Report date: Sep 3, 2024 Conflict count: 360612 Publisher: Institute of Philosophy, Russian Academy of Sciences Title count: 3 Conflict count: 9 ========================================================== Created: 2024-07-10 09:08:49.0 ConfID: 7372422 CauseID: 1637153832 JT: Otechestvennaya Filosofiya MD: Ermishina, 1 ,1,28,2023,Eurasianism in the Mirror of Research Approaches, or The Search for a Concrete Understanding of the Ideological Complex of the Movement DOI: 10.21146/3034-1825-2023-28-42(Journal) (7372422-N ) DOI: 10.21146/3034-1825-2023-46-63(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2024-07-17 09:17:17.0 ConfID: 7383390 CauseID: 1638098010 OtherID: 1637153832 JT: Otechestvennaya Filosofiya MD: Shpakovsky, 1 ,1,43,2023,The Concept of the Essence-Energy Distinction in Old Russian Translated Literature DOI: 10.21146/3034-1825-2023-43-46(Journal) (7383390-N ) DOI: 10.21146/3034-1825-2023-43-63(Journal)