Report date: Sep 3, 2024 Conflict count: 360612 Publisher: Institute of Medicine, Nepal Title count: 1 Conflict count: 141 ========================================================== Created: 2024-07-17 03:32:39.0 ConfID: 7383251 CauseID: 1638059844 OtherID: 1500437504 JT: Journal of Institute of Medicine Nepal MD: Shrestha, 42 ,3,1,2020,Separate Consent for Anesthetic Practice: Need of the Moment DOI: 10.3126/jiom.v42i3.37571(Journal) (7383251-N ) DOI: 10.59779/jiomnepal.1123(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2024-07-17 03:32:48.0 ConfID: 7383252 CauseID: 1638059861 OtherID: 1500437504 JT: Journal of Institute of Medicine Nepal MD: Maskey, 42 ,3,7,2020,Thyroid Disorders and Prolactin Hormone and Their Association with Obesity in Infertile Women in a Tertiary Hospital of Nepal DOI: 10.3126/jiom.v42i3.37569(Journal) (7383252-N ) DOI: 10.59779/jiomnepal.1124(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2024-07-17 03:33:07.0 ConfID: 7383253 CauseID: 1638059884 OtherID: 1500437504 JT: Journal of Institute of Medicine Nepal MD: Shrestha, 42 ,3,12,2020,Short Term Outcome of Acute ST Elevation Myocardial Infarction in a Tertiary Care Cardiac Center DOI: 10.3126/jiom.v42i3.37570(Journal) (7383253-N ) DOI: 10.59779/jiomnepal.1125(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2024-07-17 03:33:15.0 ConfID: 7383254 CauseID: 1638059890 OtherID: 1500437504 JT: Journal of Institute of Medicine Nepal MD: Acharya, 42 ,3,18,2020,Preoperative Anxiety Assessment in Adult Patients Undergoing Elective Surgeries: A Cross-Sectional Observational Study DOI: 10.3126/jiom.v42i3.37572(Journal) (7383254-N ) DOI: 10.59779/jiomnepal.1126(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2024-07-17 03:33:31.0 ConfID: 7383255 CauseID: 1638059917 OtherID: 1500437504 JT: Journal of Institute of Medicine Nepal MD: Pradhananga, 42 ,3,23,2020,Comparison of Round Window Anatomy between Pediatric and Adult Population: A Perspective from Cochlear Implantation Surgery DOI: 10.3126/jiom.v42i3.37573(Journal) (7383255-N ) DOI: 10.59779/jiomnepal.1127(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2024-07-17 03:33:39.0 ConfID: 7383256 CauseID: 1638059921 OtherID: 1500437504 JT: Journal of Institute of Medicine Nepal MD: Subedi, 42 ,3,26,2020,Management of Postpancreatectomy Hemorrhage Following Pancreaticoduodenectomy at a Tertiary Care Center in Nepal DOI: 10.3126/jiom.v42i3.37574(Journal) (7383256-N ) DOI: 10.59779/jiomnepal.1128(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2024-07-17 03:33:44.0 ConfID: 7383257 CauseID: 1638059930 OtherID: 1500437504 JT: Journal of Institute of Medicine Nepal MD: Raut, 42 ,3,32,2020,Comparative Study on Effectiveness and Safety of Atorvastatin with Rosuvastatin in Hyperlipidemic Patients at a Tertiary Care Hospital in Nepal DOI: 10.3126/jiom.v42i3.37578(Journal) (7383257-N ) DOI: 10.59779/jiomnepal.1129(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2024-07-17 03:34:07.0 ConfID: 7383258 CauseID: 1638059966 OtherID: 1500437504 JT: Journal of Institute of Medicine Nepal MD: Neupane, 42 ,3,38,2020,Does Drilling Induce Hearing Loss after Modified Radical Mastoidectomy? A Retrospective Study DOI: 10.3126/jiom.v42i3.37579(Journal) (7383258-N ) DOI: 10.59779/jiomnepal.1130(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2024-07-17 03:34:08.0 ConfID: 7383259 CauseID: 1638059967 OtherID: 1500437504 JT: Journal of Institute of Medicine Nepal MD: Rokka, 42 ,3,42,2020,Normative Measurement of Orbital Structures in Computed Tomography DOI: 10.3126/jiom.v42i3.37580(Journal) (7383259-N ) DOI: 10.59779/jiomnepal.1131(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2024-07-17 03:34:18.0 ConfID: 7383260 CauseID: 1638059976 OtherID: 1500437504 JT: Journal of Institute of Medicine Nepal MD: Maharjan, 42 ,3,62,2020,Post-Transplant Erythrocytosis in Live Donor Kidney Transplant Recipients: A Retrospective Single Center Study DOI: 10.3126/jiom.v42i3.37585(Journal) (7383260-N ) DOI: 10.59779/jiomnepal.1137(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2024-07-17 03:34:25.0 ConfID: 7383261 CauseID: 1638059986 OtherID: 1500437504 JT: Journal of Institute of Medicine Nepal MD: Singh, 42 ,3,76,2020,Prevalence of Stunting among 6-59 Months Children and its Association with Water, Sanitation and Hygiene Practice in Urban Slums of Kathmandu, Nepal DOI: 10.3126/jiom.v42i3.37590(Journal) (7383261-N ) DOI: 10.59779/jiomnepal.1139(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2024-07-17 03:34:45.0 ConfID: 7383262 CauseID: 1638060009 OtherID: 1500437504 JT: Journal of Institute of Medicine Nepal MD: Mudvari, 42 ,3,97,2020,Patterns and Causality Assessment of Adverse Drug Reactions in Inpatients of a Tertiary Care Hospital, Nepal DOI: 10.3126/jiom.v42i3.37601(Journal) (7383262-N ) DOI: 10.59779/jiomnepal.1141(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2024-07-17 03:34:46.0 ConfID: 7383263 CauseID: 1638060012 OtherID: 1500437504 JT: Journal of Institute of Medicine Nepal MD: Khanal, 42 ,3,82,2020,Assessment Of Third Ventricular Parameters in Computed Tomography of Head: A Pilot Study in Tertiary Level Hospital DOI: 10.3126/jiom.v42i3.37594(Journal) (7383263-N ) DOI: 10.59779/jiomnepal.1142(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2024-07-17 03:34:47.0 ConfID: 7383264 CauseID: 1638060014 OtherID: 1500437504 JT: Journal of Institute of Medicine Nepal MD: Thapa, 42 ,3,87,2020,Clinical Profile of Patients Presenting with Low Back Pain to Out Patient Department of a Tertiary Level Hospital DOI: 10.3126/jiom.v42i3.37596(Journal) (7383264-N ) DOI: 10.59779/jiomnepal.1144(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2024-07-17 03:34:52.0 ConfID: 7383265 CauseID: 1638060023 OtherID: 1500437504 JT: Journal of Institute of Medicine Nepal MD: Bajracharya, 42 ,3,106,2020,Ectopic Thyroid Tissue in Submandibular Region in Pediatric Patient: A Case Report DOI: 10.3126/jiom.v42i3.37604(Journal) (7383265-N ) DOI: 10.59779/jiomnepal.1145(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2024-07-17 03:34:47.0 ConfID: 7383266 CauseID: 1638060013 OtherID: 1500437504 JT: Journal of Institute of Medicine Nepal MD: Paudel, 42 ,3,102,2020,Rare Primary Spinal Mesenchymal Chondrosarcoma: A Case Report DOI: 10.3126/jiom.v42i3.37602(Journal) (7383266-N ) DOI: 10.59779/jiomnepal.1143(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2024-07-17 03:35:33.0 ConfID: 7383267 CauseID: 1638060093 OtherID: 1500437504 JT: Journal of Institute of Medicine Nepal MD: Pathak, 42 ,3,52,2020,Admission Profile and Outcome of Patients in a Level III Intensive Care Unit: A Two-Year Comparative Study DOI: 10.3126/jiom.v42i3.37582(Journal) (7383267-N ) DOI: 10.59779/jiomnepal.1134(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2024-07-17 03:35:44.0 ConfID: 7383268 CauseID: 1638060109 OtherID: 1500437504 JT: Journal of Institute of Medicine Nepal MD: Shrestha, 42 ,3,57,2020,Correlation of Body Mass Index with Handgrip Strength and Endurance of Dominant Hand in Medical Students DOI: 10.3126/jiom.v42i3.37583(Journal) (7383268-N ) DOI: 10.59779/jiomnepal.1135(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2024-07-17 03:35:50.0 ConfID: 7383269 CauseID: 1638060124 OtherID: 1500437504 JT: Journal of Institute of Medicine Nepal MD: Sharma, 42 ,3,92,2020,Relation of Neck Circumference to Central Obesity and Overweight in Patients with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus Presenting to a Tertiary Center DOI: 10.3126/jiom.v42i3.37598(Journal) (7383269-N ) DOI: 10.59779/jiomnepal.1140(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2024-07-17 03:36:08.0 ConfID: 7383270 CauseID: 1638060151 OtherID: 1500437504 JT: Journal of Institute of Medicine Nepal MD: Sigdel, 42 ,3,71,2020,Assessment of a Scoring System to Predict Difficult Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy DOI: 10.3126/jiom.v42i3.37587(Journal) (7383270-N ) DOI: 10.59779/jiomnepal.1136(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2024-07-17 03:36:08.0 ConfID: 7383271 CauseID: 1638060150 OtherID: 1500437504 JT: Journal of Institute of Medicine Nepal MD: Bhandari, 42 ,3,67,2020,Outcome of Extracranial Carotid Pseudoaneurysm Surgery: A Retrospective Study DOI: 10.3126/jiom.v42i3.37586(Journal) (7383271-N ) DOI: 10.59779/jiomnepal.1132(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2024-07-17 03:38:05.0 ConfID: 7383272 CauseID: 1638060296 OtherID: 1500435841 JT: Journal of Institute of Medicine Nepal MD: Bajracharya, 43 ,1,5,2021,Nebulized Magnesium Sulphate Versus Saline as an Adjuvant in Acute Exacerbation of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease in a Tertiary Centre of Nepal: A Randomized Control Study DOI: 10.3126/jiom.v43i1.37461(Journal) (7383272-N ) DOI: 10.59779/jiomnepal.1147(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2024-07-17 03:38:30.0 ConfID: 7383273 CauseID: 1638060339 OtherID: 1500435841 JT: Journal of Institute of Medicine Nepal MD: Shrestha, 43 ,1,25,2021,Correlation of Status of Mastoid with Outcomes of Myringoplasty with Cortical Mastoidectomy in Mucosal Otitis Media with High Risk Perforation DOI: 10.3126/jiom.v43i1.37468(Journal) (7383273-N ) DOI: 10.59779/jiomnepal.1149(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2024-07-17 03:38:39.0 ConfID: 7383274 CauseID: 1638060344 OtherID: 1500435841 JT: Journal of Institute of Medicine Nepal MD: Shah, 43 ,1,11,2021,Risk Score for Prediction of Severe Postoperative Complications After Pancreaticoduodenectomy DOI: 10.3126/jiom.v43i1.37464(Journal) (7383274-N ) DOI: 10.59779/jiomnepal.1148(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2024-07-17 03:38:52.0 ConfID: 7383275 CauseID: 1638060361 OtherID: 1500435841 JT: Journal of Institute of Medicine Nepal MD: Kadel, 43 ,1,31,2021,Outcome of Carotid Endarterectomy in a Tertiary Center of Nepal: A Retrospective Study DOI: 10.3126/jiom.v43i1.37469(Journal) (7383275-N ) DOI: 10.59779/jiomnepal.1150(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2024-07-17 03:39:05.0 ConfID: 7383276 CauseID: 1638060381 OtherID: 1500435841 JT: Journal of Institute of Medicine Nepal MD: Bhandari, 43 ,1,36,2021,Knowledge of Nurses Working in Critical Care Areas Regarding Ventilator Associated Pneumonia Prevention Bundles in a Tertiary Level Cardiac Centre DOI: 10.3126/jiom.v43i1.37470(Journal) (7383276-N ) DOI: 10.59779/jiomnepal.1151(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2024-07-17 03:39:05.0 ConfID: 7383277 CauseID: 1638060382 OtherID: 1500435841 JT: Journal of Institute of Medicine Nepal MD: Khakurel, 43 ,1,15,2021,Diurnal Variability of Peak Expiratory Flow Rate in Healthy Adult Employees of a Medical College of Kathmandu DOI: 10.3126/jiom.v43i1.37466(Journal) (7383277-N ) DOI: 10.59779/jiomnepal.1152(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2024-07-17 03:39:22.0 ConfID: 7383278 CauseID: 1638060410 OtherID: 1500435841 JT: Journal of Institute of Medicine Nepal MD: Shakya, 43 ,1,43,2021,Prevalence of Metabolic Syndrome among Subjects attending General Health Checkup of a Tertiary Center of Kathmandu, Nepal DOI: 10.3126/jiom.v43i1.37471(Journal) (7383278-N ) DOI: 10.59779/jiomnepal.1153(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2024-07-17 03:39:43.0 ConfID: 7383279 CauseID: 1638060440 OtherID: 1500435841 JT: Journal of Institute of Medicine Nepal MD: Yadav, 43 ,1,19,2021,A Tale of β-Lactamases and Multidrug Resistance in Pseudomonas aeruginosa Isolated from Inpatients in a University Hospital DOI: 10.3126/jiom.v43i1.37467(Journal) (7383279-N ) DOI: 10.59779/jiomnepal.1154(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2024-07-17 03:39:47.0 ConfID: 7383280 CauseID: 1638060450 OtherID: 1500435841 JT: Journal of Institute of Medicine Nepal MD: Regmi, 43 ,1,47,2021,Right Sided Aortic Arch with Aberrant Left Subclavian Artery from Kommerell’s Diverticulum, a Cause of Persistent Dysphagia in an Adult: A Case Report DOI: 10.3126/jiom.v43i1.37472(Journal) (7383280-N ) DOI: 10.59779/jiomnepal.1155(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2024-07-17 03:39:51.0 ConfID: 7383281 CauseID: 1638060457 OtherID: 1500435841 JT: Journal of Institute of Medicine Nepal MD: Koirala, 43 ,1,50,2021,Anesthetic Management of Apert Syndrome: A Case Report DOI: 10.3126/jiom.v43i1.37473(Journal) (7383281-N ) DOI: 10.59779/jiomnepal.1156(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2024-07-17 03:40:09.0 ConfID: 7383282 CauseID: 1638060481 OtherID: 1500435841 JT: Journal of Institute of Medicine Nepal MD: Maskey, 43 ,1,57,2021,Case Report of Fetal Macrosomia with Birth Weight 6.25 kg: A Rare Encounter DOI: 10.3126/jiom.v43i1.37475(Journal) (7383282-N ) DOI: 10.59779/jiomnepal.1157(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2024-07-17 03:40:33.0 ConfID: 7383283 CauseID: 1638060524 OtherID: 1500435841 JT: Journal of Institute of Medicine Nepal MD: Lakhey, 43 ,1,54,2021,Single Stage Surgery for Open Lisfranc Injury: A Case Report DOI: 10.3126/jiom.v43i1.37474(Journal) (7383283-N ) DOI: 10.59779/jiomnepal.1158(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2024-07-17 03:40:44.0 ConfID: 7383284 CauseID: 1638060538 OtherID: 1500435841 JT: Journal of Institute of Medicine Nepal MD: Thapaliya, 43 ,1,60,2021,A Case Report on Deliberate Self-poisoning with Imidacloprid in a Young Female - Overview of a Newer Insecticide Poisoning DOI: 10.3126/jiom.v43i1.37476(Journal) (7383284-N ) DOI: 10.59779/jiomnepal.1159(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2024-07-17 04:03:04.0 ConfID: 7383285 CauseID: 1638063035 OtherID: 1500455401 JT: Journal of Institute of Medicine Nepal MD: Crump, 42 ,1,1,2020,Japan: What to Do with Dead Bodies? A Burning Issue DOI: 10.3126/jiom.v42i1.37415(Journal) (7383285-N ) DOI: 10.59779/jiomnepal.1075(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2024-07-17 04:03:27.0 ConfID: 7383286 CauseID: 1638063166 OtherID: 1500455401 JT: Journal of Institute of Medicine Nepal MD: Sah, 42 ,1,7,2020,Comparison of Graft Uptake and Postoperative Hearing Results between Butterfly-Cartilage and Temporalis-Fascia Myringoplasty DOI: 10.3126/jiom.v42i1.37416(Journal) (7383286-N ) DOI: 10.59779/jiomnepal.1076(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2024-07-17 04:04:00.0 ConfID: 7383287 CauseID: 1638063384 OtherID: 1500455401 JT: Journal of Institute of Medicine Nepal MD: Bhatta, 42 ,1,12,2020,Effect of Preoperative Nebulized Ketamine on Incidence and Severity of Postoperative Sore Throat in Patient Undergoing General Anaesthesia with Endotracheal Intubation DOI: 10.3126/jiom.v42i1.37418(Journal) (7383287-N ) DOI: 10.59779/jiomnepal.1077(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2024-07-17 04:04:20.0 ConfID: 7383288 CauseID: 1638063473 OtherID: 1500455401 JT: Journal of Institute of Medicine Nepal MD: Gautam, 42 ,1,17,2020,Variation of Arteries Forming Circle of Willis in Adult Human Cadavers DOI: 10.3126/jiom.v42i1.37419(Journal) (7383288-N ) DOI: 10.59779/jiomnepal.1078(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2024-07-17 04:04:55.0 ConfID: 7383289 CauseID: 1638063636 OtherID: 1500455401 JT: Journal of Institute of Medicine Nepal MD: Mahaseth, 42 ,1,21,2020,Fracture Nasal Bone: Causes, Presentation and Management in a Tertiary Care Center in Nepal DOI: 10.3126/jiom.v42i1.37420(Journal) (7383289-N ) DOI: 10.59779/jiomnepal.1079(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2024-07-17 04:05:20.0 ConfID: 7383290 CauseID: 1638063766 OtherID: 1500455401 JT: Journal of Institute of Medicine Nepal MD: Joshi, 42 ,1,26,2020,Experience of Hydatid Cyst Management in a Tertiary Care Center in Kathmandu Nepal DOI: 10.3126/jiom.v42i1.37421(Journal) (7383290-N ) DOI: 10.59779/jiomnepal.1080(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2024-07-17 04:05:43.0 ConfID: 7383291 CauseID: 1638063906 OtherID: 1500455401 JT: Journal of Institute of Medicine Nepal MD: Sigdel, 42 ,1,31,2020,Comparison of Outcomes of Open versus Laparoscopic Living Donor Nephrectomy in Nepal DOI: 10.3126/jiom.v42i1.37422(Journal) (7383291-N ) DOI: 10.59779/jiomnepal.1081(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2024-07-17 04:05:44.0 ConfID: 7383292 CauseID: 1638063909 OtherID: 1500455401 JT: Journal of Institute of Medicine Nepal MD: Malla, 42 ,1,36,2020,Diagnostic Evaluation of Patients Presenting with Rectal Bleeding by Colonoscopy DOI: 10.3126/jiom.v42i1.37423(Journal) (7383292-N ) DOI: 10.59779/jiomnepal.1082(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2024-07-17 04:07:08.0 ConfID: 7383293 CauseID: 1638064317 OtherID: 1500455401 JT: Journal of Institute of Medicine Nepal MD: Phuyal, 42 ,1,40,2020,Pediatric Ventriculoperitoneal Shunt: Outcome Analysis in a Tertiary Care Center in Nepal DOI: 10.3126/jiom.v42i1.37424(Journal) (7383293-N ) DOI: 10.59779/jiomnepal.1083(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2024-07-17 04:08:49.0 ConfID: 7383294 CauseID: 1638064610 OtherID: 1500455401 JT: Journal of Institute of Medicine Nepal MD: Gyawali, 42 ,1,44,2020,Outcomes of Children Presenting with Button Battery in Esophagus: A Retrospective Review DOI: 10.3126/jiom.v42i1.37425(Journal) (7383294-N ) DOI: 10.59779/jiomnepal.1084(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2024-07-17 04:09:03.0 ConfID: 7383295 CauseID: 1638064653 OtherID: 1500455401 JT: Journal of Institute of Medicine Nepal MD: Pathak, 42 ,1,49,2020,Frequency of ABO Blood Group and its Association with Acute Coronary Syndrome in Patients Presenting in a Tertiary Care Center of Nepal DOI: 10.3126/jiom.v42i1.37427(Journal) (7383295-N ) DOI: 10.59779/jiomnepal.1085(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2024-07-17 04:09:08.0 ConfID: 7383296 CauseID: 1638064676 OtherID: 1500455401 JT: Journal of Institute of Medicine Nepal MD: Sah, 42 ,1,54,2020,Profile and Outcome of Adult Spine Pathologies Managed in a Neurosurgical Tertiary Care Center in Nepal DOI: 10.3126/jiom.v42i1.37428(Journal) (7383296-N ) DOI: 10.59779/jiomnepal.1086(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2024-07-17 04:09:11.0 ConfID: 7383297 CauseID: 1638064696 OtherID: 1500455401 JT: Journal of Institute of Medicine Nepal MD: Shrestha, 42 ,1,59,2020,Anesthetic Management of a Case of Hemophagocytic Lymphohistiocytosis DOI: 10.3126/jiom.v42i1.37442(Journal) (7383297-N ) DOI: 10.59779/jiomnepal.1087(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2024-07-17 04:09:18.0 ConfID: 7383298 CauseID: 1638064729 OtherID: 1500455401 JT: Journal of Institute of Medicine Nepal MD: Hirachan, 42 ,1,62,2020,Granular Cell Tumor of Breast: Rare Tumor Masquerading as Malignancy DOI: 10.3126/jiom.v42i1.37443(Journal) (7383298-N ) DOI: 10.59779/jiomnepal.1088(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2024-07-17 04:09:33.0 ConfID: 7383299 CauseID: 1638064819 OtherID: 1500455401 JT: Journal of Institute of Medicine Nepal MD: Regmi, 42 ,1,68,2020,Adnexal Torsion in Ovarian Hyperstimulation Syndrome in Early Pregnancy: A Diagnostic Challenge DOI: 10.3126/jiom.v42i1.37446(Journal) (7383299-N ) DOI: 10.59779/jiomnepal.1090(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2024-07-17 04:09:32.0 ConfID: 7383300 CauseID: 1638064817 OtherID: 1500455401 JT: Journal of Institute of Medicine Nepal MD: Sharma, 42 ,1,65,2020,Low Grade Appendiceal Mucinous Neoplasm: A Report of Three Cases DOI: 10.3126/jiom.v42i1.37444(Journal) (7383300-N ) DOI: 10.59779/jiomnepal.1089(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2024-07-17 04:09:40.0 ConfID: 7383301 CauseID: 1638064867 OtherID: 1500455401 JT: Journal of Institute of Medicine Nepal MD: Verma, 42 ,1,71,2020,Palliative Toilet Mastectomy for Advanced Breast Cancer in a University Hospital of Nepal DOI: 10.3126/jiom.v42i1.37447(Journal) (7383301-N ) DOI: 10.59779/jiomnepal.1091(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2024-07-17 04:10:03.0 ConfID: 7383302 CauseID: 1638064972 OtherID: 1500455401 JT: Journal of Institute of Medicine Nepal MD: Jha, 42 ,1,72,2020,Breast Cancer Surgery at a Cancer Center in Janakpurdham: An Initial Experience DOI: 10.3126/jiom.v42i1.37449(Journal) (7383302-N ) DOI: 10.59779/jiomnepal.1092(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2024-07-17 04:10:18.0 ConfID: 7383303 CauseID: 1638065052 OtherID: 1500455401 JT: Journal of Institute of Medicine Nepal MD: Ghimire, 42 ,1,73,2020,Comparison of Nepalese and Swedish Patients with Colorectal Cancer Regarding Tumor Suppressor Methylation in Tumor and Mucosa Samples DOI: 10.3126/jiom.v42i1.37451(Journal) (7383303-N ) DOI: 10.59779/jiomnepal.1093(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2024-07-17 04:10:23.0 ConfID: 7383304 CauseID: 1638065079 OtherID: 1500455401 JT: Journal of Institute of Medicine Nepal MD: Kansakar, 42 ,1,74,2020,Clinicopathological Review of Resectable Gastric Cancer at a Tertiary Level Teaching Hospital of Nepal DOI: 10.3126/jiom.v42i1.37452(Journal) (7383304-N ) DOI: 10.59779/jiomnepal.1094(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2024-07-17 04:10:45.0 ConfID: 7383305 CauseID: 1638065185 OtherID: 1500455401 JT: Journal of Institute of Medicine Nepal MD: Hirachan, 42 ,1,75,2020,Prevalence of Molecular Subtypes of Breast Cancer in a University Hospital of Nepal DOI: 10.3126/jiom.v42i1.37453(Journal) (7383305-N ) DOI: 10.59779/jiomnepal.1095(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2024-07-17 04:10:47.0 ConfID: 7383306 CauseID: 1638065193 OtherID: 1500455401 JT: Journal of Institute of Medicine Nepal MD: Gupta, 42 ,1,76,2020,Palliative Care Services at a Cancer Center in Janakpur Nepal DOI: 10.3126/jiom.v42i1.37454(Journal) (7383306-N ) DOI: 10.59779/jiomnepal.1096(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2024-07-17 04:10:47.0 ConfID: 7383307 CauseID: 1638065194 OtherID: 1500455401 JT: Journal of Institute of Medicine Nepal MD: Chand, 42 ,1,77,2020,Efficacy of Integrated Intervention Program on Mental Health of Cancer Patients DOI: 10.3126/jiom.v42i1.37456(Journal) (7383307-N ) DOI: 10.59779/jiomnepal.1097(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2024-07-17 04:11:07.0 ConfID: 7383308 CauseID: 1638065270 OtherID: 1500455401 JT: Journal of Institute of Medicine Nepal MD: Rana, 42 ,1,79,2020,Risk Factors Among Breast Cancer Patients Being Treated in Tertiary Level Hospital of Nepal: A Case Control Study DOI: 10.3126/jiom.v42i1.37459(Journal) (7383308-N ) DOI: 10.59779/jiomnepal.1099(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2024-07-17 04:11:08.0 ConfID: 7383309 CauseID: 1638065272 OtherID: 1500455401 JT: Journal of Institute of Medicine Nepal MD: Thakur, 42 ,1,78,2020,Clinical Overview of Cancer Patients in Province Two of Nepal: A Single Center Experience DOI: 10.3126/jiom.v42i1.37457(Journal) (7383309-N ) DOI: 10.59779/jiomnepal.1098(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2024-07-17 04:13:55.0 ConfID: 7383310 CauseID: 1638066061 OtherID: 1500455913 JT: Journal of Institute of Medicine Nepal MD: Kurlberg, 41 ,3,1,2019,Implementation of WHO Surgical Safety Checklist and its Outcome in South Asia DOI: 10.3126/jiom.v41i3.37351(Journal) (7383310-N ) DOI: 10.59779/jiomnepal.1052(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2024-07-17 04:15:06.0 ConfID: 7383311 CauseID: 1638066437 OtherID: 1500455913 JT: Journal of Institute of Medicine Nepal MD: Pokhrel, 41 ,3,24,2019,Awareness Regarding Hypertension among Adults in a Community of Bhaktapur, Nepal DOI: 10.3126/jiom.v41i3.37360(Journal) (7383311-N ) DOI: 10.59779/jiomnepal.1057(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2024-07-17 04:15:06.0 ConfID: 7383312 CauseID: 1638066438 OtherID: 1500455913 JT: Journal of Institute of Medicine Nepal MD: Shrestha, 41 ,3,39,2019,Early Post-Operative Outcome and Complication of Arteriovenous Fistula Creation under Regional Anesthesia DOI: 10.3126/jiom.v41i3.37363(Journal) (7383312-N ) DOI: 10.59779/jiomnepal.1060(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2024-07-17 04:16:42.0 ConfID: 7383313 CauseID: 1638066855 OtherID: 1500455913 JT: Journal of Institute of Medicine Nepal MD: Gupta, 41 ,3,53,2019,Association of ABO Blood Groups with Craniofacial Morphology among Orthodontic Patients in Selected Private Clinics of Kathmandu DOI: 10.3126/jiom.v41i3.37366(Journal) (7383313-N ) DOI: 10.59779/jiomnepal.1063(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2024-07-17 04:16:41.0 ConfID: 7383314 CauseID: 1638066853 OtherID: 1500455913 JT: Journal of Institute of Medicine Nepal MD: Kansakar, 41 ,3,49,2019,Factors Predicting Mortality in Perforation Peritonitis at a Tertiary Care Center in Nepal DOI: 10.3126/jiom.v41i3.37365(Journal) (7383314-N ) DOI: 10.59779/jiomnepal.1062(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2024-07-17 04:18:45.0 ConfID: 7383315 CauseID: 1638067280 OtherID: 1500455913 JT: Journal of Institute of Medicine Nepal MD: Sapkota, 41 ,3,59,2019,Antimicrobial Susceptibility Pattern of Acinetobacter calcoaceticus-Acinetobacter baumannii Complex Isolated from Sputum in a Tertiary Care Hospital DOI: 10.3126/jiom.v41i3.37367(Journal) (7383315-N ) DOI: 10.59779/jiomnepal.1064(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2024-07-17 04:18:45.0 ConfID: 7383316 CauseID: 1638067275 OtherID: 1500455913 JT: Journal of Institute of Medicine Nepal MD: Kharel, 41 ,3,63,2019,Outcome of Endoscopic Sphenopalatine Artery Cauterization for Posterior Epistaxis DOI: 10.3126/jiom.v41i3.37368(Journal) (7383316-N ) DOI: 10.59779/jiomnepal.1065(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2024-07-17 04:18:52.0 ConfID: 7383317 CauseID: 1638067308 OtherID: 1500455913 JT: Journal of Institute of Medicine Nepal MD: Mandal, 41 ,3,67,2019,Role of Preoperative CEA, CA 19-9, NLR and PLR as Predictors of Adverse Prognostic Pathological Features of Gastric Carcinoma Patients in a Tertiary Centre of Nepal DOI: 10.3126/jiom.v41i3.37369(Journal) (7383317-N ) DOI: 10.59779/jiomnepal.1066(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2024-07-17 04:19:14.0 ConfID: 7383318 CauseID: 1638067383 OtherID: 1500455913 JT: Journal of Institute of Medicine Nepal MD: Chalise, 41 ,3,35,2019,Correlation between Iron Parameters and Platelet Parameters in Iron Deficiency Anemia DOI: 10.3126/jiom.v41i3.37362(Journal) (7383318-N ) DOI: 10.59779/jiomnepal.1059(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2024-07-17 04:19:13.0 ConfID: 7383319 CauseID: 1638067381 OtherID: 1500455913 JT: Journal of Institute of Medicine Nepal MD: Sapkota, 41 ,3,30,2019,Changes in the Quality of Life of Outpatients in Methadone Maintenance Treatment Clinics in Kathmandu Valley DOI: 10.3126/jiom.v41i3.37361(Journal) (7383319-N ) DOI: 10.59779/jiomnepal.1058(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2024-07-17 04:19:18.0 ConfID: 7383320 CauseID: 1638067398 OtherID: 1500455913 JT: Journal of Institute of Medicine Nepal MD: Mahat, 41 ,3,74,2019,Blood Groups and their Association with Academic Performance among Medical Students in a Nepalese Medical College DOI: 10.3126/jiom.v41i3.37370(Journal) (7383320-N ) DOI: 10.59779/jiomnepal.1067(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2024-07-17 04:19:38.0 ConfID: 7383321 CauseID: 1638067472 OtherID: 1500455913 JT: Journal of Institute of Medicine Nepal MD: Deo, 41 ,3,78,2019,Knowledge Regarding Antibiotic Use, its Resistance and Consequences among Higher Secondary Students in Private Schools of Kathmandu Valley DOI: 10.3126/jiom.v41i3.37372(Journal) (7383321-N ) DOI: 10.59779/jiomnepal.1068(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2024-07-17 04:20:01.0 ConfID: 7383322 CauseID: 1638067569 OtherID: 1500455913 JT: Journal of Institute of Medicine Nepal MD: Khanal, 41 ,3,86,2019,Vein of Galen Aneurysmal Malformation Presenting with Obstructive Hydrocephalus: A Case Report DOI: 10.3126/jiom.v41i3.37374(Journal) (7383322-N ) DOI: 10.59779/jiomnepal.1070(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2024-07-17 04:20:01.0 ConfID: 7383323 CauseID: 1638067573 OtherID: 1500455913 JT: Journal of Institute of Medicine Nepal MD: Khanal, 41 ,3,89,2019,Case of HER2-Enriched Multifocal Breast Cancer Associated with Pregnancy DOI: 10.3126/jiom.v41i3.37377(Journal) (7383323-N ) DOI: 10.59779/jiomnepal.1071(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2024-07-17 04:20:01.0 ConfID: 7383324 CauseID: 1638067571 OtherID: 1500455913 JT: Journal of Institute of Medicine Nepal MD: Parajuli, 41 ,3,83,2019,Drug Induced Sleep Endoscopy for Obstructive Sleep Apnea Syndrome: An Initial Experience in a Tertiary Level Centre DOI: 10.3126/jiom.v41i3.37373(Journal) (7383324-N ) DOI: 10.59779/jiomnepal.1069(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2024-07-17 04:20:23.0 ConfID: 7383325 CauseID: 1638067651 OtherID: 1500455913 JT: Journal of Institute of Medicine Nepal MD: Parajuli, 41 ,3,92,2019,A Case Report of Recurrent Pyogenic Granuloma with Satellitosis DOI: 10.3126/jiom.v41i3.37380(Journal) (7383325-N ) DOI: 10.59779/jiomnepal.1072(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2024-07-17 04:20:27.0 ConfID: 7383326 CauseID: 1638067673 OtherID: 1500455913 JT: Journal of Institute of Medicine Nepal MD: Bhandari, 41 ,3,95,2019,Case Report on Pseudoaneurysm of Brachial Artery: A Rare Complication of Paediatric Supracondylar Humerus Fracture Pinning DOI: 10.3126/jiom.v41i3.37379(Journal) (7383326-N ) DOI: 10.59779/jiomnepal.1073(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2024-07-17 04:25:50.0 ConfID: 7383329 CauseID: 1638069314 OtherID: 1459643558 JT: Journal of Institute of Medicine Nepal MD: Rai, 41 ,2,1,2019,Nephron Sparing Surgery for Small Renal Mass at a University Teaching Hospital: A Six Years Retrospective Review DOI: 10.3126/jiom.v41i2.26537(Journal) (7383329-N ) DOI: 10.59779/jiomnepal.1033(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2024-07-17 04:26:32.0 ConfID: 7383330 CauseID: 1638069504 OtherID: 1459643558 JT: Journal of Institute of Medicine Nepal MD: Nepali, 41 ,2,4,2019,Donor Factors Affecting Short Term Graft Outcome in Live Donor Kidney Transplantation DOI: 10.3126/jiom.v41i2.26539(Journal) (7383330-N ) DOI: 10.59779/jiomnepal.1034(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2024-07-17 04:27:27.0 ConfID: 7383331 CauseID: 1638069776 OtherID: 1459643558 JT: Journal of Institute of Medicine Nepal MD: Dhital, 41 ,2,8,2019,Retrospective Review of Adrenalectomy in a Tertiary Center in Nepal DOI: 10.3126/jiom.v41i2.26540(Journal) (7383331-N ) DOI: 10.59779/jiomnepal.1035(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2024-07-17 04:27:51.0 ConfID: 7383332 CauseID: 1638069877 OtherID: 1459643558 JT: Journal of Institute of Medicine Nepal MD: Sedhain, 41 ,2,11,2019,Hemodialysis Catheter-Related Infection in a Teaching Hospital of Central Nepal DOI: 10.3126/jiom.v41i2.26541(Journal) (7383332-N ) DOI: 10.59779/jiomnepal.1036(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2024-07-17 04:29:03.0 ConfID: 7383333 CauseID: 1638070122 OtherID: 1459643558 JT: Journal of Institute of Medicine Nepal MD: Shrestha, 41 ,2,17,2019,Mortality in Emergency Services in a University Teaching Hospital: A Retrospective Study DOI: 10.3126/jiom.v41i2.26542(Journal) (7383333-N ) DOI: 10.59779/jiomnepal.1037(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2024-07-17 04:29:26.0 ConfID: 7383334 CauseID: 1638070236 OtherID: 1459643558 JT: Journal of Institute of Medicine Nepal MD: Neupane, 41 ,2,26,2019,Risk Factors for Gall Stone Diseases in Patients Presenting to General Practice Out Patient Department in a Tertiary Care Center in Nepal DOI: 10.3126/jiom.v41i2.26545(Journal) (7383334-N ) DOI: 10.59779/jiomnepal.1039(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2024-07-17 04:29:25.0 ConfID: 7383335 CauseID: 1638070235 OtherID: 1459643558 JT: Journal of Institute of Medicine Nepal MD: Sherpa, 41 ,2,21,2019,Nutritional Assessment of Patients with Liver Cirrhosis by Nutrition Screening Tool and Anthropometry at a Tertiary Care Center DOI: 10.3126/jiom.v41i2.26543(Journal) (7383335-N ) DOI: 10.59779/jiomnepal.1038(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2024-07-17 04:29:40.0 ConfID: 7383336 CauseID: 1638070292 OtherID: 1459643558 JT: Journal of Institute of Medicine Nepal MD: Koirala, 41 ,2,30,2019,Outcome Analysis of Lipomeningomyelocele Repair in Children in a Tertiary Care Center in Nepal DOI: 10.3126/jiom.v41i2.26546(Journal) (7383336-N ) DOI: 10.59779/jiomnepal.1040(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2024-07-17 04:32:08.0 ConfID: 7383337 CauseID: 1638070699 OtherID: 1459643558 JT: Journal of Institute of Medicine Nepal MD: Parajuli, 41 ,2,35,2019,Diagnostic Accuracy of Peritoneoscopy to Determine the Cause of Low Serum Ascites Albumin Gradient DOI: 10.3126/jiom.v41i2.26547(Journal) (7383337-N ) DOI: 10.59779/jiomnepal.1041(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2024-07-17 04:32:33.0 ConfID: 7383338 CauseID: 1638070736 OtherID: 1459643558 JT: Journal of Institute of Medicine Nepal MD: Shrestha, 41 ,2,40,2019,Ventilator-Associated Pneumonia in Neurosurgical Patients: A Tertiary Care Center Study DOI: 10.3126/jiom.v41i2.26549(Journal) (7383338-N ) DOI: 10.59779/jiomnepal.1042(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2024-07-17 04:32:56.0 ConfID: 7383339 CauseID: 1638070775 OtherID: 1459643558 JT: Journal of Institute of Medicine Nepal MD: Bastola, 41 ,2,45,2019,Comparison of Sevoflurane and Isoflurane for Myocardial Protection During Coronary Artery Bypass Surgery in a Tertiary Care Center in Nepal DOI: 10.3126/jiom.v41i2.26550(Journal) (7383339-N ) DOI: 10.59779/jiomnepal.1043(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2024-07-17 04:33:18.0 ConfID: 7383340 CauseID: 1638070810 OtherID: 1459643558 JT: Journal of Institute of Medicine Nepal MD: Acharya, 41 ,2,50,2019,Knowledge and Practice on Prevention of Complications of Diabetes Mellitus among Patients with Diabetes in a Tertiary Hospital DOI: 10.3126/jiom.v41i2.26551(Journal) (7383340-N ) DOI: 10.59779/jiomnepal.1044(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2024-07-17 04:33:21.0 ConfID: 7383341 CauseID: 1638070814 OtherID: 1459643558 JT: Journal of Institute of Medicine Nepal MD: Pant, 41 ,2,56,2019,Serum Vitamin D Level in Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease and its Relation with Severity: A Single Centre Study DOI: 10.3126/jiom.v41i2.26552(Journal) (7383341-N ) DOI: 10.59779/jiomnepal.1045(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2024-07-17 04:33:33.0 ConfID: 7383342 CauseID: 1638070833 OtherID: 1459643558 JT: Journal of Institute of Medicine Nepal MD: Parajuli, 41 ,2,59,2019,Challenges of Sustaining Elimination Status of Leprosy in Nepal DOI: 10.3126/jiom.v41i2.26553(Journal) (7383342-N ) DOI: 10.59779/jiomnepal.1046(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2024-07-17 04:33:36.0 ConfID: 7383343 CauseID: 1638070841 OtherID: 1459643558 JT: Journal of Institute of Medicine Nepal MD: Tulachan, 41 ,2,62,2019,Anorectal Autoeroticism: A Case Report DOI: 10.3126/jiom.v41i2.26555(Journal) (7383343-N ) DOI: 10.59779/jiomnepal.1047(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2024-07-17 04:33:39.0 ConfID: 7383344 CauseID: 1638070845 OtherID: 1459643558 JT: Journal of Institute of Medicine Nepal MD: Gyawali, 41 ,2,65,2019,Thyroglossal Duct Fistula with an Unusual Presentation: A Case Report DOI: 10.3126/jiom.v41i2.26558(Journal) (7383344-N ) DOI: 10.59779/jiomnepal.1049(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2024-07-17 04:33:55.0 ConfID: 7383345 CauseID: 1638070877 OtherID: 1459643558 JT: Journal of Institute of Medicine Nepal MD: Shrestha, 41 ,2,67,2019,Elderly Great Grand Multipara with Gestational Hypertension and Anemia Managed in a Rural Tertiary Hospital: A Case Report DOI: 10.3126/jiom.v41i2.26561(Journal) (7383345-N ) DOI: 10.59779/jiomnepal.1050(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2024-07-17 04:34:01.0 ConfID: 7383346 CauseID: 1638070886 OtherID: 1459643558 JT: Journal of Institute of Medicine Nepal MD: Khanal, 41 ,2,70,2019,Batwing Technique in Large Volume Excision of Breast Lesions: Case Report DOI: 10.3126/jiom.v41i2.26562(Journal) (7383346-N ) DOI: 10.59779/jiomnepal.1051(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2024-07-17 04:35:34.0 ConfID: 7383347 CauseID: 1638071028 OtherID: 1468178394 JT: Journal of Institute of Medicine Nepal MD: Shrestha, 41 ,1,1,2019,Comparison of Percutaneous Dilatational Tracheostomy with Open Tracheostomy in Intensive Care Unit DOI: 10.3126/jiom.v41i1.28584(Journal) (7383347-N ) DOI: 10.59779/jiomnepal.1017(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2024-07-17 04:35:58.0 ConfID: 7383348 CauseID: 1638071073 OtherID: 1468178394 JT: Journal of Institute of Medicine Nepal MD: Rawal, 41 ,1,8,2019,Early Laparotomy: A Necessity for Postoperative Intraperitoneal Hemorrhage DOI: 10.3126/jiom.v41i1.28585(Journal) (7383348-N ) DOI: 10.59779/jiomnepal.1018(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2024-07-17 04:36:26.0 ConfID: 7383349 CauseID: 1638071111 OtherID: 1468178394 JT: Journal of Institute of Medicine Nepal MD: Sayami, 41 ,1,15,2019,Prevalence of Chronic Cor Pulmonale in Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease Patients in a Teaching Hospital in Nepal DOI: 10.3126/jiom.v41i1.28586(Journal) (7383349-N ) DOI: 10.59779/jiomnepal.1019(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2024-07-17 04:36:29.0 ConfID: 7383350 CauseID: 1638071113 OtherID: 1468178394 JT: Journal of Institute of Medicine Nepal MD: Shrestha, 41 ,1,20,2019,Measurement of Subcarinal Angle: A Cadaveric study DOI: 10.3126/jiom.v41i1.28587(Journal) (7383350-N ) DOI: 10.59779/jiomnepal.1020(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2024-07-17 05:07:52.0 ConfID: 7383351 CauseID: 1638073272 OtherID: 1468178394 JT: Journal of Institute of Medicine Nepal MD: Shah, 41 ,1,24,2019,Clinical and Etiological Profile of Patients with Optic Disc Edema in Tertiary Care Centre of Nepal DOI: 10.3126/jiom.v41i1.28588(Journal) (7383351-N ) DOI: 10.59779/jiomnepal.1021(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2024-07-17 05:18:36.0 ConfID: 7383368 CauseID: 1638073988 OtherID: 1468178394 JT: Journal of Institute of Medicine Nepal MD: Shrestha, 41 ,1,31,2019,Brachiobasilic Fistula at Manmohan Center: A Retrospective Review DOI: 10.3126/jiom.v41i1.28590(Journal) (7383368-N ) DOI: 10.59779/jiomnepal.1022(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2024-07-17 05:19:03.0 ConfID: 7383369 CauseID: 1638074012 OtherID: 1468178394 JT: Journal of Institute of Medicine Nepal MD: Khagi, 41 ,1,38,2019,Life Satisfaction and Insomnia among Elderly Community Dwellers of Lalitpur, Nepal DOI: 10.3126/jiom.v41i1.28591(Journal) (7383369-N ) DOI: 10.59779/jiomnepal.1023(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2024-07-17 05:19:28.0 ConfID: 7383370 CauseID: 1638074044 OtherID: 1468178394 JT: Journal of Institute of Medicine Nepal MD: Sapkota, 41 ,1,52,2019,Early Experience of Cardiac Surgery in the Maldives DOI: 10.3126/jiom.v41i1.28601(Journal) (7383370-N ) DOI: 10.59779/jiomnepal.1024(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2024-07-17 05:19:53.0 ConfID: 7383371 CauseID: 1638074075 OtherID: 1468178394 JT: Journal of Institute of Medicine Nepal MD: Shrestha, 41 ,1,67,2019,Clinical Profile of Critically Ill Patients Presenting to Emergency Department of Tertiary Level Hospital of Nepal DOI: 10.3126/jiom.v41i1.28603(Journal) (7383371-N ) DOI: 10.59779/jiomnepal.1025(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2024-07-17 05:20:17.0 ConfID: 7383372 CauseID: 1638074121 OtherID: 1468178394 JT: Journal of Institute of Medicine Nepal MD: Maharjan, 41 ,1,75,2019,Effectiveness of Audit and Feedback in Improving the Quality of Operative Notes - A Retrospective Observational Study DOI: 10.3126/jiom.v41i1.28604(Journal) (7383372-N ) DOI: 10.59779/jiomnepal.1026(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2024-07-17 05:20:42.0 ConfID: 7383373 CauseID: 1638074164 OtherID: 1468178394 JT: Journal of Institute of Medicine Nepal MD: Rayamahji, 41 ,1,79,2019,Clinico-etiological Profile of Seizure Disorder among Adults Admitted to Tertiary Care Hospital of Nepal DOI: 10.3126/jiom.v41i1.28605(Journal) (7383373-N ) DOI: 10.59779/jiomnepal.1027(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2024-07-17 05:21:45.0 ConfID: 7383374 CauseID: 1638074260 OtherID: 1468178394 JT: Journal of Institute of Medicine Nepal MD: Paudel, 41 ,1,85,2019,Analysis of Outcomes of Critically ill Surgical Patients using SAPS II Score DOI: 10.3126/jiom.v41i1.28606(Journal) (7383374-N ) DOI: 10.59779/jiomnepal.1028(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2024-07-17 05:26:41.0 ConfID: 7383375 CauseID: 1638074723 OtherID: 1468178394 JT: Journal of Institute of Medicine Nepal MD: Koirala, 41 ,1,91,2019,Perception of Nursing Students toward Academic Learning Environment in a College of Kathmandu DOI: 10.3126/jiom.v41i1.28607(Journal) (7383375-N ) DOI: 10.59779/jiomnepal.1029(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2024-07-17 05:27:38.0 ConfID: 7383376 CauseID: 1638074805 OtherID: 1468178394 JT: Journal of Institute of Medicine Nepal MD: Gyawali, 41 ,1,102,2019,Lumbar Diastomatomyelia with Syringomyelia: A Case Report DOI: 10.3126/jiom.v41i1.28608(Journal) (7383376-N ) DOI: 10.59779/jiomnepal.1030(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2024-07-17 05:51:43.0 ConfID: 7383377 CauseID: 1638076349 OtherID: 1468178394 JT: Journal of Institute of Medicine Nepal MD: Shakya, 41 ,1,106,2019,Awake Throughout Craniotomy: Initial Experience and the Anaesthetic Challenges DOI: 10.3126/jiom.v41i1.28609(Journal) (7383377-N ) DOI: 10.59779/jiomnepal.1031(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2024-07-18 03:31:52.0 ConfID: 7384945 CauseID: 1638194025 OtherID: 1471423886 JT: Journal of Institute of Medicine Nepal MD: Sherchand, 35 ,1,1,2013,Human Resources for Health (HRH) and challenges in Nepal DOI: 10.3126/jiom.v35i1.8889(Journal) (7384945-N ) DOI: 10.59779/jiomnepal.553(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2024-07-18 03:32:36.0 ConfID: 7384946 CauseID: 1638194061 OtherID: 1471423886 JT: Journal of Institute of Medicine Nepal MD: Bajracharya, 35 ,1,9,2013,Prognostic factors in endometrial cancer DOI: 10.3126/jiom.v35i1.8891(Journal) (7384946-N ) DOI: 10.59779/jiomnepal.557(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2024-07-18 03:32:36.0 ConfID: 7384947 CauseID: 1638194062 OtherID: 1471423886 JT: Journal of Institute of Medicine Nepal MD: Gajurel, 35 ,1,3,2013,Microalbuminuria as a Marker of Preclinical Diastolic Dysfunction in Newly Diagnosed and Never-Treated Essential Hypertension DOI: 10.3126/jiom.v35i1.8890(Journal) (7384947-N ) DOI: 10.59779/jiomnepal.555(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2024-07-18 03:33:02.0 ConfID: 7384948 CauseID: 1638194081 OtherID: 1471423886 JT: Journal of Institute of Medicine Nepal MD: Mahara, 35 ,1,18,2013,Fracture Shaft of Femur in Children with Newly Designed Femoral Brace DOI: 10.3126/jiom.v35i1.8892(Journal) (7384948-N ) DOI: 10.59779/jiomnepal.561(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2024-07-18 03:33:26.0 ConfID: 7384949 CauseID: 1638194102 OtherID: 1471423886 JT: Journal of Institute of Medicine Nepal MD: Onyiriuka, 35 ,1,23,2013,Common childhood symptoms and rural home-treatment practices DOI: 10.3126/jiom.v35i1.8893(Journal) (7384949-N ) DOI: 10.59779/jiomnepal.565(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2024-07-18 03:33:52.0 ConfID: 7384950 CauseID: 1638194125 OtherID: 1471423886 JT: Journal of Institute of Medicine Nepal MD: Jha, 35 ,1,32,2013,Functional Outcome in Patients with Chronic Plantar Fasciitis Treated with Plantar Fascia Stetching vs Tendoachilles Stretching Exercises DOI: 10.3126/jiom.v35i1.8895(Journal) (7384950-N ) DOI: 10.59779/jiomnepal.575(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2024-07-18 03:33:54.0 ConfID: 7384951 CauseID: 1638194126 OtherID: 1471423886 JT: Journal of Institute of Medicine Nepal MD: Choulagai, 35 ,1,39,2013,Prevalence and Associated Factors of Depression among Elderly Population Living in Geriatric Homes in Kathmandu Valley DOI: 10.3126/jiom.v35i1.8896(Journal) (7384951-N ) DOI: 10.59779/jiomnepal.582(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2024-07-18 03:34:18.0 ConfID: 7384952 CauseID: 1638194154 OtherID: 1471423886 JT: Journal of Institute of Medicine Nepal MD: Mondal, 35 ,1,45,2013,Species distribution and in vitro antifungal susceptibility patterns of Candida DOI: 10.3126/jiom.v35i1.8897(Journal) (7384952-N ) DOI: 10.59779/jiomnepal.585(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2024-07-18 03:34:18.0 ConfID: 7384953 CauseID: 1638194155 OtherID: 1471423886 JT: Journal of Institute of Medicine Nepal MD: Chand, 35 ,1,50,2013,Evaluation of image quality in chest radiographs DOI: 10.3126/jiom.v35i1.8899(Journal) (7384953-N ) DOI: 10.59779/jiomnepal.590(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2024-07-18 03:37:22.0 ConfID: 7384954 CauseID: 1638194351 OtherID: 1471423886 JT: Journal of Institute of Medicine Nepal MD: Bhargava, 35 ,1,53,2013,Antioxidant Properties of the Leaves of Chromolaena odorata Linn DOI: 10.3126/jiom.v35i1.8900(Journal) (7384954-N ) DOI: 10.59779/jiomnepal.592(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2024-07-18 03:37:49.0 ConfID: 7384955 CauseID: 1638194377 OtherID: 1471423886 JT: Journal of Institute of Medicine Nepal MD: Sigdel, 35 ,1,58,2013,Lupus Nephritis: A comprehensive review DOI: 10.3126/jiom.v35i1.8901(Journal) (7384955-N ) DOI: 10.59779/jiomnepal.597(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2024-07-18 03:38:13.0 ConfID: 7384956 CauseID: 1638194404 OtherID: 1471423886 JT: Journal of Institute of Medicine Nepal MD: Pant, 35 ,1,71,2013,Carcinoma of vulva occurs not only during old age: A Series of six cases DOI: 10.3126/jiom.v35i1.8902(Journal) (7384956-N ) DOI: 10.59779/jiomnepal.598(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2024-07-18 03:38:13.0 ConfID: 7384957 CauseID: 1638194405 OtherID: 1471423886 JT: Journal of Institute of Medicine Nepal MD: Shrestha, 35 ,1,74,2013,Bronchiectasis in a positive HIV child: a case report DOI: 10.3126/jiom.v35i1.8903(Journal) (7384957-N ) DOI: 10.59779/jiomnepal.602(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2024-07-22 00:25:23.0 ConfID: 7390652 CauseID: 1638618893 OtherID: 1500454279 JT: Journal of Institute of Medicine Nepal MD: Kharel, 42 ,2,1,2020,Relationship Between Ossicular Chain Erosion and Facial Canal Dehiscence in Chronic Otitis Media Squamous DOI: 10.3126/jiom.v42i2.37524(Journal) (7390652-N ) DOI: 10.59779/jiomnepal.1101(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2024-07-22 00:25:22.0 ConfID: 7390653 CauseID: 1638618892 OtherID: 1500454279 JT: Journal of Institute of Medicine Nepal MD: Pradhan, 42 ,2,5,2020,Comparison of EuroSCORE II with EuroSCORE in Cardiac Surgical Patients in a Tertiary Level Teaching Hospital in Nepal DOI: 10.3126/jiom.v42i2.37525(Journal) (7390653-N ) DOI: 10.59779/jiomnepal.1102(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2024-07-22 00:26:23.0 ConfID: 7390654 CauseID: 1638618920 OtherID: 1500454279 JT: Journal of Institute of Medicine Nepal MD: Satyal, 42 ,2,10,2020,Knowledge and Self-Care Practice on Hypertension among Hypertensive Patients in a Tertiary Level Hospital of Kathmandu DOI: 10.3126/jiom.v42i2.37528(Journal) (7390654-N ) DOI: 10.59779/jiomnepal.1103(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2024-07-22 00:27:25.0 ConfID: 7390655 CauseID: 1638618979 OtherID: 1500454279 JT: Journal of Institute of Medicine Nepal MD: Khanal, 42 ,2,16,2020,Early Outcome of Surgery in Pediatric Head Injury: Experience From a Tertiary Care Center in Eastern Nepal DOI: 10.3126/jiom.v42i2.37529(Journal) (7390655-N ) DOI: 10.59779/jiomnepal.1104(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2024-07-22 00:28:16.0 ConfID: 7390656 CauseID: 1638619029 OtherID: 1500454279 JT: Journal of Institute of Medicine Nepal MD: Bhandari, 42 ,2,26,2020,Outcome of Elastic Stable Intramedullary Nail in Length Unstable Diaphyseal Femur Fractures in Children: A Case Series DOI: 10.3126/jiom.v42i2.37531(Journal) (7390656-N ) DOI: 10.59779/jiomnepal.1106(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2024-07-22 00:28:21.0 ConfID: 7390657 CauseID: 1638619033 OtherID: 1500454279 JT: Journal of Institute of Medicine Nepal MD: Sapkota, 42 ,2,29,2020,Profile and Antibiotic Susceptibility Pattern of Bacterial Isolates from Mobile Phones of Healthcare Workers in a Tertiary Care Centre of Nepal DOI: 10.3126/jiom.v42i2.37532(Journal) (7390657-N ) DOI: 10.59779/jiomnepal.1107(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2024-07-22 00:28:39.0 ConfID: 7390658 CauseID: 1638619039 OtherID: 1500454279 JT: Journal of Institute of Medicine Nepal MD: Sharma, 42 ,2,37,2020,Clinical Profile of Patients Undergoing Temporary Transvenous Pacing in a Tertiary Cardiac Care Centre in Nepal DOI: 10.3126/jiom.v42i2.37534(Journal) (7390658-N ) DOI: 10.59779/jiomnepal.1108(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2024-07-22 00:29:04.0 ConfID: 7390659 CauseID: 1638619064 OtherID: 1500454279 JT: Journal of Institute of Medicine Nepal MD: Rawal, 42 ,2,42,2020,Cesarean Section or Instrumental Delivery: The Best Choice for Mode of Delivery during Second Stage of Labor DOI: 10.3126/jiom.v42i2.37536(Journal) (7390659-N ) DOI: 10.59779/jiomnepal.1110(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2024-07-22 00:39:10.0 ConfID: 7390660 CauseID: 1638619422 OtherID: 1500454279 JT: Journal of Institute of Medicine Nepal MD: Shrestha, 42 ,2,47,2020,Adherence to Therapeutic Regimen in Diabetic Patients Attending a Tertiary Level Hospital DOI: 10.3126/jiom.v42i2.37537(Journal) (7390660-N ) DOI: 10.59779/jiomnepal.1111(Journal) 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Journal of Institute of Medicine Nepal MD: Gyawali, 42 ,2,64,2020,Microbiological Profile and Drug Sensitivity Pattern in Persistently Discharging Ears: A Tertiary Level Hospital Based Retrospective Study DOI: 10.3126/jiom.v42i2.37541(Journal) (7390663-N ) DOI: 10.59779/jiomnepal.1114(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2024-07-22 00:43:33.0 ConfID: 7390664 CauseID: 1638619580 OtherID: 1500454279 JT: Journal of Institute of Medicine Nepal MD: Timalsina, 42 ,2,69,2020,Predictors of Multiple Micronutrient Powder Intake Adherence among Children Aged 6-23 Months in Rasuwa District, Nepal: A Cross-sectional Study DOI: 10.3126/jiom.v42i2.37542(Journal) (7390664-N ) DOI: 10.59779/jiomnepal.1115(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2024-07-22 00:43:56.0 ConfID: 7390665 CauseID: 1638619613 OtherID: 1500454279 JT: Journal of Institute of Medicine Nepal MD: Gupta, 42 ,2,80,2020,Pediatric Percutaneous Nephrolithotomy in a Peripheral Tertiary Care Center in Nepal DOI: 10.3126/jiom.v42i2.37545(Journal) (7390665-N ) DOI: 10.59779/jiomnepal.1117(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2024-07-22 00:43:56.0 ConfID: 7390666 CauseID: 1638619612 OtherID: 1500454279 JT: Journal of Institute of Medicine Nepal MD: Khadka, 42 ,2,85,2020,Multilevel Spinal Injury: Incidence, Distribution and Neurological Patterns DOI: 10.3126/jiom.v42i2.37546(Journal) (7390666-N ) DOI: 10.59779/jiomnepal.1118(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2024-07-22 00:43:56.0 ConfID: 7390667 CauseID: 1638619611 OtherID: 1500454279 JT: Journal of Institute of Medicine Nepal MD: Chataut, 42 ,2,76,2020,Correlation of Hypoechoic Lesions in Trans-rectal Ultrasound of Prostate with Histopathology in Prostate Cancer DOI: 10.3126/jiom.v42i2.37544(Journal) (7390667-N ) DOI: 10.59779/jiomnepal.1116(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2024-07-22 00:44:33.0 ConfID: 7390668 CauseID: 1638619631 OtherID: 1500454279 JT: Journal of Institute of Medicine Nepal MD: Shrestha, 42 ,2,94,2020,Giant Ocular Surface Squamous Neoplasia Wrapping Almost the Whole Cornea: A Case Report DOI: 10.3126/jiom.v42i2.37548(Journal) (7390668-N ) DOI: 10.59779/jiomnepal.1120(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2024-07-22 00:44:56.0 ConfID: 7390669 CauseID: 1638619646 OtherID: 1500454279 JT: Journal of Institute of Medicine Nepal MD: Shrestha, 42 ,2,91,2020,Leigh Syndrome in an Adolescent Girl: A Case Report DOI: 10.3126/jiom.v42i2.37547(Journal) (7390669-N ) DOI: 10.59779/jiomnepal.1119(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2024-07-22 00:44:56.0 ConfID: 7390670 CauseID: 1638619647 OtherID: 1500454279 JT: Journal of Institute of Medicine Nepal MD: Singh, 42 ,2,97,2020,Initial Experience with Simple Oncoplastic Breast Conserving Surgery in Nepal: A Case Report DOI: 10.3126/jiom.v42i2.37549(Journal) (7390670-N ) DOI: 10.59779/jiomnepal.1121(Journal)