Report date: Feb 4,2025 Conflict count: 357963 Publisher: JSTOR Title count: 94 Conflict count: 13195 ========================================================== Created: 2024-11-26 10:28:13 ConfID: 7688984 CauseID: 1658023304 JT: Storytelling Self Society MD: Spear,17,2,210,2021,End of Life Choices and Storytelling—Exploring Preferences and Conflicts DOI: 10.2307/48746248(Journal) (7688984-N) ========================================================== Created: 2024-11-26 10:28:14 ConfID: 7688964 CauseID: 1658023302 JT: Storytelling Self Society MD: Gratch,17,2,263,2021,The Virtual Storyteller DOI: 10.2307/48746250(Journal) (7688964-N)