Report date: Nov 6,2024 Conflict count: 361874 Publisher: Wiley (Blackwell Publishing) Title count: 475 Conflict count: 16773 ========================================================== Created: 2023-11-20 07:01:12 ConfID: 7037033 CauseID: 1597931110 OtherID: 5360 JT: Annals of Human Genetics MD: STEPHENSON,61,6,553,1997,An Electronic Companion to Genetics. Workbook by Philip Anderson and Barry Ganetzky. New York: Cogito Learning Media, Inc. £19.53. CD ROM for Macintosh/PCs and 304 page companion book. DOI: 10.1017/S000348009722659X(Journal) (7037033-N) DOI: 10.1111/j.1469-1809.1997.ahg616_0553_2.x(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2023-11-20 07:00:58 ConfID: 7037032 CauseID: 1597931054 OtherID: 5360 JT: Annals of Human Genetics MD: SHEER,61,5,463,1997,Genetics of Human Neoplasia. Volume 3 of Advances in Genome Biology. Edited by Ram S. Verma. JAI Press, London. 1995. 2 Vols: Pp. 232 & Pp. 248. £125.00 (US$195.00). ISBN: 1 55938 835 8. DOI: 10.1017/S0003480097256411(Journal) (7037032-N) DOI: 10.1111/j.1469-1809.1997.ahg615_0463_5.x(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2023-11-20 07:08:17 ConfID: 7037038 CauseID: 1597932719 OtherID: 33686200 JT: Annals of Human Genetics MD: BOURGAIN,66,1,99,2002,Missing data in haplotype analysis: a study on the MILC method DOI: 10.1017/S000348000100896X(Journal) (7037038-N) DOI: 10.1046/j.1469-1809.2002.6610099.x(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2023-11-20 07:00:58 ConfID: 7037031 CauseID: 1597931054 OtherID: 5355 JT: Annals of Human Genetics MD: DAY,61,5,463,1997,Mutation Detection. By Richard G. H. Cotton. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 1997. Pp. 198. £22.50 (paperback). DOI: 10.1017/S0003480097246415(Journal) (7037031-N) DOI: 10.1111/j.1469-1809.1997.ahg615_0463_4.x(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2023-11-20 07:00:58 ConfID: 7037030 CauseID: 1597931054 OtherID: 5355 JT: Annals of Human Genetics MD: MORRISON,61,5,463,1997,Does It Run in the Family? A Consumer's Guide to DNA Testing for Genetic Disorders. By Doris Teichler Zallen. New Brunswick, NJ, London: Rutgers University Press, 1997. Pp. 201. DOI: 10.1017/S0003480097226412(Journal) (7037030-N) DOI: 10.1111/j.1469-1809.1997.ahg615_0463_2.x(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2023-11-20 07:00:54 ConfID: 7037029 CauseID: 1597931037 OtherID: 5360 JT: Annals of Human Genetics MD: STEPHENSON,61,3,283,1997,Genetics Variants and Strains of the Laboratory Mouse. Third edition. Edited by M. F. Lyon, S. Rastan and S. D. M. Brown. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 1996. Volumes 1 and 2 pp. 1807. £150. DOI: 10.1017/S0003480097226229(Journal) (7037029-N) DOI: 10.1111/j.1469-1809.1997.ahg613_0283_2.x(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2023-11-20 07:00:49 ConfID: 7037028 CauseID: 1597931015 OtherID: 5355 JT: Annals of Human Genetics MD: WALSHE,61,2,173,1997,Wilson's Disease, vol. 30 in the series Major Problems in Neurology. By Tjaard Hoogenraad. London, Philadelphia, Toronto, Sydney, Tokyo: W. B. Saunders. Co Ltd. Pp. 209. £45.00. DOI: 10.1017/S0003480097226072(Journal) (7037028-N) DOI: 10.1111/j.1469-1809.1997.ahg612_0173_2.x(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2023-11-20 07:27:40 ConfID: 7037048 CauseID: 1597937184 OtherID: 5355 JT: Annals of Human Genetics MD: SMITH,62,4,361,1998,Lancelot Hogben, Scientific Humanist: An unauthorised autobiography. Edited by ADRIAN and ANNE HOGBEN. Rendlesham, Suffolk: Merlin Press. 1998. Pp. 254. £14.95. DOI: 10.1017/S0003480098227035(Journal) (7037048-N) DOI: 10.1111/j.1469-1809.1998.ahg624_0361_2.x(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2023-11-20 07:23:15 ConfID: 7037043 CauseID: 1597936055 OtherID: 5356 JT: Annals of Human Genetics MD: GARDINER,63,3,273,1999,Genetics of Focal Epilepsies: Clinical Aspects and Molecular Biology. Current Problems in Epilepsy: 13. Edited by S. F. BERKOVIC, P. GENTON, E. HIRSCH and F. PICARD. London: John Libbey. 1999. Pp. 286. £59.00, US $103.00. DOI: 10.1017/S0003480099237530(Journal) (7037043-N) DOI: 10.1111/j.1469-1809.1999.ahg633_0273_3.x(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2023-11-20 07:23:15 ConfID: 7037042 CauseID: 1597936055 OtherID: 5356 JT: Annals of Human Genetics MD: HUMPHRIES,63,3,273,1999,Evolution in Health and Disease. Edited by S. C. STEARNS. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 1999. Pp. 328. £23.50 (paperback). DOI: 10.1017/S0003480099227534(Journal) (7037042-N) DOI: 10.1111/j.1469-1809.1999.ahg633_0273_2.x(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2023-11-20 07:27:21 ConfID: 7037047 CauseID: 1597937088 OtherID: 5355 JT: Annals of Human Genetics MD: HARDY,62,1,93,1998,Genetic Control of Heart Development. Third Report of the Human Frontier Science Program, Workshop III, Strasbourg, 1997. Edited by E. N. Olson, R. P. Harvey, R. A. Schulz and J. S. Altman. Pp. 189 (paperback). DOI: 10.1017/S0003480098226704(Journal) (7037047-N) DOI: 10.1111/j.1469-1809.1998.ahg621_0093_2.x(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2023-11-20 07:23:51 ConfID: 7037045 CauseID: 1597936204 OtherID: 5356 JT: Annals of Human Genetics MD: SMITH,64,1,89,2000,Lionel Sharples Penrose: a Biography. By M. SMITH. Obtainable from The Lavenham Press, Water St., Lavenham, Sudbury CO10 9RN. £9.95, p+p £1. DOI: 10.1017/S0003480000247891(Journal) (7037045-N) DOI: 10.1111/j.1469-1809.2000.ahg641_0089_4.x(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2023-11-20 07:23:51 ConfID: 7037044 CauseID: 1597936204 OtherID: 5356 JT: Annals of Human Genetics MD: WATERWORTH,64,1,89,2000,Analysis of Human Genetic Linkage. By J. OTT. Baltimore, London: Johns Hopkins University Press. 1999 (3rd edition). Pp. 382. £38.00. DOI: 10.1017/S0003480000227899(Journal) (7037044-N) DOI: 10.1111/j.1469-1809.2000.ahg641_0089_2.x(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2023-11-20 07:27:40 ConfID: 7037160 CauseID: 1597937176 OtherID: 5355 JT: Annals of Human Genetics MD: BURNS,62,4,361,1998,Protein Dysfunction in Human Genetic Disease. Edited by D. M. SWALLOW and Y. H. EDWARDS. Oxford: Bios Scientific Publishers. 1997. Pp. 258. £65.00. DOI: 10.1017/S0003480098217039(Journal) (7037160-N) DOI: 10.1046/j.1469-1809.1998.62403611.x(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2023-11-20 07:27:29 ConfID: 7037155 CauseID: 1597937119 OtherID: 5355 JT: Annals of Human Genetics MD: PALIN,62,5,465,1998,Telomeres and Telomerase. Edited by D. J. CHADWICK and G. CARDEW. Chichester: John Wiley and Sons, 1997. Pp. 238. DOI: 10.1017/S0003480098217155(Journal) (7037155-N) DOI: 10.1046/j.1469-1809.1998.62504651.x(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2023-11-20 07:27:21 ConfID: 7037154 CauseID: 1597937087 OtherID: 5355 JT: Annals of Human Genetics MD: ,62,3,189,1998,Lionel Penrose FRS, 1898–1972 DOI: 10.1017/S0003480098009671(Journal) (7037154-N) DOI: 10.1046/j.1469-1809.1998.6230189.x(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2023-11-20 07:27:31 ConfID: 7037159 CauseID: 1597937140 OtherID: 5355 JT: Annals of Human Genetics MD: DE ANDRADE,62,6,505,1998,Segregation analysis of squamous cell carcinoma of the head and neck: evidence for a major gene determining risk DOI: 10.1017/S0003480099007204(Journal) (7037159-N) DOI: 10.1046/j.1469-1809.1998.6260505.x(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2023-11-20 07:27:31 ConfID: 7037158 CauseID: 1597937140 OtherID: 5355 JT: Annals of Human Genetics MD: De STEFANO,62,6,481,1998,Linkage disequilibrium at the cystathionine β synthase (CBS) locus and the association between genetic variation at the CBS locus and plasma levels of homocysteine DOI: 10.1017/S0003480099007186(Journal) (7037158-N) DOI: 10.1046/j.1469-1809.1998.6260481.x(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2023-11-20 07:27:29 ConfID: 7037157 CauseID: 1597937120 OtherID: 5355 JT: Annals of Human Genetics MD: EDWARDS,62,5,453,1998,Fisher, Haldane and Wright in the decade 1922–1932. DOI: 10.1017/S0003480098277141(Journal) (7037157-N) DOI: 10.1111/j.1469-1809.1998.ahg625_0453_7.x(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2023-11-20 07:27:29 ConfID: 7037156 CauseID: 1597937119 OtherID: 5355 JT: Annals of Human Genetics MD: AL TALABANI,62,5,411,1998,Major congenital malformations in United Arab Emirates (UAE): need for genetic counselling DOI: 10.1017/S0003480098007118(Journal) (7037156-N) DOI: 10.1046/j.1469-1809.1998.6250411.x(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2023-11-20 07:22:52 ConfID: 7037147 CauseID: 1597935957 OtherID: 5355 JT: Annals of Human Genetics MD: ,63,2,119,1999,Abstracts DOI: 10.1017/S0003480098009981(Journal) (7037147-N) DOI: 10.1046/j.1469-1809.1999.6320119.x(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2023-11-20 07:22:29 ConfID: 7037145 CauseID: 1597935851 OtherID: 5356 JT: Annals of Human Genetics MD: JIMENEZ,63,4,377,1999,In Situ Hybridization: A Practical Approach. 2nd Edition. Edited by D. G. WILKINSON (Series Editor: B. D. Hames). Oxford: Oxford University Press. 1998. Pp. 224. £29.95 (paperback). (Hard covers £65.00.) DOI: 10.1017/S0003480099237645(Journal) (7037145-N) DOI: 10.1111/j.1469-1809.1999.ahg634_0377_3.x(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2023-11-20 07:22:29 ConfID: 7037144 CauseID: 1597935851 OtherID: 5356 JT: Annals of Human Genetics MD: HALL,63,4,377,1999,The Principles of Clinical Cytogenetics. Edited by S. L. GERSEN and M. B. KEAGLE. Totowa, NJ: Humana Press. 1999. Pp. 558. $79.50. DOI: 10.1017/S0003480099227649(Journal) (7037144-N) DOI: 10.1111/j.1469-1809.1999.ahg634_0377_2.x(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2023-11-20 07:24:32 ConfID: 7037151 CauseID: 1597936351 OtherID: 33686200 JT: Annals of Human Genetics MD: SUN,64,6,555,2000,Transmission/disequilibrium tests for quantitative traits DOI: 10.1046/j.1469-1809.2000.6460555.x(Journal) (7037151-N) DOI: 10.1017/S000348000000840X(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2023-11-20 07:24:32 ConfID: 7037150 CauseID: 1597936351 OtherID: 33686200 JT: Annals of Human Genetics MD: ENNIS,64,6,513,2000,Allelic association in the FRAX region DOI: 10.1046/j.1469-1809.2000.6460513.x(Journal) (7037150-N) DOI: 10.1017/S000348000000837X(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2023-11-20 07:23:51 ConfID: 7037149 CauseID: 1597936203 OtherID: 5356 JT: Annals of Human Genetics MD: VERMA,64,1,89,2000,In Situ Hybridization: Principles and Practice. Edited by J. M. POLAK and J. O'D. MCGEE. Oxford Medical Publications. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 1998 (2nd Edition). Pp. 212. £39.95. DOI: 10.1017/S0003480000217892(Journal) (7037149-N) DOI: 10.1046/j.1469-1809.2000.64100891.x(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2023-11-20 07:23:14 ConfID: 7037148 CauseID: 1597936045 OtherID: 5356 JT: Annals of Human Genetics MD: MALLET,63,3,273,1999,Molecular Genetic Analysis of Populations. Second Edition. Practical Approach Series. Edited by A. R. HOELZEL. Oxford, New York, Tokyo: IRL Press at Oxford University Press. 1998. Pp. xxii+445. £29.95 (paperback). DOI: 10.1017/S0003480099217538(Journal) (7037148-N) DOI: 10.1046/j.1469-1809.1999.63302731.x(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2023-11-20 07:22:29 ConfID: 7037143 CauseID: 1597935851 OtherID: 5356 JT: Annals of Human Genetics MD: AULCHENKO,63,4,351,1999,An example of complex segregation analysis of plant pedigree: reversion of cytoplasm type in Sugar Beet (Beta vulgaris L.) DOI: 10.1017/S0003480099227625(Journal) (7037143-N) DOI: 10.1111/j.1469-1809.1999.ahg634_0351_2.x(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2023-11-20 07:22:30 ConfID: 7037142 CauseID: 1597935855 OtherID: 5360 JT: Annals of Human Genetics MD: HUMPHRIES,63,4,377,1999,Evolutionary Aspects of Nutrition and Health: Diet, Exercise, Genetics and Chronic Disease. World Review of Nutrition and Dietetics, vol. 84. Edited by A. P. SIMOPOULOS. Basel: Karger. 1999. Pp. 145. US $172.25, Sw.Fr. 198, DM 237. DOI: 10.1017/S0003480099217642(Journal) (7037142-N) DOI: 10.1046/j.1469-1809.1999.63403771.x(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2023-11-20 07:00:47 ConfID: 7037067 CauseID: 1597930996 OtherID: 5355 JT: Annals of Human Genetics MD: PETRONZELLI,61,4,307,1997,Genetic contribution of the HLA region to the familial clustering of coeliac disease DOI: 10.1017/S0003480097006258(Journal) (7037067-N) DOI: 10.1046/j.1469-1809.1997.6140307.x(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2023-11-20 07:00:47 ConfID: 7037066 CauseID: 1597930996 OtherID: 5355 JT: Annals of Human Genetics MD: FERNIE,61,4,287,1997,DNA haplotypes of the complement C6 and C7 genes associated with deficiencies of the seventh component; and a new DNA polymorphism in C7 exon 13 DOI: 10.1017/S0003480097006234(Journal) (7037066-N) DOI: 10.1046/j.1469-1809.1997.6140287.x(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2023-11-20 07:00:47 ConfID: 7037065 CauseID: 1597930996 OtherID: 5355 JT: Annals of Human Genetics MD: HUMPHREY,61,4,299,1997,Cloning and evaluation of RALGDS as a candidate for the tuberous sclerosis gene TSC1 DOI: 10.1017/S0003480097006246(Journal) (7037065-N) DOI: 10.1046/j.1469-1809.1997.6140299.x(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2023-11-20 07:00:47 ConfID: 7037064 CauseID: 1597930996 OtherID: 5355 JT: Annals of Human Genetics MD: BRETT,61,4,383,1997,In the Blood: God, Genes and Destiny. (Book of the major BBC television series.) By Steve Jones. London: HarperCollins. 1996. Pp. 302. £20.00. DOI: 10.1017/S0003480097006337(Journal) (7037064-N) DOI: 10.1046/j.1469-1809.1997.6140383.x(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2023-11-20 07:00:54 ConfID: 7037071 CauseID: 1597931035 OtherID: 5355 JT: Annals of Human Genetics MD: TAYLOR,61,3,283,1997,Human Molecular Genetics. By T. Strachan and A. P. Read. Oxford: Bios Scientific Publishers. 1996. ISBN 1 872748 69 4. Pp. 596 + Index. £29.95. DOI: 10.1017/S0003480097216222(Journal) (7037071-N) DOI: 10.1046/j.1469-1809.1997.61302831.x(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2023-11-20 07:00:49 ConfID: 7037070 CauseID: 1597931002 OtherID: 5355 JT: Annals of Human Genetics MD: ADLER,61,2,173,1997,Environmental Mutagenesis. Edited by D. H. Phillips and S. Venitt, Bios Scientific Publishers, Oxford, U.K., 1995, Pp. 403. 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Application to GM haplotypes of native Amerindian tribes DOI: 10.1017/S000348009600591X(Journal) (7037059-N) DOI: 10.1046/j.1469-1809.1997.6110035.x(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2023-11-20 07:00:27 ConfID: 7037058 CauseID: 1597930941 OtherID: 5355 JT: Annals of Human Genetics MD: ZAPATA,61,1,69,1997,On Fisher's exact test for detecting gametic disequilibrium between DNA polymorphisms DOI: 10.1017/S0003480096005969(Journal) (7037058-N) DOI: 10.1046/j.1469-1809.1997.6110069.x(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2023-11-20 07:00:25 ConfID: 7037057 CauseID: 1597930934 OtherID: 33686200 JT: Annals of Human Genetics MD: MARTINELLI,65,5,465,2001,Linkage analysis of three candidate regions of chromosome 1 in nonsyndromic familial orofacial cleft DOI: 10.1046/j.1469-1809.2001.6550465.x(Journal) (7037057-N) DOI: 10.1017/S000348000100882X(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2023-11-20 07:00:27 ConfID: 7037063 CauseID: 1597930941 OtherID: 5355 JT: Annals of Human Genetics MD: MORTON,61,1,1,1997,Genetic Epidemiology DOI: 10.1017/S0003480096005891(Journal) (7037063-N) DOI: 10.1046/j.1469-1809.1997.6110001.x(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2023-11-20 07:00:27 ConfID: 7037062 CauseID: 1597930941 OtherID: 5355 JT: Annals of Human Genetics MD: STILL,61,1,15,1997,Fine structure physical mapping of a 1·9 Mb region of chromosome 13q12 DOI: 10.1017/S0003480096005908(Journal) (7037062-N) DOI: 10.1046/j.1469-1809.1997.6140379.x(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2023-11-20 07:00:27 ConfID: 7037061 CauseID: 1597930941 OtherID: 5355 JT: Annals of Human Genetics MD: GÉNIN,61,1,25,1997,Information provided by pairs of distantly affected relatives to search for genes involved in rare autosomal dominant diseases DOI: 10.1017/S0003480096005970(Journal) (7037061-N) DOI: 10.1046/j.1469-1809.1997.6110025.x(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2023-11-20 07:00:25 ConfID: 7037060 CauseID: 1597930934 OtherID: 33686200 JT: Annals of Human Genetics MD: ENNIS,65,5,503,2001,Allelic association discriminates draft orders DOI: 10.1046/j.1469-1809.2001.6550503.x(Journal) (7037060-N) DOI: 10.1017/S000348000100879X(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2023-11-20 07:00:58 ConfID: 7037075 CauseID: 1597931053 OtherID: 5355 JT: Annals of Human Genetics MD: WOLFE,61,5,401,1997,Mapping ESTs to the TSC1 candidate interval by use of the ‘Science 96’ transcript map DOI: 10.1017/S0003480097006350(Journal) (7037075-N) DOI: 10.1046/j.1469-1809.1997.6150401.x(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2023-11-20 07:00:54 ConfID: 7037074 CauseID: 1597931035 OtherID: 5355 JT: Annals of Human Genetics MD: STOESZ,61,3,263,1997,Extension of the Haseman–Elston method to multiple alleles and multiple loci: theory and practice for candidate genes DOI: 10.1017/S0003480097006179(Journal) (7037074-N) DOI: 10.1046/j.1469-1809.1997.6130263.x(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2023-11-20 07:00:54 ConfID: 7037073 CauseID: 1597931035 OtherID: 5360 JT: Annals of Human Genetics MD: POVEY,61,3,183,1997,REPORT on the Fifth International Workshop on Chromosome 9 held at Eynsham, Oxfordshire, UK, September 4–6, 1996 DOI: 10.1017/S0003480097006106(Journal) (7037073-N) DOI: 10.1046/j.1469-1809.1997.6130183.x(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2023-11-20 07:00:54 ConfID: 7037072 CauseID: 1597931035 OtherID: 5355 JT: Annals of Human Genetics MD: TSUKAMOTO,61,3,235,1997,Mutations associated with Sjögren–Larsson Syndrome DOI: 10.1017/S0003480097006143(Journal) (7037072-N) DOI: 10.1046/j.1469-1809.1997.6130235.x(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2023-11-20 07:02:01 ConfID: 7037078 CauseID: 1597931290 OtherID: 5349 JT: Annals of Human Genetics MD: LE HELLARD,65,3,221,2001,Physical mapping: integrating computational and molecular genetic data DOI: 10.1017/S0003480001008594(Journal) (7037078-N) DOI: 10.1046/j.1469-1809.2001.6530221.x(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2023-11-20 07:01:11 ConfID: 7037077 CauseID: 1597931109 OtherID: 5355 JT: Annals of Human Genetics MD: ,61,6,531,1997,European Mathematical Genetics Meeting held at Munich, 5–7 April 1997 DOI: 10.1017/S000348009700657X(Journal) (7037077-N) DOI: 10.1046/j.1469-1809.1997.6160531.x(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2023-11-20 07:00:58 ConfID: 7037076 CauseID: 1597931053 OtherID: 5355 JT: Annals of Human Genetics MD: DRUMMOND,61,5,393,1997,Cloning and chromosome assignment of the human CDX2 gene DOI: 10.1017/S0003480097006465(Journal) (7037076-N) DOI: 10.1046/j.1469-1809.1997.6150393.x(Journal)