Report date: Apr 23, 2024 Conflict count: 350216 Publisher: Ilmi Etudler Dernegi - ILEM Title count: 2 Conflict count: 22 ========================================================== Created: 2016-10-02 17:24:32.0 ConfID: 5171980 CauseID: 1396941936 OtherID: 1396917644 JT: Journal of Humanity and Society (insan & toplum) MD: Eğri, 1 ,2,null,2011,Durham İstanbul İslami Finans Sonbahar Okulu DOI: 10.12658/human.society.1.1.D0020(Journal) (5171980-N ) DOI: 10.12658/human.society.1.2.D0020(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2016-10-02 17:24:32.0 ConfID: 5171981 CauseID: 1396941936 OtherID: 1396917644 JT: Journal of Humanity and Society (insan & toplum) MD: Kırmızı, 1 ,2,null,2011,Edebiyatın Omzundaki Melek: Edebiyatın Tarihle İlişkisi Üzerine Yazılar DOI: 10.12658/human.society.1.1.D0001(Journal) (5171981-N ) DOI: 10.12658/human.society.1.2.D0001(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2016-10-02 17:24:32.0 ConfID: 5171982 CauseID: 1396941936 OtherID: 1396917644 JT: Journal of Humanity and Society (insan & toplum) MD: Çilingir, 1 ,2,null,2011,İnsan ve Varlık: Kemalpaşazâde Bağlamında Bir Tasavvurun Yeniden İnşası DOI: 10.12658/human.society.1.1.D0015(Journal) (5171982-N ) DOI: 10.12658/human.society.1.2.D0015(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2016-10-02 17:24:32.0 ConfID: 5171983 CauseID: 1396941936 OtherID: 1396917644 JT: Journal of Humanity and Society (insan & toplum) MD: Havlioğlu, 1 ,2,null,2011,Bedeni, Toplumu, Kainatı Yazmak: İslam, Cinsiyet ve Kültür Üzerine DOI: 10.12658/human.society.1.1.D0003(Journal) (5171983-N ) DOI: 10.12658/human.society.1.2.D0003(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2016-10-02 17:24:32.0 ConfID: 5171984 CauseID: 1396941936 OtherID: 1396917644 JT: Journal of Humanity and Society (insan & toplum) MD: Yaslıçimen, 1 ,2,null,2011,İdrak ve İnşa: Turgut Cansever Mimarlığının İki Düzlemi DOI: 10.12658/human.society.1.1.D0004(Journal) (5171984-N ) DOI: 10.12658/human.society.1.2.D0004(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2016-10-02 17:24:32.0 ConfID: 5171985 CauseID: 1396941936 OtherID: 1396917644 JT: Journal of Humanity and Society (insan & toplum) MD: Erol, 1 ,2,null,2011,Milli Tarihin İnşası DOI: 10.12658/human.society.1.1.D0017(Journal) (5171985-N ) DOI: 10.12658/human.society.1.2.D0017(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2016-10-02 17:24:32.0 ConfID: 5171986 CauseID: 1396941936 OtherID: 1396917644 JT: Journal of Humanity and Society (insan & toplum) MD: Çilingir, 1 ,2,null,2011,İlim Bilmez Tarih Hatırlamaz: Şerh ve Haşiye Meselesine Dair Birkaç Not DOI: 10.12658/human.society.1.1.D0025(Journal) (5171986-N ) DOI: 10.12658/human.society.1.2.D0025(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2016-10-02 17:24:32.0 ConfID: 5171987 CauseID: 1396941936 OtherID: 1396917644 JT: Journal of Humanity and Society (insan & toplum) MD: Alkan, 1 ,2,null,2011,Crime and Punishment in Istanbul, 1700-1800 DOI: 10.12658/human.society.1.1.D0026(Journal) (5171987-N ) DOI: 10.12658/human.society.1.2.D0026(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2016-10-02 17:24:32.0 ConfID: 5171988 CauseID: 1396941936 OtherID: 1396917644 JT: Journal of Humanity and Society (insan & toplum) MD: Tiryaki, 1 ,2,null,2011,Gazzali Sempozyumu DOI: 10.12658/human.society.1.1.D0021(Journal) (5171988-N ) DOI: 10.12658/human.society.1.2.D0021(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2016-10-02 17:24:32.0 ConfID: 5171989 CauseID: 1396941936 OtherID: 1396917644 JT: Journal of Humanity and Society (insan & toplum) MD: Kızılkaya, 1 ,2,null,2011,İbn Haldûn’a Göre İslâm Medeniyeti DOI: 10.12658/human.society.1.1.D0024(Journal) (5171989-N ) DOI: 10.12658/human.society.1.2.D0024(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2016-10-02 17:44:33.0 ConfID: 5171990 CauseID: 1396942315 OtherID: 1396917987 JT: Journal of Humanity and Society (insan & toplum) MD: Afacan, 2 ,3,null,2012,Emperyalist Çağda Modernleşme DOI: 10.12658/human.society.1.1.D0038(Journal) (5171990-N ) DOI: 10.12658/human.society.2.3.D0038(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2016-10-02 17:44:33.0 ConfID: 5171991 CauseID: 1396942315 OtherID: 1396917987 JT: Journal of Humanity and Society (insan & toplum) MD: Altaş, 2 ,3,null,2012,Varlık ve İmkân: Aristoteles’ten İbn Sînâ’ya İmkânın Tarihi DOI: 10.12658/human.society.1.1.D0036(Journal) (5171991-N ) DOI: 10.12658/human.society.2.3.D0036(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2016-10-02 17:44:33.0 ConfID: 5171992 CauseID: 1396942315 OtherID: 1396917987 JT: Journal of Humanity and Society (insan & toplum) MD: Karaaslan, 2 ,3,null,2012,Emeğin Tevekkülü DOI: 10.12658/human.society.1.1.D0027(Journal) (5171992-N ) DOI: 10.12658/human.society.2.3.D0027(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2016-10-02 17:44:33.0 ConfID: 5171993 CauseID: 1396942315 OtherID: 1396917987 JT: Journal of Humanity and Society (insan & toplum) MD: Sümer, 2 ,3,null,2012,Homo Juridicus- Hukukun Antropolojik İşlevi Üzerine Bir Deneme DOI: 10.12658/human.society.1.1.D0040(Journal) (5171993-N ) DOI: 10.12658/human.society.2.3.D0040(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2016-10-02 17:44:33.0 ConfID: 5171994 CauseID: 1396942315 OtherID: 1396917987 JT: Journal of Humanity and Society (insan & toplum) MD: Ali, 2 ,3,null,2012,Realism and Religion: Philosophical and Theological Perspectives DOI: 10.12658/human.society.1.1.D0030(Journal) (5171994-N ) DOI: 10.12658/human.society.2.3.D0030(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2016-10-02 17:44:33.0 ConfID: 5171995 CauseID: 1396942315 OtherID: 1396917987 JT: Journal of Humanity and Society (insan & toplum) MD: Bilici, 2 ,3,null,2012,Sosyal Bilimler ve Felsefe DOI: 10.12658/human.society.1.1.D0039(Journal) (5171995-N ) DOI: 10.12658/human.society.2.3.D0039(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2016-10-02 17:44:33.0 ConfID: 5171996 CauseID: 1396942315 OtherID: 1396917987 JT: Journal of Humanity and Society (insan & toplum) MD: Yılmaz, 2 ,3,null,2012,Atatürk: An Intellectual Biography DOI: 10.12658/human.society.1.1.D0011(Journal) (5171996-N ) DOI: 10.12658/human.society.2.3.D0011(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2016-10-02 17:44:33.0 ConfID: 5171997 CauseID: 1396942315 OtherID: 1396917987 JT: Journal of Humanity and Society (insan & toplum) MD: Kaymakçı, 2 ,3,null,2012,İktisat-Felsefe Hattında Bir Değerlendirme: ‘İktisadı Felsefeyle Düşünmek’ DOI: 10.12658/human.society.1.1.D0037(Journal) (5171997-N ) DOI: 10.12658/human.society.2.3.D0037(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2016-10-02 17:44:33.0 ConfID: 5171998 CauseID: 1396942315 OtherID: 1396917987 JT: Journal of Humanity and Society (insan & toplum) MD: Kaya, 2 ,3,null,2012,Kapitalizmi Planlamak – Türkiye’de DPT’nin Dönüşümü DOI: 10.12658/human.society.1.1.D0035(Journal) (5171998-N ) DOI: 10.12658/human.society.2.3.D0035(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2016-10-02 17:44:33.0 ConfID: 5171999 CauseID: 1396942315 OtherID: 1396917987 JT: Journal of Humanity and Society (insan & toplum) MD: Gökçek, 2 ,3,null,2012,Postcolonial Melancholia DOI: 10.12658/human.society.1.1.D0007(Journal) (5171999-N ) DOI: 10.12658/human.society.2.3.D0007(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2023-03-28 03:24:54.0 ConfID: 6762983 CauseID: 1566662485 OtherID: 1566636000 JT: Journal of Humanity and Society (insan & toplum) MD: Yılmaz, 13 ,1,281,2023,The Relationship Among the Rule of Law, Morality, and the Modern State DOI: 10.12658/M0688(Journal) (6762983-N ) DOI: 10.12658/M0684(Journal)