Report date: Apr 16, 2024 Conflict count: 351559 Publisher: Michigan State University Press Title count: 7 Conflict count: 182 ========================================================== Created: 2024-01-19 20:36:55.0 ConfID: 7176323 CauseID: 1607660775 OtherID: 1552042364 JT: Fourth Genre Explorations in Nonfiction MD: Gilbreath, 12 ,2,61,2010,Hey Cowboy DOI: 10.1353/fge.2010.0022(Journal) (7176323-N ) DOI: 10.2307/41939069(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2024-01-19 20:36:55.0 ConfID: 7176324 CauseID: 1607660775 OtherID: 1552043181 JT: Fourth Genre Explorations in Nonfiction MD: Scott, 12 ,2,51,2010,Obituary According to (Self Portrait) DOI: 10.1353/fge.2010.0014(Journal) (7176324-N ) DOI: 10.2307/41939067(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2024-01-19 20:36:55.0 ConfID: 7176325 CauseID: 1607660775 OtherID: 1552043179 JT: Fourth Genre Explorations in Nonfiction MD: MacIvor-Andersen, 12 ,2,1,2010,How I Learned the Gospel by Heart and Stopped Saying Damn DOI: 10.1353/fge.2010.0024(Journal) (7176325-N ) DOI: 10.2307/41939063(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2024-01-19 20:36:55.0 ConfID: 7176326 CauseID: 1607660775 OtherID: 1552043187 JT: Fourth Genre Explorations in Nonfiction MD: Rafferty, 12 ,2,17,2010,Surfacing DOI: 10.1353/fge.2010.0002(Journal) (7176326-N ) DOI: 10.2307/41939064(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2024-01-19 20:36:55.0 ConfID: 7176327 CauseID: 1607660775 OtherID: 1552042368 JT: Fourth Genre Explorations in Nonfiction MD: Regiacorte, 12 ,2,53,2010,Swift Entanglement: renovations of memory in the realization of "you" DOI: 10.1353/fge.2010.0018(Journal) (7176327-N ) DOI: 10.2307/41939068(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2024-01-19 20:36:55.0 ConfID: 7176328 CauseID: 1607660775 OtherID: 1552042229 JT: Fourth Genre Explorations in Nonfiction MD: Church, 12 ,2,113,2010,Testing Ground: Notes on Writing "Ultrasonic" DOI: 10.1353/fge.2010.0023(Journal) (7176328-N ) DOI: 10.2307/41939075(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2024-01-19 20:36:55.0 ConfID: 7176329 CauseID: 1607660775 OtherID: 1552042608 JT: Fourth Genre Explorations in Nonfiction MD: Lloyd, 12 ,2,39,2010,At the End of the Road DOI: 10.1353/fge.2010.0010(Journal) (7176329-N ) DOI: 10.2307/41939066(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2024-01-19 20:36:55.0 ConfID: 7176330 CauseID: 1607660775 OtherID: 1552042603 JT: Fourth Genre Explorations in Nonfiction MD: Tobin, 12 ,2,135,2010,Gay Talese Has a Secret DOI: 10.1353/fge.2010.0005(Journal) (7176330-N ) DOI: 10.2307/41939077(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2024-01-19 20:36:55.0 ConfID: 7176331 CauseID: 1607660775 OtherID: 1552042606 JT: Fourth Genre Explorations in Nonfiction MD: Church, 12 ,2,97,2010,Ultrasonic DOI: 10.1353/fge.2010.0016(Journal) (7176331-N ) DOI: 10.2307/41939074(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2024-01-19 20:37:25.0 ConfID: 7176332 CauseID: 1607661002 OtherID: 1552042390 JT: Fourth Genre Explorations in Nonfiction MD: Coakley, 12 ,1,95,2010,How To Speak about the Secret Desert Wars DOI: 10.1353/fge.0.0117(Journal) (7176332-N ) DOI: 10.2307/41939045(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2024-01-19 20:37:25.0 ConfID: 7176333 CauseID: 1607661002 OtherID: 1552042394 JT: Fourth Genre Explorations in Nonfiction MD: McCabe, 12 ,1,71,2010,Notes on a Dancing Daughter DOI: 10.1353/fge.0.0104(Journal) (7176333-N ) DOI: 10.2307/41939043(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2024-01-19 20:37:25.0 ConfID: 7176334 CauseID: 1607661002 OtherID: 1552042398 JT: Fourth Genre Explorations in Nonfiction MD: Thomas, 12 ,1,119,2010,A Telescope at the Sky DOI: 10.1353/fge.0.0099(Journal) (7176334-N ) DOI: 10.2307/41939047(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2024-01-19 20:37:25.0 ConfID: 7176335 CauseID: 1607661002 OtherID: 1552043197 JT: Fourth Genre Explorations in Nonfiction MD: Morrill, 12 ,1,109,2010,SACCADES DOI: 10.1353/fge.0.0097(Journal) (7176335-N ) DOI: 10.2307/41939046(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2024-01-19 20:37:25.0 ConfID: 7176336 CauseID: 1607661002 OtherID: 1552042663 JT: Fourth Genre Explorations in Nonfiction MD: van Meter, 12 ,1,35,2010,The Goldfish History DOI: 10.1353/fge.0.0111(Journal) (7176336-N ) DOI: 10.2307/41939040(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2024-01-19 20:37:25.0 ConfID: 7176337 CauseID: 1607661002 OtherID: 1552042660 JT: Fourth Genre Explorations in Nonfiction MD: Bonomo, 12 ,1,15,2010,Occasional Prayer DOI: 10.1353/fge.0.0106(Journal) (7176337-N ) DOI: 10.2307/41939037(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2024-01-19 20:37:25.0 ConfID: 7176338 CauseID: 1607661002 OtherID: 1552042408 JT: Fourth Genre Explorations in Nonfiction MD: Gilbert, 12 ,1,49,2010,Midnight on the Farm DOI: 10.1353/fge.0.0114(Journal) (7176338-N ) DOI: 10.2307/41939041(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2024-01-19 20:37:25.0 ConfID: 7176339 CauseID: 1607661002 OtherID: 1552042401 JT: Fourth Genre Explorations in Nonfiction MD: Winograd, 12 ,1,23,2010,Bathing DOI: 10.1353/fge.0.0116(Journal) (7176339-N ) DOI: 10.2307/41939038(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2024-01-19 20:37:25.0 ConfID: 7176340 CauseID: 1607661002 OtherID: 1552042384 JT: Fourth Genre Explorations in Nonfiction MD: Thompson, 12 ,1,85,2010,Peripheral Visions DOI: 10.1353/fge.0.0102(Journal) (7176340-N ) DOI: 10.2307/41939044(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2024-01-19 20:37:25.0 ConfID: 7176341 CauseID: 1607661002 OtherID: 1552042379 JT: Fourth Genre Explorations in Nonfiction MD: Thomas, 12 ,1,131,2010,In the Elephant Room DOI: 10.1353/fge.0.0105(Journal) (7176341-N ) DOI: 10.2307/41939048(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2024-01-19 20:37:25.0 ConfID: 7176342 CauseID: 1607661002 OtherID: 1552042403 JT: Fourth Genre Explorations in Nonfiction MD: Williams, 12 ,1,27,2010,Humor Is Not a Mood DOI: 10.1353/fge.0.0109(Journal) (7176342-N ) DOI: 10.2307/41939039(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2024-01-19 20:37:25.0 ConfID: 7176343 CauseID: 1607661002 OtherID: 1552042382 JT: Fourth Genre Explorations in Nonfiction MD: Bonomo, 12 ,1,145,2010,Seams, Hinges, and Other Disclosures DOI: 10.1353/fge.0.0115(Journal) (7176343-N ) DOI: 10.2307/41939050(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2024-01-19 20:37:25.0 ConfID: 7176344 CauseID: 1607661002 OtherID: 1552042152 JT: Fourth Genre Explorations in Nonfiction MD: Nix, 12 ,1,1,2010,Swim, Memory DOI: 10.1353/fge.0.0103(Journal) (7176344-N ) DOI: 10.2307/41939036(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2024-01-19 20:37:25.0 ConfID: 7176345 CauseID: 1607661002 OtherID: 1552042668 JT: Fourth Genre Explorations in Nonfiction MD: Dernocoeur, 12 ,1,61,2010,Ranch Hands DOI: 10.1353/fge.0.0112(Journal) (7176345-N ) DOI: 10.2307/41939042(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2024-01-19 20:37:25.0 ConfID: 7176346 CauseID: 1607661002 OtherID: 1552042148 JT: Fourth Genre Explorations in Nonfiction MD: Aldrich, 12 ,1,ix,2010,Editor’s Note DOI: 10.1353/fge.0.0119(Journal) (7176346-N ) DOI: 10.2307/41939035(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2024-01-21 11:37:24.0 ConfID: 7176522 CauseID: 1607874044 OtherID: 1552042518 JT: Fourth Genre Explorations in Nonfiction MD: Julier, 14 ,2,vii,2012,Editor’s Note DOI: 10.1353/fge.2012.0052(Journal) (7176522-N ) DOI: 10.2307/41939175(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2024-01-21 11:40:03.0 ConfID: 7176618 CauseID: 1607874996 OtherID: 1552043033 JT: Fourth Genre Explorations in Nonfiction MD: Aldrich, 14 ,1,ix,2012,Editor’s Note DOI: 10.1353/fge.2012.0023(Journal) (7176618-N ) DOI: 10.2307/41939144(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2024-01-21 11:44:34.0 ConfID: 7176781 CauseID: 1607876411 OtherID: 1552042758 JT: Fourth Genre Explorations in Nonfiction MD: Aldrich, 13 ,2,ix,2011,Editor’s Note DOI: 10.1353/fge.2011.0034(Journal) (7176781-N ) DOI: 10.2307/41939117(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2024-01-21 12:33:27.0 ConfID: 7176978 CauseID: 1607880669 OtherID: 1519867241 JT: Fourth Genre Explorations in Nonfiction MD: null, 16 ,1,167,2014,About the Contributors DOI: 10.1353/fge.2013.0461(Journal) (7176978-N ) DOI: 10.14321/fourthgenre.16.1.0167(Journal)