Report date: Apr 30, 2024 Conflict count: 350192 Publisher: Walter de Gruyter GmbH Title count: 137 Conflict count: 1877 ========================================================== Created: 2015-03-10 12:41:17.0 ConfID: 3989669 CauseID: 1377191464 OtherID: 1376061099 JT: Mammalia MD: Noss, 70 ,1-2,null,2006,Drive counts for grey brocket deer Mazama gouazoupira in the Bolivian Chaco / Estimation de la population du cerf brun Mazama gouazoupira dans le Chaco de Bolivie par la méthode du dénombrement total DOI: 10.1515/MAMM.2006.020(Journal) (3989669-N ) DOI: 10.1515/mamm.70.1-2.64(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2015-03-10 12:41:17.0 ConfID: 3989670 CauseID: 1377191464 OtherID: 1376061099 JT: Mammalia MD: Nchanji, 70 ,1-2,null,2006,Common hippopotamus ( Hippopotamus amphibius ): a survey on the River Djerem, Mbam-Djerem National Park, Cameroon / Hippopotames ( Hippopotamus amphibius ): l''inventaire des populations sur la rivière Djerem, Parc National de Mbam Djerem, Cameroun DOI: 10.1515/MAMM.2006.009(Journal) (3989670-N ) DOI: 10.1515/mamm.70.1-2.9(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2015-03-10 12:41:17.0 ConfID: 3989671 CauseID: 1377191464 OtherID: 1376061099 JT: Mammalia MD: Gannier, 70 ,1-2,null,2006,Le peuplement estival de cétacés dans le Sanctuaire Marin Pelagos (Méditerranée nord-occidentale): distribution et abondance / Summer cetacean popoulation in the Pelagos Marine Sanctuary (northwest Mediterranean): distribution and abundance DOI: 10.1515/MAMM.2006.003(Journal) (3989671-N ) DOI: 10.1515/mamm.70.1-2.17(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2015-03-10 12:41:17.0 ConfID: 3989672 CauseID: 1377191464 OtherID: 1376061099 JT: Mammalia MD: Alberto Solórzano-Filho, 70 ,1-2,null,2006,Mobbing of Leopardus wiedii while hunting by a group of Sciurus ingrami in an Araucaria forest of Southeast Brazil / Assaillir du Leopardus wiedii tandis que chasse par un groupe de Sciurus ingrami dans une forêt d''Araucaria de sud-ouest au Brésil DOI: 10.1515/MAMM.2006.031(Journal) (3989672-N ) DOI: 10.1515/mamm.70.1-2.156(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2015-03-10 12:41:17.0 ConfID: 3989673 CauseID: 1377191464 OtherID: 1376061099 JT: Mammalia MD: Maier, 70 ,1-2,null,2006,Aggregations of masked shrews ( Sorex cinereus ): density-related mating behavior? / Agrégation de musaraignes masquées ( Sorex cinereus ): accouplement relatif à la densité de la population? DOI: 10.1515/MAMM.2006.015(Journal) (3989673-N ) DOI: 10.1515/mamm.70.1-2.86(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2015-03-10 12:41:17.0 ConfID: 3989674 CauseID: 1377191464 OtherID: 1376061099 JT: Mammalia MD: Robineau, 70 ,1-2,null,2006,Nouvelles données sur les cétacés des îles Kerguelen / New data on cetaceans of the Kerguelen Islands DOI: 10.1515/MAMM.2006.012(Journal) (3989674-N ) DOI: 10.1515/mamm.70.1-2.28(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2015-03-10 12:41:17.0 ConfID: 3989675 CauseID: 1377191464 OtherID: 1376061099 JT: Mammalia MD: Darviche, 70 ,1-2,null,2006,Mus spretus et M. musculus (Rodentia, Mammalia) en zone méditerranéenne: différenciation biométrique et morphologique: application à des fossiles marocains pléistocènes / Mus spretus and M. musculus (Rodentia, Mammalia) in the Mediterranean zone: biometric and morphological differentiation: application to Pleistocene Moroccan fossils DOI: 10.1515/MAMM.2006.010(Journal) (3989675-N ) DOI: 10.1515/mamm.70.1-2.90(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2015-03-10 12:41:17.0 ConfID: 3989676 CauseID: 1377191464 OtherID: 1376061099 JT: Mammalia MD: Nunes, 70 ,1-2,null,2006,On the distribution and rarity of the Neotropical bat Cyttarops alecto (Chiroptera, Emballuronidae) / Sur la distribution et la rareté de la chauve souris tropicale Cyttarops alecto (Chiroptera, Emballuronidae) DOI: 10.1515/MAMM.2006.032(Journal) (3989676-N ) DOI: 10.1515/mamm.70.1-2.173(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2015-03-10 12:41:17.0 ConfID: 3989677 CauseID: 1377191464 OtherID: 1376061099 JT: Mammalia MD: Brugière, 70 ,1-2,null,2006,Population abundance of the common hippopotamus Hippopotamus amphibius in the Haut Niger National Park, Republic of Guinea / Abondance de la population d''hippopotame commun Hippopotamus amphibius dans le Parc National du Haut Niger, République de Guinée DOI: 10.1515/MAMM.2006.008(Journal) (3989677-N ) DOI: 10.1515/mamm.70.1-2.14(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2015-03-10 12:41:17.0 ConfID: 3989678 CauseID: 1377191464 OtherID: 1376061099 JT: Mammalia MD: Astúa, 70 ,1-2,null,2006,Range extension and first Brazilian record of the rare Hyladelphys kalinowskii (Hershkovitz, 1992) (Didelphimorphia, Didelphidae) / Extension de distribution et première occurrence au Brésil du rare Hyladelphys kalinowskii (Hershkovitz, 1992) (Didelphimorphia, Didelphidae) DOI: 10.1515/MAMM.2006.025(Journal) (3989678-N ) DOI: 10.1515/mamm.70.1-2.174(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2015-03-10 12:41:17.0 ConfID: 3989679 CauseID: 1377191464 OtherID: 1376061099 JT: Mammalia MD: Carmignotto, 70 ,1-2,null,2006,Taxonomy and distribution of the Brazilian species of Thylamys (Didelphimorphia: Didelphidae) / La taxonomie et la distribution des espèces brésiliennes du genre Thylamys (Didelphimorphia: Didelphidae) DOI: 10.1515/MAMM.2006.013(Journal) (3989679-N ) DOI: 10.1515/mamm.70.1-2.126(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2015-03-10 12:41:17.0 ConfID: 3989680 CauseID: 1377191464 OtherID: 1376061099 JT: Mammalia MD: Gil-Delgado, 70 ,1-2,null,2006,Winter reproduction of Eliomys quercinus (Rodentia) in the orange groves of Sagunto (Valencia, Spain) / La reproduction en hiver d'' Eliomys quercinus (Rodentia) dans les orangeraies de Sagunto (Valence, Espagne) DOI: 10.1515/MAMM.2006.017(Journal) (3989680-N ) DOI: 10.1515/mamm.70.1-2.76(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2015-03-10 12:41:17.0 ConfID: 3989681 CauseID: 1377191464 OtherID: 1376061103 JT: Mammalia MD: Kumara, 70 ,1-2,null,2006,Distribution and relative abundance of giant squirrels and flying squirrels in Karnataka, India / Distribution et abondance relative des espèces d''écureuils géants et volants à Karnataka, Inde DOI: 10.1515/MAMM.2006.006(Journal) (3989681-N ) DOI: 10.1515/mamm.70.1-2.40(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2015-03-10 12:41:17.0 ConfID: 3989682 CauseID: 1377191464 OtherID: 1376061103 JT: Mammalia MD: Martino, 70 ,1-2,null,2006,New longevity records in South American microchiropterans / Nouveaux records de longévité chez les microchiroptères d''Amerique du Sud DOI: 10.1515/MAMM.2006.023(Journal) (3989682-N ) DOI: 10.1515/mamm.70.1-2.166(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2015-03-10 12:41:17.0 ConfID: 3989683 CauseID: 1377191464 OtherID: 1376061103 JT: Mammalia MD: null, 70 ,1-2,1,2006,Mammalia continued at De Gruyter Publishers DOI: 10.1515/MAMM.2006.036(Journal) (3989683-N ) DOI: 10.1515/mamm.70.1-2.1(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2015-03-10 12:41:17.0 ConfID: 3989684 CauseID: 1377191464 OtherID: 1376061103 JT: Mammalia MD: Kojima, 70 ,1-2,null,2006,Year-long stability and individual differences of male long calls in Japanese pikas Ochotona hyperborea yesoensis (Lagomorpha) / Stabilité annuelle et differences individuelles des cris d''appels longs des mâles de pikas du Japon Ochotona hyperborea yesoensis (Lagomorpha) DOI: 10.1515/MAMM.2006.005(Journal) (3989684-N ) DOI: 10.1515/mamm.70.1-2.80(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2015-03-10 12:41:17.0 ConfID: 3989685 CauseID: 1377191464 OtherID: 1376061103 JT: Mammalia MD: Lloyd, 70 ,1-2,null,2006,Observation of Phayre''s leaf monkeys mobbing a clouded leopard at Phu Khieo Wildlife Sanctuary (Thailand) / Observation des singes Trachypithecus phayrei assaillant un panthére nébulense au sanctuaire de faune de Phu Khieo (Thaïlande) DOI: 10.1515/MAMM.2006.028(Journal) (3989685-N ) DOI: 10.1515/mamm.70.1-2.158(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2015-03-10 12:41:17.0 ConfID: 3989686 CauseID: 1377191464 OtherID: 1376061103 JT: Mammalia MD: Brzeziński, 70 ,1-2,null,2006,Experiments on sprainting activity of otters ( Lutra lutra ) in the Bieszczady Mountains, southeastern Poland / Observations des épreintes de la loutre ( Lutra lutra ) sur les montagnes du Bieszczady au sud-est de la Pologne DOI: 10.1515/MAMM.2006.019(Journal) (3989686-N ) DOI: 10.1515/mamm.70.1-2.58(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2015-03-10 12:41:17.0 ConfID: 3989687 CauseID: 1377191464 OtherID: 1376061103 JT: Mammalia MD: Toškan, 70 ,1-2,null,2006,Noteworthy rodent records from the Upper Pleistocene and Holocene of Slovenia / Données remarquables sur les rongeurs du Pléistocène Supérieur et de l''Holocène de Slovénie DOI: 10.1515/MAMM.2006.002(Journal) (3989687-N ) DOI: 10.1515/mamm.70.1-2.98(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2015-03-10 12:41:17.0 ConfID: 3989688 CauseID: 1377191464 OtherID: 1376061103 JT: Mammalia MD: Lim, 70 ,1-2,null,2006,Systematic relationships of the Guianan brush-tailed rat (Isothrix sinnamariensis ) and its first occurrence in Guyana / Systématique du rat à queue en brosse de Guyane ( Isothrix sinnamariensis ) et première découverte en Guyane DOI: 10.1515/MAMM.2006.007(Journal) (3989688-N ) DOI: 10.1515/mamm.70.1-2.120(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2015-03-10 12:41:17.0 ConfID: 3989689 CauseID: 1377191464 OtherID: 1376061103 JT: Mammalia MD: Pelletier, 70 ,1-2,null,2006,Behavioural reactions of bighorn sheep ( Ovis canadensis ) to cougar ( Puma concolor ) attacks / Comportement du mouflon d''Amerique ( Ovis canadensis ) lors d''attaques par le cougar ( Puma concolor ) DOI: 10.1515/MAMM.2006.026(Journal) (3989689-N ) DOI: 10.1515/mamm.70.1-2.160(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2015-03-10 12:41:17.0 ConfID: 3989690 CauseID: 1377191464 OtherID: 1376061103 JT: Mammalia MD: Dallimer, 70 ,1-2,null,2006,Estimation of population density of Eidolon helvum on the island of Príncipe, Gulf of Guinea / Estimation de densité de population de Eidolon helvum sur l''île de Príncipe, Golfe de Guinée DOI: 10.1515/MAMM.2006.014(Journal) (3989690-N ) DOI: 10.1515/mamm.70.1-2.48(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2015-03-10 12:41:17.0 ConfID: 3989692 CauseID: 1377191464 OtherID: 1376061103 JT: Mammalia MD: Gatti, 70 ,1-2,null,2006,Diet of the crab-eating fox, Cerdocyon thous (Carnivora, Canidae) in Paulo Cesar Vinha State Park, Espírito Santo State, Brazil / La diète du renard crabier Cerdocyon thous (Carnivora, Canidae) au parc d''état Paulo Cesar Vinha, Espírito Santo, Brazil DOI: 10.1515/MAMM.2006.021(Journal) (3989692-N ) DOI: 10.1515/mamm.70.1-2.153(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2015-03-10 12:41:17.0 ConfID: 3989693 CauseID: 1377191464 OtherID: 1376061103 JT: Mammalia MD: Michalski, 70 ,1-2,null,2006,Notes on home range and habitat use of three small carnivore species in a disturbed vegetation mosaic of southeastern Brazil / Notes sur le territoire et l''utilisation de l''habitat de trois espèces de petits carnivores dans une végétation mosaïque perturbée au Sud Est du Brésil DOI: 10.1515/MAMM.2006.004(Journal) (3989693-N ) DOI: 10.1515/mamm.70.1-2.52(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2015-03-10 12:41:17.0 ConfID: 3989694 CauseID: 1377191464 OtherID: 1376061103 JT: Mammalia MD: Stevens, 70 ,1-2,null,2006,Geographic variation in body size of American mink ( Mustela vison ) / Variation géographique de la taille du corps chez le vison d''Amérique ( Mustela vison ) DOI: 10.1515/MAMM.2006.018(Journal) (3989694-N ) DOI: 10.1515/mamm.70.1-2.145(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2015-03-10 12:41:17.0 ConfID: 3989695 CauseID: 1377191464 OtherID: 1376061103 JT: Mammalia MD: Lin, 70 ,1-2,null,2006,Updating the occurrence of Harpiocephalus harpia (Chiroptera: Vespertilionidae) and its karyology in Taiwan / Mise à jour l''occurrence de Harpiocephalus harpia (Chiroptera: Vespertilionidae) et sa karyologie à Taiwan DOI: 10.1515/MAMM.2006.024(Journal) (3989695-N ) DOI: 10.1515/mamm.70.1-2.170(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2015-03-10 12:41:17.0 ConfID: 3989696 CauseID: 1377191464 OtherID: 1376061103 JT: Mammalia MD: Albayrak, 70 ,1-2,null,2006,Karyotype of Miniopterus schreibersii (Kuhl, 1819) in Turkey (Chiroptera) / Le caryotype de Miniopterus schreibersii (Kuhl, 1819) en Turquie (Chiroptera) DOI: 10.1515/MAMM.2006.022(Journal) (3989696-N ) DOI: 10.1515/mamm.70.1-2.177(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2015-03-10 12:41:17.0 ConfID: 3989697 CauseID: 1377191464 OtherID: 1376061103 JT: Mammalia MD: Bannikova, 70 ,1-2,null,2006,Phylogeny and systematics of the Crocidura suaveolens species group: corroboration and controversy between nuclear and mitochondrial DNA markers / Phylogénie et systématique du groupe d''espèces Crocidura suaveolens: coordination et contradiction des marqueurs nucléaire et mitochondriaux de l''ADN DOI: 10.1515/MAMM.2006.011(Journal) (3989697-N ) DOI: 10.1515/mamm.70.1-2.106(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2015-03-10 12:41:17.0 ConfID: 3989698 CauseID: 1377191464 OtherID: 1376061103 JT: Mammalia MD: Wakefield, 70 ,1-2,null,2006,Activity patterns, sex ratio, and group size of mountain gazelle, Gazella gazella , during waterhole use in central Saudi Arabia / Patrons d''activití sex ratio, taille des groupes de la Gazelle des montagnes ( Gazella gazella ) pendant I''usage des trous d''eau en Arabie centrale DOI: 10.1515/MAMM.2006.029(Journal) (3989698-N ) DOI: 10.1515/mamm.70.1-2.163(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2015-03-10 12:41:17.0 ConfID: 3989699 CauseID: 1377191464 OtherID: 1376061103 JT: Mammalia MD: Araripe, 70 ,1-2,null,2006,Comparative analysis of life-history traits in two species of C alomys (Rodentia: Sigmodontinae) in captivity / Analyse comparative des traits d''histoire de vie de deux espèces de Calomys (Rodentia: Sigmodontinae) en captivité DOI: 10.1515/MAMM.2006.001(Journal) (3989699-N ) DOI: 10.1515/mamm.70.1-2.2(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2015-03-10 12:41:17.0 ConfID: 3989700 CauseID: 1377191464 OtherID: 1376061103 JT: Mammalia MD: null, 70 ,1-2,null,2006,Analyse d''ouvrages – Book reviews DOI: 10.1515/MAMM.2006.034(Journal) (3989700-N ) DOI: 10.1515/mamm.70.1-2.179(Journal)