Report date: Jan 28,2025 Conflict count: 357809 Publisher: Springer-Verlag Title count: 280 Conflict count: 3959 ========================================================== Created: 2014-09-03 15:57:54 ConfID: 4892288 CauseID: 1371939077 OtherID: 1371930156 JT: European Journal of Nuclear Medicine MD: Visser,21,4,367,1994,Iodoheptadecanoic scintigraphy is not related to lipid turnover DOI: 10.1007/BF00176580(Journal) (4892288-N) DOI: 10.1007/BF00947976(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2020-05-19 09:01:35 ConfID: 5613545 CauseID: 1469760453 OtherID: 1469678043 JT: European Journal of Nuclear Medicine MD: George,18,2,75,1991,Establishing brain death: the potential role of nuclear medicine in the search for a reliable confirmatory test DOI: 10.1007/BF00175907(Journal) (5613545-N) DOI: 10.1007/BF00950749(Journal)