Report date: Feb 4,2025 Conflict count: 357963 Publisher: HBS Medical and Dental College Title count: 1 Conflict count: 3 ========================================================== Created: 2024-10-09 12:55:38 ConfID: 7599765 CauseID: 1651630629 OtherID: 1651217886 JT: Journal of HBS M&DC MD: Ansari,4,1,42,2024,Development of Competency Profile for Doctoral Candidates in Diagnostic Healthcare Fields: A Scoping Review DOI: 10.70394/jhbsmdc.v4.i1.69(Journal) (7599765-N) DOI: 10.70394/jhbsmdc.v4i1.69(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2024-10-08 05:36:44 ConfID: 7594804 CauseID: 1651363233 OtherID: 1651209374 JT: Journal of HBS M&DC MD: Iqbal,4,1,19,2024,Perception of Fresh Graduates and new Academic Faculty Regarding Specialty of “Health Professional Education” as a Career- A Multicentre Study in Pakistan DOI: 10.70394/jhbsmdc.v4.i1.19(Journal) (7594804-N) DOI: 10.70394/jhbsmdc.v4i1.19(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2024-10-09 13:01:22 ConfID: 7599764 CauseID: 1651631144 OtherID: 1651209743 JT: Journal of HBS M&DC MD: Saghir,4,1,36,2024,Extended Drug Resistant Typhoid Fever; A Case Report DOI: 10.70394/jhbsmdc.v4.i1.41(Journal) (7599764-N) DOI: 10.70394/jhbsmdc.v4i1.42(Journal) DOI: 10.70394/jhbsmdc.v4i1.41(Journal)