xyxqga80(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2024-06-13 05:18:13 ConfID: 7340258 CauseID: 1633266567 OtherID: 1627646496 JT: DIU Journal of Humanities and Social Science MD: Shahriar,10,1,57,2023,Potential Success in English Writing Skills Using Artificial Intelligence “Grammarly” DOI: 10.36481/dw4ecj03(Journal) (7340258-N) DOI: 10.36481/diujhss.v10idw4ecj03(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2024-05-28 06:34:08 ConfID: 7323769 CauseID: 1630797783 OtherID: 1626738437 JT: DIU Journal of Humanities and Social Science MD: Rafi Al Mahmud,10,1,25,2023,Learning Opportunities and Challenges in Online Classes during COVID-19: A Study in Dhaka City DOI: 10.36481/evyg0761(Journal) (7323769-N) DOI: 10.36481/diujhss.v10i1.evyg0761(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2024-05-28 06:27:34 ConfID: 7323765 CauseID: 1630797288 OtherID: 1627647048 JT: DIU Journal of Humanities and Social Science MD: Ahmed,10,1,94,2023,Assessing Content-Based Instruction (CBI) in the Context of Teaching English at the Tertiary Level of Bangladesh DOI: 10.36481/qsn4ey02(Journal) (7323765-N) DOI: 10.36481/diujhss.v10i1.qsn4ey02(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2024-08-13 05:21:09 ConfID: 7432597 CauseID: 1642930095 OtherID: 1642930102 JT: DIU Journal of Humanities and Social Science MD: Mohammad Faisal,9,1,39,2024,Youth Response to Climate Change in Bangladesh: An Empirical Study DOI: 10.36481/diujhss.v09i1.rma1sd52(Journal) (7432597-N) DOI: 10.36481/0z4yk444(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2024-10-20 04:57:19 ConfID: 7619484 CauseID: 1653170877 OtherID: 1637526162 JT: DIU Journal of Humanities and Social Science MD: Ashraf,10,1,121,2023,Exploring English Language Teaching at Dakhil Level in the Aliya Madrasas in Bangladesh DOI: 10.36481/rv39gk68(Journal) (7619484-N) DOI: 10.36481/diujhss.v10i1.rv39gk68(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2024-10-17 01:19:03 ConfID: 7615064 CauseID: 1652721226 OtherID: 1636711761 JT: DIU Journal of Humanities and Social Science MD: Tahenaz Parvin,7,1,82,2020,Politics of ELT Pedagogy in the Global South DOI: 10.36481/x7rby466(Journal) (7615064-N) DOI: 10.36481/diujhss.v.07i1x7rby466(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2024-10-19 01:52:22 ConfID: 7618824 CauseID: 1653039227 OtherID: 1637525995 JT: DIU Journal of Humanities and Social Science MD: Anika,10,1,40,2023,Identity Crisis and Quest for Self-Autonomy in The Bell Jar DOI: 10.36481/a1dhyc22(Journal) (7618824-N) DOI: 10.36481/diujhss.v10i1.a1dhyc22(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2024-10-20 04:53:53 ConfID: 7619464 CauseID: 1653170726 OtherID: 1642930483 JT: DIU Journal of Humanities and Social Science MD: Md. Rafiz,9,1,103,2024,Speaking and Listening in English For Today at SSC and HSC Levels: Accentuation and Actualization DOI: 10.36481/xp5z6a47(Journal) (7619464-N) DOI: 10.36481/diujhss.v09i1.xp5z6a47(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2024-06-13 05:20:41 ConfID: 7339986 CauseID: 1633266858 OtherID: 1626598942 JT: DIU Journal of Humanities and Social Science MD: Liza,10,1,,2024,Theorizing "Exercise Book" Through the Perspectives of Three Translation Theorists Jakobson, Derrida and Benjamin DOI: 10.36481/mxym3698(Journal) (7339986-N) DOI: 10.36481/diujbe.v016i1mxym3698(Journal) DOI: 10.36481/diujhss.v07i.mxym3698(Journal)