Report date: Apr 23, 2024 Conflict count: 350216 Publisher: Elsevier Title count: 938 Conflict count: 15199 ========================================================== Created: 2015-10-31 22:01:05.0 ConfID: 5067451 CauseID: 1387000134 OtherID: 1387000086 JT: Drug and Alcohol Dependence MD: Hanlon, 156 ,null,89,2015,Beyond pharmacotherapy: Emerging data that non-invasive brain stimulation may be an efficacious strategy for decreasing drug craving in substance-dependent individuals DOI: 10.1016/j.drugalcdep.2015.07.1160(Journal) (5067451-N ) DOI: 10.1016/j.drugalcdep.2015.07.1158(Journal)